Some people seem peculiarly predisposed to murder for no clear reason, could this be a partially spiritual phenomenon? (2 Viewers)

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FR respectfully, serial killers are kinda cringe. killing people is like so 1980's
I will avenge my brethren. I will haunt your nightmares.


im just a silly guy now :3 but no, i've never wet my bed
What about R Kelly's? Hmmmm....

Might makes right seems to be the only real truth. The Victor's will write the history books. Of course we have been lucky, and the good guys have written the history books in many cases, but violence is always a valid tool is the real truth, and in some of those subcases the reason why people will fantasize about murder. My two cents.
How have the good guys written history? So you don't think bad guys could write history and make it so you believe they are good guys?

I didn't. But I didn't specify exactly what such "trans trenders" are suffering from because that is also what is being overlooked by clinical professionals who have been readily accepting self-identification.

"[...] that there is more at play, psychologically, in the minds of self-identifying "trans" people - more than just believing they are "born in the wrong body". Because of this, prescribing testosterone and estrogen to confused, lonely, pubescent, often autistic, gender theory inculcated teenagers, does not alleviate the underlying symptoms that influence their social, sexual, and bodily discomfort."
Maybe it's part of that marginalized society who feels the world needs to burn in order for them to feel as if they have regained power and an identity. šŸ¤·šŸ¼
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Bruno Puntz Jones

Forum Veteran

Evidence regarding my statement: "We can see this in the medical establishments of the West pulling back on the reigns of gender clinics and gender reassignment surgeries" from left, right, and center leaning publications. And there's more than those provided available. Also looking for valid de-transition rates, but thus far I have found numbers ranging from <1% to 25%, to even 30%, however, the academic articles I have found are of dubious credibility considering the overwhelming favor and protection of gender theory on campuses, thus finding scholarly articles that are not biased for or even against trans issues and "trans" issues is difficult. De-transition rates are important because they speak to the efficacy or inefficacy of current medical transition protocols for gender self-identification. There are also many practical considerations when keeping track of de-transitioners. Unfortunately, because those who do de-transition simply stop seeing their doctors, they are therefore not statistically counted as de-transitioners, and their numbers then cannot be assessed for study. As a result, numerous European countries are tightening guidelines, and calling for better longitudinal studies, as those are scant. And I made the error of stating previously that longitudinal studies are the cause of reconsiderations, but I was mistaken; instead, it is an urgent call for evidence-based longitudinal studies on the efficaciousness of gender treatments that is causing the "tightening of the reigns". But, I'm going to keep investigating academic journals and hopefully find hard numbers that do not seem questionable one way or the other. (And though I have a bias in this matter, I don't want to let that influence my findings because I could be wrong about the trends I'm seeing. Though I don't think I am.)

The evidence to support medicalised gender transitions in adolescents is worryingly weak

"Almost all Americaā€™s medical authorities support gender-affirming care. But those in Britain, Finland, France, Norway and Sweden, while supporting talking therapy as a first step, have misgivings about the pharmacological and surgical elements of the treatment. A Finnish review, published in 2020, concluded that gender reassignment in children is ā€œexperimentalā€ and that treatment should seldom proceed beyond talking therapy. Swedish authorities found that the risks of physical interventions ā€œcurrently outweigh the possible benefitsā€ and should only be offered in ā€œexceptional casesā€. In Britain a review led by Hilary Cass, a paediatrician, found that gender-affirming care had developed without ā€œsome of the normal quality controls that are typically applied when new or innovative treatments are introducedā€. In 2022 Franceā€™s National Academy of Medicine advised doctors to proceed with drugs and surgery only with ā€œgreat medical cautionā€ and ā€œthe greatest reserveā€.

Perhaps the biggest question is how many of those given drugs and surgery eventually change their minds and ā€œdetransitionā€, having reconciled themselves with their biological sex. Those who do often face fresh anguish as they come to terms with permanent and visible alterations to their bodies.

Once again, good data are scarce. One problem is that those who abandon a transition are likely to stop talking to their doctors, and so disappear from the figures. The estimates that do exist vary by an order of magnitude or more. Some studies have reported detransition rates as low as 1%. But three papers published in 2021 and 2022, which looked at patients in Britain and in Americaā€™s armed forces, found that between 7% and 30% of them stopped treatment within a few years."

