Some people seem peculiarly predisposed to murder for no clear reason, could this be a partially spiritual phenomenon? (2 Viewers)

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In the world we live in right now, it is suitable to carry empathy… but the world is kind of like a box made of fat-wood stuffed to the brim with magnesium shavings. Once it goes up no amount of dousing the flames with water will work until the combustion has run its course. The world will soon accommodate the boogeymen instead, and we will take what we please from the weak once more as we always should have been free to do. Darwinism is rapping at the gates after decades of being held back… allowing the weak and the spineless to proliferate and poison entire societies. Not much longer
Research shows that some individuals have a strong desire to incite chaos when they perceive themselves to be marginalized by society. These individuals tend to see chaos as a way to invert the power structure and gain social status in the process. Need for Chaos is highly correlated with, but distinct from, status-oriented personality traits such as the Dark Triad of Machia-vellianism, Psychopathy and Narcissism. In contrast, status-oriented individuals have consistently been found to engage in so-called 'system-justification' when deprivation is absent.

Fight evil with evil-under-the-guise-of-good? Is that what you mean? A form of meliorism by subterfuge, perhaps?

Regarding current gender theory, as far I can trace its contemporary lineage, it appears to have grown from a bastardization of two ideas: first, Simon de Beauvoir's use of the term "gender" in The Second Sex", wherein she utilized the term to describe how women can use their imposed societal roles to meet and achieve their needs given women's societal limitations, and second, Judith Butler's theory of "gender performativity", wherein she described gender as an action, not a noun (e.g., gender is what you do; it is not what you are). Taken together, contemporary "gender queer" theorists have taken both ideas and corrupted them to mean several contradictory things, namely, that gender does not exist; gender does exist but is malleable; gender exists, but on a spectrum rather than on binary scale; gender is how you act (e.g., if you act "female", then you are female"); gender and sex are not synonymous; gender and sex are not necessarily, but can be, synonymous; etc. It is a hodge-podge of self-serving theorizing and postulating. They do, however, make use of certain historical and anthropological precedents, such as that which you drew reference to (and including certain American Indian conceptions of gender, as well as other assorted examples from disparate world cultures, both past and present), in order to bolster their arguments, while completely negating the fact that exceptions do not prove the rule. Needless to say, I agree very very little with any of it.
Most of society has a conscience that puts moral constraints on its behavior. So you need the narcissistic to be the ones to protect against evil since they use self-deception to make them believe what they are doing is for the good. Meliorism is thinking that you know what's the best for everyone. I'm talking about the psychological mentality to believe you are good even tho you use evil to destroy evil thus making you evil. They use scapegoating to deny their sins against society. They destroy others in the name of evil instead of focusing on destroying the evil inside them. Their actions arent necessarily to make the world a better place but to make a world where their image is perfect.

The Kybalion contains the principles of Gender which was published in 1908. It gathered ancient texts from Hermes.

The word "Gender" is derived from the Latin root meaning "to beget; to procreate; to generate; to create; to produce." The word has a much broader and more general meaning than the term "Sex," the latter referring to the physical distinctions between male and female living things. Sex is merely an organic manifestation of Gender on a physical plane. Remember, growth means constant adaptation, not stagnation.
Do not criticize or judge others for you don't know what their lessons are, where they're coming from, or where they are going. All beings have their own paths.
Your actions and conduct should meet high ethics and morals.
Your attitudes, opinions, and points of view must balance out. Try to understand the other person's perspective.
You should become an observer of life. Do not become caught up in events, but separate your awareness from them. Know that nothing happens by coincidence. You are to learn from experiences, and you cannot learn unless you can rise above the purely physical and material effects of experiences; rise above the emotions and attitudes generated.

Lead as an example by style, quality, dignity, and character of living.
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Might makes right seems to be the only real truth. The Victor's will write the history books. Of course we have been lucky, and the good guys have written the history books in many cases, but violence is always a valid tool is the real truth, and in some of those subcases the reason why people will fantasize about murder. My two cents.


Fresh Meat
Try using words.

If words fail to do your experience justice, feel free to scrawl something with crayons, and upload the image.
I was going to say my thoughts became very biblical. But idk if thats the word. At one point I thought I was looking at Adam and Eve in the garden and watching them interact with each other, but in my mind. but it could've just been the acid trying to send me a message through my own subconscious.


