Shocked Europeans Post Astronomical Energy Bills As 'Terrifying Winter' Approaches (1 Viewer)

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Fresh Meat
Over the past week, shocked Europeans - mostly in the UK and Ireland - have been posting viral photos of shockingly high energy bills amid the ongoing (and worsening) energy crisis.

Several of the posts were from small business owners who getting absolutely crushed right now, and won't be able to remain operational much longer.

One such owner is Geraldine Dolan, who owns the Poppyfields cafe in Athlone, Ireland - and was charged nearly €10,000 (US$10,021) for just over two months of energy usage.

View attachment 610419

as an American who might've been forced into a vax to keep my job, and current schooling etc. situations, the only thing I'd manufacture as an American would be is my middle finger raised, I'd rather watch my country, USA, and its Gov. burn. Russia needs not to worry, (unless they have plans to supply the American Rebels) Plenty of friction in USA, give it another year if that, USA will be in a Civil War 2, China can move on Tiwan etc., and Russia could take Europe then, just don't attack the USA, let it run its path, while you create your own world order.


Forum Veteran
That's the UK GOVERNMENT not the citizens. We don't get a fecking choice to what the government choose to support or not support. It's outta order.
So why aren’t you people out protesting then?

Funny how the only gatherings I ever see are pro Ukraine and by the thousands no less.

Come on let’s see the protests. The same way you Euros come out by the hundreds of thousands to protest against Israel every summer when there’s an escalation with the Pali fuckers.

I’ll wait.


Hope Mojo dies
What in The Flyin Fuck is going on in the UK? How can they get away with that?
I don't understand! Can anyone on the Site from the UK explain WTF is happening over there???
Food ,fuel energy evry fucking thing under the sun is going up. I knew this would happen after the country spent a trillion or so on that Covid con. In simple terms they all want the money back thay have lost. Take no notice of whatever other bullshit excuses they are pumping out.
The big dogs wanted this way.... We can blame on the ua-ru war, we can blame on drought, we can blame on Mother Liza the Curly eared panda bear not giving birth, but big dogs wanted this way..............
Part 2 of the Covid plan.


Another clown in power, another one not in touch with reality teaching or is that preaching to us that we should be grateful that she is our leader .
Agreed. Apropos of nothing, until seeing your profile pic I'd not realised that young Frank Sinatra on a thumbnail is a dead ringer for young Gary Numan


Forum Veteran
Over the past week, shocked Europeans - mostly in the UK and Ireland - have been posting viral photos of shockingly high energy bills amid the ongoing (and worsening) energy crisis.

Several of the posts were from small business owners who getting absolutely crushed right now, and won't be able to remain operational much longer.

One such owner is Geraldine Dolan, who owns the Poppyfields cafe in Athlone, Ireland - and was charged nearly €10,000 (US$10,021) for just over two months of energy usage.

View attachment 610419

Luckily we in Aus plan to ban anymore fossil fuel mines and run our economy of fairy dust...


We are Kings
Luckily we in Aus plan to ban anymore fossil fuel mines and run our economy of fairy dust...
That's the rub, the politicians are full of shit. WA claims to be short on gas for residential sector. I'm balls deep in my super and personal cash with WA gas explorers in the Perth basin, the largest one there, STX, is about to be bought out by either Gina Reinhart (Hancock) or Chris Ellison from Mineral resources. Gina just bought WGO next door. They're going to use all of it for their own mines and processing, it's cheap gas when you own it all. We sold a little bit to Santos and they sold it to western Australian domestic supply. There's plenty of gas. If the billionaires can buy it to burn rocks, there is a shortage of nothing. There is a considerable amount of money to be made here, even for the average Joe. 60% at the least. Fuck the greens, the show goes on. Mining will never be banned, if fact, dozens are coming online this year and it's easy money if you're not some tree hugging faggot.


silent ghost
our electric bill just went up an extra 30%. my $100 a month bill just went to $130. how do you justify that? glad the house doesnt run on propane and oil anymore,but natural gas. so much cheaper. but thats even creeping up.


That's the rub, the politicians are full of shit. WA claims to be short on gas for residential sector. I'm balls deep in my super and personal cash with WA gas explorers in the Perth basin, the largest one there, STX, is about to be bought out by either Gina Reinhart (Hancock) or Chris Ellison from Mineral resources. Gina just bought WGO next door. They're going to use all of it for their own mines and processing, it's cheap gas when you own it all. We sold a little bit to Santos and they sold it to western Australian domestic supply. There's plenty of gas. If the billionaires can buy it to burn rocks, there is a shortage of nothing. There is a considerable amount of money to be made here, even for the average Joe. 60% at the least. Fuck the greens, the show goes on. Mining will never be banned, if fact, dozens are coming online this year and it's easy money if you're not some tree hugging faggot.
Sorry to use the really faggy term but didnt you - literally -just have "i will burn this planet" as your header? Little suspicious. Coulda been someone else i guess..

Venture _Capitalist

situational awareness instructor
Simple answer is it's all a giant fucking scam. The UK is so desperate to be seen as the most virtuous, woke place on Earth (you know, to apologise for the fact we all owned slaves until 2010) that the government pursue virtue signalling above all else; they have basically destroyed any capacity we havme to provide energy for ourselves by jumping headlong into the 'Net Zero' bullshit which we are 30 years away from being ready for. MPs pretend to give a fuck but why should they when they earn £90k a year or so for about 6 months work

Oh and of course how could I forgot the UK's response to Covid; "A mild cold you say? Well boys, time to shut the entire economy down for 18 months straight and give the public no right to protest about it. No Steve, it WON'T being the place to a fucking standstill when we have to somehow replace the money - get the papers drafted"
covid is the flu with a good pr team

Greta and Zukensky will be the end of Europe
greta cock 1.jpg


silent ghost
prices are being raised without a REAL reason (because its bullshit as usual with the u.s. govt). but yet pushing for ev's and green this and green that,new green deal,lets go green america, blahblahblahblahblah....! so. pushing ev's and rising rates along with the fact theres not enough power to keep things going as it is,but push the ev's. oh.. and pushing the solar agenda also with these huge rebates. but have no money in the govt kitty.
see how contradictory this whole thing is? its bigger than most people realize.