Send no art exhibitions to Australia. We cannot trust our people any more... (2 Viewers)

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Yer can Bollocks M8
Should have poured petrol on their clothes then lit a match, see how long it takes them to become unstuck.


Forum Veteran

Nathan Explosion

Absolute wankers and an embarrassment to the country. Maybe they're right, but I ain't fucking listening. These plebs also glue themselves to roads to block traffic. What makes them think these 'protests' will do anything to attract people to their cause? And isn't super glue a petrochemical? So on an individual level aren't they contributing as much as anyone to global warming? They probably think it's flat too, which is why they use the term climate change instead. I'd wanna slap one of em and then stand just out of reach.

Venture _Capitalist

situational awareness instructor
I would have been hard pressed not to belt these two mental dwarfs...

But then of course I would be the one charged and accused of being a 'toxic masculinity cis man'...

The problem is that the Aus judiciary is so woke they found a woman not guilty of stopping her car in the middle of Sydney Harbour Bridge the other day with her head locked to the steering wheel with a steering lock.

Because, wait for it, she had PTSD from 'climate change anxiety'...

I'd have been tempted to set fire to the car. Just for GG lol's. Lol Lol Lol...

And film and post of course...
toxic masculinity.jpg