Norway Decides ā€˜Gender Affirming Careā€™ Is ā€˜Not Evidence Basedā€™ (Norwayā€™s guidance on paediatric gender treatment is unsafe, says review)

ā€œNorway is the fourth country to restrict or ban sex change surgeries, hormones and puberty blockers for children. Finland, Sweden and the UK have found that there is insufficient evidence that the benefits of cross sex hormones, surgeries, and puberty blockers outweigh the costs for children.ā€

"Why the Tavistock gender identity clinic was forced to shut ... and what happens next"

ā€œOn 28 July 2022, NHS England announced its intention to close Gids. It would be replaced, initially, by two new regional services ā€“ one in London, the other in north-west England. They would follow a very different model of care, offering more ā€œholistic treatmentā€, ā€œa range of pathwaysā€, and with the primary intervention being ā€œpsychological supportā€ ā€“ not medication. NHS England confirmed on 12 March that puberty blockers would not be available going forward because there was not enough evidence to support their safety or clinical effectiveness. Blockers will not be prescribed on the NHS unless and until a research trial has been established.ā€

Increasing Number Of European Nations Adopt A More Cautious Approach To Gender-Affirming Care Among Minors

"But caution with respect to gender-affirming care for minors may be warranted, as European experience indicates. A series of Europe-based systematic reviews of evidence for the benefits and risks of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones have shown a low certainty of benefits. Specifically, longitudinal data collected and analyzed by public health authorities in Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands and England have concluded that the risk-benefit ratio of youth gender transition ranges from unknown to unfavorable.

As a result, across Europe there has been a gradual shift from care which prioritizes access to pharmaceutical and surgical interventions, to a less medicalized and more conservative approach that addresses possible psychiatric comorbidities and explores the developmental etiology of trans identity."

The real story on Europeā€™s transgender debate
Europeans are reconsidering standards of care, but arenā€™t nearly as hostile to treatment as many Republicans in the U.S.

"But a POLITICO review of the state of care for transgender people in Europe found more nuance than Republicans critics like Hunt and Bailey often portray. While Europeans are debating who should get care and when, only Russia has banned the practice. The reassessment of standards in some European countries has aimed to tighten eligibility for gender-affirming care, but also sought to expand research studies including minors."

Trans Healthcare is Collapsing in Ireland


Forum Veteran
There exists a certain chunk of murderers out there that murder simply because they like how it makes them feel, and often because they had already wanted to since a young age. I first fantasized about this at age 14 myself. Does anyone else think that there is a spiritual component to that nagging desire to murder? If the soul exists, then wouldnā€™t it make sense for some to be blacker than others? As someone who struggles with a sort of duality (yes, believe it or not I have a nice side.. šŸ™„) I have begun to think that maybe it really is something you inherit, or are born with to some degree. Something you carry with you that you were always going to carry. Be it the mark of cain or demonic possession, there is something something intangibly mysterious and ancient about that desire.
I think you might find the vast majority of murderers are spiritually bereft, and therefore this is often one of the main things that drives their anti-social ideal systems and actions. Part of a complete and aware human spiritual experience involves connection with the collective unconscious, and movement away from the ego as a centralised life direction.



Evidence regarding my statement: "We can see this in the medical establishments of the West pulling back on the reigns of gender clinics and gender reassignment surgeries" from left, right, and center leaning publications. And there's more than those provided available. Also looking for valid de-transition rates, but thus far I have found numbers ranging from <1% to 25%, to even 30%, however, the academic articles I have found are of dubious credibility considering the overwhelming favor and protection of gender theory on campuses, thus finding scholarly articles that are not biased for or even against trans issues and "trans" issues is difficult. De-transition rates are important because they speak to the efficacy or inefficacy of current medical transition protocols for gender self-identification. There are also many practical considerations when keeping track of de-transitioners. Unfortunately, because those who do de-transition simply stop seeing their doctors, they are therefore not statistically counted as de-transitioners, and their numbers then cannot be assessed for study. As a result, numerous European countries are tightening guidelines, and calling for better longitudinal studies, as those are scant. And I made the error of stating previously that longitudinal studies are the cause of reconsiderations, but I was mistaken; instead, it is an urgent call for evidence-based longitudinal studies on the efficaciousness of gender treatments that is causing the "tightening of the reigns". But, I'm going to keep investigating academic journals and hopefully find hard numbers that do not seem questionable one way or the other. (And though I have a bias in this matter, I don't want to let that influence my findings because I could be wrong about the trends I'm seeing. Though I don't think I am.)

The evidence to support medicalised gender transitions in adolescents is worryingly weak

"Almost all Americaā€™s medical authorities support gender-affirming care. But those in Britain, Finland, France, Norway and Sweden, while supporting talking therapy as a first step, have misgivings about the pharmacological and surgical elements of the treatment. A Finnish review, published in 2020, concluded that gender reassignment in children is ā€œexperimentalā€ and that treatment should seldom proceed beyond talking therapy. Swedish authorities found that the risks of physical interventions ā€œcurrently outweigh the possible benefitsā€ and should only be offered in ā€œexceptional casesā€. In Britain a review led by Hilary Cass, a paediatrician, found that gender-affirming care had developed without ā€œsome of the normal quality controls that are typically applied when new or innovative treatments are introducedā€. In 2022 Franceā€™s National Academy of Medicine advised doctors to proceed with drugs and surgery only with ā€œgreat medical cautionā€ and ā€œthe greatest reserveā€.