I don’t know why I wish to kill. I did not choose this drive, the thoughts, the urges. I was not abused in any way and had a happy, stable childhood with two parents who are still happily together to this day. I don’t kill animals, and never felt compelled to do so. I didn’t even start fires as a little kid. I did wet the bed chronically until I was about 11 or 12. Anyway…what I feel is natural. Not saying it’s good or bad, it’s not pretty or ugly, it just is. I do not feel guilt for what I wish to do, or remorse. Why would I? I do not feel shame when I stare at the pretty waitress, fantasizing about putting her in enough physical and emotional trauma to fucking worship me before I end her life and fuck the body…I am not a slave to manufactured guilt. My violent instinct is pure, enigmatic, brilliant, and I treat it like a gift with which I was blessed.

Bruno Puntz Jones

Forum Veteran
Why can't it be reified? We have done it with race. Humanity has brought the idea of there being multiple races which in some species there are but not in the human species. The human race is biologically singular with differences of tones determined by melanin. So if that false belief is allowed to permeate society why can't the gender role be just as fluid? It's merely society choosing its "Truths" without it being limited by the definition of Truth.

(I didn't see this part of your post earlier.)

In theory, gender theories can be reified. I just wrote an essay recently arguing something similar. Society can and does reify popularly held beliefs through the tyranny of numbers. The example you offered regarding race is good one. It is also a scientifically well-founded one, and was also a morally well-founded one antedating the science. Unfortunately for gender theory, its basis is not scientific. Unfortunately as well, gender theory's hold on the popular consciousness has been abating over the last 2 or 3 years. People are no longer entertaining self-identification of gender as readily they were a few years ago, and they are especially not entertaining people's self-identified "trans" statuses. We can see this in the medical establishments of the West pulling back on the reigns of gender clinics and gender reassignment surgeries, as it feels more and more of the brunt of public push-back; as well as having the benefits of medical gender transitions called to task in longitudinal scientific studies that do not validate its benefit in the numbers they were initially believe to be. The initial popular acceptance of "transness" came on the coattails of the homosexual community and the social strides they have made since the 80s, but especially in the 2000s with the legalization of gay marriage in many states, and was a popular compassionate response to a historically marginalized people. Unfortunately again, larger and larger number of homosexuals want nothing to do with "trans" people, as they disagree with the theories as well. For example, the gender theory that asserts that one's genitals do not define their gender, nor even their sex, completely contradicts the sexual basis of homosexuality. What happens to lesbianism when the same-sex attraction to women's genitals is invalidated by an absence of definitional womanhood?

The entire phenomenon appears to be slowly collapsing as people begin to realize that there is more at play, psychologically, in the minds of self-identifying "trans" people - more than just believing they are "born in the wrong body". Because of this, prescribing testosterone and estrogen to confused, lonely, pubescent, often autistic, gender theory inculcated teenagers, does not alleviate the underlying symptoms that influence their social, sexual, and bodily discomfort. And here I must draw a delineation between true trans people who live with and suffer from valid gender dysphoria, and those so-called "trans" people who merely wish they were something other than boring old hetero- homo-, or bisexual. In the U.S., the vast majority of these people are middle-class and white, and buy into the white guilt narrative that places them at the bottom of a social hierarchy based on lingering perceived wrongs committed by Europeans and European-Americans of centuries past. How to evade such white guilt and culpability for such perceived wrongs? Answer: make one's self a minority. Voila! You are now "trans". Yay! Up the social hierarchy you go. You ae no longer low ranked, and no longer as culpable for perceived historical wrongs because you no longer identify with the putative historical evil of while male hegemony. But back to verifiable trans people, whose psychological malady has been co-opted, their status should be validated and accepted societally; unfortunately, the trans-trenders are hurting their cause. What is lovely about true trans people is that their existence does not rely on gender theory for validation. Gender dysphoria defines and validates their existence scientifically and psychologically, and let no gender theory or philosophy taint that. When all is said and done, I hope they come out on top.


Fresh Meat
(I didn't see this part of your post earlier.)

In theory, gender theories can be reified. I just wrote an essay recently arguing something similar. Society can and does reify popularly held beliefs through the tyranny of numbers. The example you offered regarding race is good one. It is also a scientifically well-founded one, and was also a morally well-founded one antedating the science. Unfortunately for gender theory, its basis is not scientific. Unfortunately as well, gender theory's hold on the popular consciousness has been abating over the last 2 or 3 years. People are no longer entertaining self-identification of gender as readily they were a few years ago, and they are especially not entertaining people's self-identified "trans" statuses. We can see this in the medical establishments of the West pulling back on the reigns of gender clinics and gender reassignment surgeries, as it feels more and more of the brunt of public push-back; as well as having the benefits of medical gender transitions called to task in longitudinal scientific studies that do not validate its benefit in the numbers they were initially believe to be. The initial popular acceptance of "transness" came on the coattails of the homosexual community and the social strides they have made since the 80s, but especially in the 2000s with the legalization of gay marriage in many states, and was a popular compassionate response to a historically marginalized people. Unfortunately again, larger and larger number of homosexuals want nothing to do with "trans" people, as they disagree with the theories as well. For example, the gender theory that asserts that one's genitals do not define their gender, nor even their sex, completely contradicts the sexual basis of homosexuality. What happens to lesbianism when the same-sex attraction to women's genitals is invalidated by an absence of definitional womanhood?

