bizarre Russian avoids conscription by breaking leg (1 Viewer)

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Forum Veteran
I can't wait to see the end of humanity. The problem of humanity is that it cannot accept the reality of its predatory nature and lives in a fantasy world of perfect goodness, benevolence, and meaning. Life has only one purpose, three goals and one method. The purpose is to survive as long as possible. The goals are to eat, fuck and sleep. The method is to dominate by all means available, killing at the lowers level, manipulation at the highest.
There are other means to survival. Cooperation is one. Humans are a social species. Without other humans, you wouldn't survive very long out in the real wild, where other predators are much bigger and much meaner than humans, and with a lot more physical capabilities.

Thinking capacity is another means of survival. Without the higher level intelligence of humans, our relatively weak, slow, and unprotected physical bodies wouldn't allow us to survive.

Trees. Trees aren't predators. They don't go around raping and killing. Yet, they are extremely prolific. They survive and grow based on cooperation with other trees, and with fungi. Their root systems are extremely.complex, and they share resources between each tree through the root system. They also get most of their nutrients from fungi that are attached to their roots. And in return, the tree supplies the fungi with much-needed sugars.

The fungi get the minerals by literally drilling into tiny little pebbles of rocks. And other nutrients by infecting certain insects. Which they then feed into the trees' roots. The trees produce sugar, and feed it back to the fungi.

It's called "symbiosis," and is a hell of a lot more successful of a method of survival than outright killing competitions.


Forum Veteran
Yeah that's kinda the issue right there. It's a big fuck you stick with every major cities name on it.
Oh yes. All these articles like "Ukraine's rag tag army beating the Russian aggressor back" are so pig ignorant it beggars belief.

Russia, although a shadow of it's former CCCP self is still a ferociously armed country with a vast military and a real threat to NATO should it so desire.

Fuck knows how many boomers it has silently wandering the deep too.

Putin has been the very picture of discretion over Ukraine. His attacks are measured and minimal. At any time he could up the ante and no matter how that joke in the army T shirts spins it he's fucked.
There are other means to survival. Cooperation is one. Humans are a social species. Without other humans, you wouldn't survive very long out in the real wild, where other predators are much bigger and much meaner than humans, and with a lot more physical capabilities.

Thinking capacity is another means of survival. Without the higher level intelligence of humans, our relatively weak, slow, and unprotected physical bodies wouldn't allow us to survive.

Trees. Trees aren't predators. They don't go around raping and killing. Yet, they are extremely prolific. They survive and grow based on cooperation with other trees, and with fungi. Their root systems are extremely.complex, and they share resources between each tree through the root system. They also get most of their nutrients from fungi that are attached to their roots. And in return, the tree supplies the fungi with much-needed sugars.

The fungi get the minerals by literally drilling into tiny little pebbles of rocks. And other nutrients by infecting certain insects. Which they then feed into the trees' roots. The trees produce sugar, and feed it back to the fungi.

It's called "symbiosis," and is a hell of a lot more successful of a method of survival than outright killing competitions.
That makes sense to me. I provide food for my wife and she lets me provide her with semen. Is that that what you're talking about here?


Forum Veteran
The attachment says Page cannot be found, but I imagined a Russian breaking his own leg and it was pretty cool.
There was a clip of a Russian woman getting her boy friend to smash her knee so she could get a prescription for opioids a while ago. They sure are stoic...


Master Baiter..... 🎣🎣🎣
There are other means to survival. Cooperation is one. Humans are a social species. Without other humans, you wouldn't survive very long out in the real wild, where other predators are much bigger and much meaner than humans, and with a lot more physical capabilities.

Thinking capacity is another means of survival. Without the higher level intelligence of humans, our relatively weak, slow, and unprotected physical bodies wouldn't allow us to survive.

Trees. Trees aren't predators. They don't go around raping and killing. Yet, they are extremely prolific. They survive and grow based on cooperation with other trees, and with fungi. Their root systems are extremely.complex, and they share resources between each tree through the root system. They also get most of their nutrients from fungi that are attached to their roots. And in return, the tree supplies the fungi with much-needed sugars.

The fungi get the minerals by literally drilling into tiny little pebbles of rocks. And other nutrients by infecting certain insects. Which they then feed into the trees' roots. The trees produce sugar, and feed it back to the fungi.

It's called "symbiosis," and is a hell of a lot more successful of a method of survival than outright killing competitions.
Are you seriously comparing trees to humans 🤦‍♂️ you do realise humans can't survive the same way trees do right?

Jeez your stupidity knows no bounds 😬🤣

And humans have to kill other species to survive, if we didn't kill we wouldn't be able to survive