Perhaps the biggest question is how many of those given drugs and surgery eventually change their minds and ā€œdetransitionā€, having reconciled themselves with their biological sex. Those who do often face fresh anguish as they come to terms with permanent and visible alterations to their bodies.

Once again, good data are scarce. One problem is that those who abandon a transition are likely to stop talking to their doctors, and so disappear from the figures. The estimates that do exist vary by an order of magnitude or more. Some studies have reported detransition rates as low as 1%. But three papers published in 2021 and 2022, which looked at patients in Britain and in Americaā€™s armed forces, found that between 7% and 30% of them stopped treatment within a few years."

Norway Decides ā€˜Gender Affirming Careā€™ Is ā€˜Not Evidence Basedā€™ (Norwayā€™s guidance on paediatric gender treatment is unsafe, says review)

ā€œNorway is the fourth country to restrict or ban sex change surgeries, hormones and puberty blockers for children. Finland, Sweden and the UK have found that there is insufficient evidence that the benefits of cross sex hormones, surgeries, and puberty blockers outweigh the costs for children.ā€

"Why the Tavistock gender identity clinic was forced to shut ... and what happens next"

ā€œOn 28 July 2022, NHS England announced its intention to close Gids. It would be replaced, initially, by two new regional services ā€“ one in London, the other in north-west England. They would follow a very different model of care, offering more ā€œholistic treatmentā€, ā€œa range of pathwaysā€, and with the primary intervention being ā€œpsychological supportā€ ā€“ not medication. NHS England confirmed on 12 March that puberty blockers would not be available going forward because there was not enough evidence to support their safety or clinical effectiveness. Blockers will not be prescribed on the NHS unless and until a research trial has been established.ā€

Increasing Number Of European Nations Adopt A More Cautious Approach To Gender-Affirming Care Among Minors

"But caution with respect to gender-affirming care for minors may be warranted, as European experience indicates. A series of Europe-based systematic reviews of evidence for the benefits and risks of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones have shown a low certainty of benefits. Specifically, longitudinal data collected and analyzed by public health authorities in Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands and England have concluded that the risk-benefit ratio of youth gender transition ranges from unknown to unfavorable.

As a result, across Europe there has been a gradual shift from care which prioritizes access to pharmaceutical and surgical interventions, to a less medicalized and more conservative approach that addresses possible psychiatric comorbidities and explores the developmental etiology of trans identity."

The real story on Europeā€™s transgender debate
Europeans are reconsidering standards of care, but arenā€™t nearly as hostile to treatment as many Republicans in the U.S.

"But a POLITICO review of the state of care for transgender people in Europe found more nuance than Republicans critics like Hunt and Bailey often portray. While Europeans are debating who should get care and when, only Russia has banned the practice. The reassessment of standards in some European countries has aimed to tighten eligibility for gender-affirming care, but also sought to expand research studies including minors."

Trans Healthcare is Collapsing in Ireland
Ok I looked into this nonsense. Read thru the laws passed and proposed. It turns out it's just a political move by government that has ZERO to do with transgenders. Legislators are effectively trying to ban the free circulation of unicorns by legislating a non-issue. They are forcing certain companies to stay in certain states or leave certain states by doing this. Do you know how many transgender surgeries have been performed in the US for anyone under the age of 18 that wasn't a medical necessity? 0. But what the government did was start labeling mastectomy's as gender reassignment surgeries. There have been a handful of these performed but all had their parents with them. So there was no reason for this to even become an issue because it didn't exist as one until they made it appear that way, in order to regulate these unicorns.
Also the reason for the gender reassignment surgeries on adult increasing 3 fold was because insurance companies started to cover the surgeries. Now that the state and federal laws have been changed to regulate the companies the issue has been labeled as over. So now it won't be reported on anymore and will fade into the background.

The government is like a magician. They create a distraction in order to complete their goal.

Bruno Puntz Jones

Forum Veteran
Ok I looked into this nonsense. Read thru the laws passed and proposed. It turns out it's just a political move by government that has ZERO to do with transgenders. Legislators are effectively trying to ban the free circulation of unicorns by legislating a non-issue. They are forcing certain companies to stay in certain states or leave certain states by doing this. Do you know how many transgender surgeries have been performed in the US for anyone under the age of 18 that wasn't a medical necessity? 0. But what the government did was start labeling mastectomy's as gender reassignment surgeries. There have been a handful of these performed but all had their parents with them. So there was no reason for this to even become an issue because it didn't exist as one until they made it appear that way, in order to regulate these unicorns.
Also the reason for the gender reassignment surgeries on adult increasing 3 fold was because insurance companies started to cover the surgeries. Now that the state and federal laws have been changed to regulate the companies the issue has been labeled as over. So now it won't be reported on anymore and will fade into the background.