The entire phenomenon appears to be slowly collapsing as people begin to realize that there is more at play, psychologically, in the minds of self-identifying "trans" people - more than just believing they are "born in the wrong body". Because of this, prescribing testosterone and estrogen to confused, lonely, pubescent, often autistic, gender theory inculcated teenagers, does not alleviate the underlying symptoms that influence their social, sexual, and bodily discomfort. And here I must draw a delineation between true trans people who live with and suffer from valid gender dysphoria, and those so-called "trans" people who merely wish they were something other than boring old hetero- homo-, or bisexual. In the U.S., the vast majority of these people are middle-class and white, and buy into the white guilt narrative that places them at the bottom of a social hierarchy based on lingering perceived wrongs committed by Europeans and European-Americans of centuries past. How to evade such white guilt and culpability for such perceived wrongs? Answer: make one's self a minority. Voila! You are now "trans". Yay! Up the social hierarchy you go. You ae no longer low ranked, and no longer as culpable for perceived historical wrongs because you no longer identify with the putative historical evil of while male hegemony. But back to verifiable trans people, whose psychological malady has been co-opted, their status should be validated and accepted societally; unfortunately, the trans-trenders are hurting their cause. What is lovely about true trans people is that their existence does not rely on gender theory for validation. Gender dysphoria defines and validates their existence scientifically and psychologically, and let no gender theory or philosophy taint that. When all is said and done, I hope they come out on top.
yeah fuck all that gender bullshit, John Money the pedophile did some fucked up shit in the name of "gender research". only dick and vagina. thats it. ya.


(I didn't see this part of your post earlier.)

In theory, gender theories can be reified. I just wrote an essay recently arguing something similar. Society can and does reify popularly held beliefs through the tyranny of numbers. The example you offered regarding race is good one. It is also a scientifically well-founded one, and was also a morally well-founded one antedating the science. Unfortunately for gender theory, its basis is not scientific. Unfortunately as well, gender theory's hold on the popular consciousness has been abating over the last 2 or 3 years. People are no longer entertaining self-identification of gender as readily they were a few years ago, and they are especially not entertaining people's self-identified "trans" statuses. We can see this in the medical establishments of the West pulling back on the reigns of gender clinics and gender reassignment surgeries, as it feels more and more of the brunt of public push-back; as well as having the benefits of medical gender transitions called to task in longitudinal scientific studies that do not validate its benefit in the numbers they were initially believe to be. The initial popular acceptance of "transness" came on the coattails of the homosexual community and the social strides they have made since the 80s, but especially in the 2000s with the legalization of gay marriage in many states, and was a popular compassionate response to a historically marginalized people. Unfortunately again, larger and larger number of homosexuals want nothing to do with "trans" people, as they disagree with the theories as well. For example, the gender theory that asserts that one's genitals do not define their gender, nor even their sex, completely contradicts the sexual basis of homosexuality. What happens to lesbianism when the same-sex attraction to women's genitals is invalidated by an absence of definitional womanhood?

