Russia: Rebel Base Bombed (1 Viewer)

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Let It All Bleed Out
I'm thinking that most of these are primary blast injury deaths (except for the ones in the bomb/missile craters): secondary blast injuries would have meant that shrapnel/frag bombs were used and we'd be seeing much more visible damage to these bodies after an aerial bombardment. I'm sure that the Russian fighter pilots fired in a good dose of ordnance on these guys, but only a few bodies show evidence that an aerial attack even took place.

We do see a few small facial cuts and scrapes (probably from flying bits of wood) but more importantly we see bleeding from the nose, eyes and/or ears on several of the dead: a bang on tell-tale sign of internal head injury and probably internal organ damage.

Those that do show severe body/head trauma are still lying in the crater of the ordnance that killed them: direct hits and showing obvious cause of death - blown up (or as we say in Canada, "They got blowed up reeaall good!"

From what I've read, I don't think that Russian ground troops were involved in this particular attack - just air force - with, as Blunda mentioned, soldiers moving in afterwards to mop up any left overs, confiscate the weapons/intel, body count/removal and take happy-time photos.


Supporter of Sun - Dog
Short Bussed
I like this one


Looks creepy.


Set 10.

26. The #10 tag went to this guy who seems to have a tree fall on him (which he did).
View attachment 51443

View attachment 51444

View attachment 51445
Dude,i think the leader was Emir Abdullayev,i used to read about the different emirs.The Russians systematically hunted and killed almost all of them,some by poison letters(Emir Khattab)assassinated(Basaev)but they were all killers and terrorists who needed killing. Good post dude