The entire phenomenon appears to be slowly collapsing as people begin to realize that there is more at play, psychologically, in the minds of self-identifying "trans" people - more than just believing they are "born in the wrong body". Because of this, prescribing testosterone and estrogen to confused, lonely, pubescent, often autistic, gender theory inculcated teenagers, does not alleviate the underlying symptoms that influence their social, sexual, and bodily discomfort. And here I must draw a delineation between true trans people who live with and suffer from valid gender dysphoria, and those so-called "trans" people who merely wish they were something other than boring old hetero- homo-, or bisexual. In the U.S., the vast majority of these people are middle-class and white, and buy into the white guilt narrative that places them at the bottom of a social hierarchy based on lingering perceived wrongs committed by Europeans and European-Americans of centuries past. How to evade such white guilt and culpability for such perceived wrongs? Answer: make one's self a minority. Voila! You are now "trans". Yay! Up the social hierarchy you go. You ae no longer low ranked, and no longer as culpable for perceived historical wrongs because you no longer identify with the putative historical evil of while male hegemony. But back to verifiable trans people, whose psychological malady has been co-opted, their status should be validated and accepted societally; unfortunately, the trans-trenders are hurting their cause. What is lovely about true trans people is that their existence does not rely on gender theory for validation. Gender dysphoria defines and validates their existence scientifically and psychologically, and let no gender theory or philosophy taint that. When all is said and done, I hope they come out on top.
I'm not sure where you are getting your trans-surgical transitioning numbers but the data available shows surgeries have tripled in the latest 4 year span. Could be because "Trans" is becoming normalized in society as most things do. Like women used to not work. It was abnormal when they did but people adjusted. It was illegal for inter-racial marriages. But same thing. Gay marriage was illegal. Now it's normalized. All it takes to normalize something is just continued repetition.
There will always be stupid people. Children who are sheltered from experiencing the evils of the outside world will always grow up not being able to comprehend its depth. They will over dramatize their reactions trying to understand something that's impossible to know about. Maybe that's a good thing or maybe not.

For one thing it's difficult to define a homosexual woman because all women have been shown to get sexually aroused when seeing sexual activity no matter the sexes involved. Males generally don't except for the small percentage that have homosexual tendices.
Also how can you label one psychological malady of trans but not label the other as a psychological malady? You don't think someone going thru with a surgery or wanting hormone medications isn't suffering psychologically? And doctors have difficulty diagnosing a difference in the two when the symptoms match the criteria of the trans malady.

Bruno Puntz Jones

Forum Veteran
Also how can you label one psychological malady of trans but not label the other as a psychological malady? You don't think someone going thru with a surgery or wanting hormone medications isn't suffering psychologically? And doctors have difficulty diagnosing a difference in the two when the symptoms match the criteria of the trans malady.
I didn't. But I didn't specify exactly what such "trans trenders" are suffering from because that is also what is being overlooked by clinical professionals who have been readily accepting self-identification.

"[...] that there is more at play, psychologically, in the minds of self-identifying "trans" people - more than just believing they are "born in the wrong body". Because of this, prescribing testosterone and estrogen to confused, lonely, pubescent, often autistic, gender theory inculcated teenagers, does not alleviate the underlying symptoms that influence their social, sexual, and bodily discomfort."


John Money sounds like a male porn star's name. Or maybe a rapper's?

I was going to say my thoughts became very biblical. But idk if thats the word. At one point I thought I was looking at Adam and Eve in the garden and watching them interact with each other, but in my mind. but it could've just been the acid trying to send me a message through my own subconscious.
I thought the same thing almost when I took it. We watched the movie "Event Horizon." And then a storm was coming so everyone left and I was stuck there all by myself. You never want to be left alone with just your acid thoughts with a storm outside. It's insanity. 😂
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certified silly fella
Like what others have already said, I think environmental factors and mental disorders play a big part in why someone might be inclined to murder than someone else. But besides that, the choice to pursue the desire is always a choice. When I was younger, I killed cats as well as birds which led to me keeping bones and skulls within my room. After a conversation with a professional, I actively choose to not indulge in that behaviour as I'd rather not get comfortable with it. Just like how not every mentally ill person will be a killer, not every killer will be mentally ill (but idk bleh :3)

Bruno Puntz Jones

Forum Veteran
"For one thing it's difficult to define a homosexual woman because all women have been shown to get sexually aroused when seeing sexual activity no matter the sexes involved. Males generally don't except for the small percentage that have homosexual tendices."
Sexuality exists on a spectrum. Regardless, lesbians and gay men who are primarily same-sex attracted may still have odd moments of attraction to the opposite sex. Just like virtually every straight person has homosexual thoughts to varying degrees. I think straight men will generally deny that they ever have any homosexual thoughts simply out of fear.


Like what others have already said, I think environmental factors and mental disorders play a big part in why someone might be inclined to murder than someone else. But besides that, the choice to pursue the desire is always a choice. When I was younger, I killed cats as well as birds which led to me keeping bones and skulls within my room. After a conversation with a professional, I actively choose to not indulge in that behaviour as I'd rather not get comfortable with it. Just like how not every mentally ill person will be a killer, not every killer will be mentally ill (but idk bleh :3)
Excuse me? You murdered my fellow brethren?

what space ship did you fall off? cuz on earth murder means deliberately killing a human
what does it mean on your planet?
I think murder is the killing of an innocent human.