The government is like a magician. They create a distraction in order to complete their goal.
I'll look into the legal issues you mention. I'd like to understand that aspect. As for what constitutes "medical necessity", well, that is the issue; especially when people are allowed to self-diagnose their problem with minimal professional assessment, or with biased assessment by professionals who simply assent to one's self-diagnosis. Because of the laxity of this medical guidance and oversight, highly impressionable teenagers have been allowed to be go on estrogen and testosterone to lasting effect; the ill-effects of which necessitate unbiased longitudinal study. This is the long term medical issue at stake regarding trans self-identifiers. Truly, what other avenue of medicine allows for self-diagnosis, let alone willfully assents to one's self-diagnosis without question?

And it completely slipped my mind why I have this impression in the first place regarding trans trenders, and that was, and is, from watching interviews with, and confessional self-published videos from, de-transitioners. There are tons and tons and tons of them out there, and they all elaborate on how easily they were able to access powerful hormones/drugs with minimal medical assessment, and with nothing more than their stated desire to begin hormone therapy due to perceived gender dysphoria. They consistently recount that gender dysphoria is not what they were experiencing after all. Instead, the desire to change gender was the result of other factors - a confluence of factors, but not true gender dysphoria. Most of the trenders are females who feel and/or experience several of the following: discomfort in their pubescent bodies; experienced sexual abuse and are uncomfortable with the sexual maturation of their bodies drawing attention to them sexually; are autistic; take gender stereotypes too seriously and believe that because they don't fit them rigidly that they are somehow trans; want to be something other than straight and white, or white and homosexual or bisexual; were inculcated by gender theories and gender-obsessed online communities, especially during the pandemic (a vulnerable time for many young, isolated, and lonely young people); were searching for identity and found a community who explained all their adolescent discomfort to them as a gender-based problem; and probably more reasons that are eluding me at this moment. But the point is that their issues were not gender dysphoria, nor were their issues fixed or fixable by hormone therapy and unnecessary surgery.

These numbers of first-person accounts of de-transitioners are significant, and are continuing to grow because of the laxity of the initial medical assessments. And these transitioners are left with lasting physical and mental effects post-hormone cessation, post-unnecessary mastectomies. There's a lot of regret in these accounts: personal regret, as well as regret that the medical establishment allowed them to "transition" so easily without challenge and thorough therapeutic assessment. It used to be that those people experiencing gender dysphoria, and who sought such transitional hormones and surgeries, were subjected to stringent and prolonged professional assessment, but not any more. And the result is a lot of undue pain, suffering, and regret. This is the ugly end-result of those not suffering from true gender dysphoria who "transition" medically, who are seeking a course of action that is unwarranted and unnecessary, and whose entire course of action in the matter is guided and propagated by online gender-obsessed communities meeting said individuals exhibiting numerous un-diagnosed problems and insecurities. Therapy is needed here, not hormones or mastectomies.

Btw, when you mentioned laws, were you referring to state laws here in the States, or were you referring to laws pertaining to European countries? Or both?


I'll look into the legal issues you mention. I'd like to understand that aspect. As for what constitutes "medical necessity", well, that is the issue; especially when people are allowed to self-diagnose their problem with minimal professional assessment, or with biased assessment by professionals who simply assent to one's self-diagnosis. Because of the laxity of this medical guidance and oversight, highly impressionable teenagers have been allowed to be go on estrogen and testosterone to lasting effect; the ill-effects of which necessitate unbiased longitudinal study. This is the long term medical issue at stake regarding trans self-identifiers. Truly, what other avenue of medicine allows for self-diagnosis, let alone willfully assents to one's self-diagnosis without question?

And it completely slipped my mind why I have this impression in the first place regarding trans trenders, and that was, and is, from watching interviews with, and confessional self-published videos from, de-transitioners. There are tons and tons and tons of them out there, and they all elaborate on how easily they were able to access powerful hormones/drugs with minimal medical assessment, and with nothing more than their stated desire to begin hormone therapy due to perceived gender dysphoria. They consistently recount that gender dysphoria is not what they were experiencing after all. Instead, the desire to change gender was the result of other factors - a confluence of factors, but not true gender dysphoria. Most of the trenders are females who feel and/or experience several of the following: discomfort in their pubescent bodies; experienced sexual abuse and are uncomfortable with the sexual maturation of their bodies drawing attention to them sexually; are autistic; take gender stereotypes too seriously and believe that because they don't fit them rigidly that they are somehow trans; want to be something other than straight and white, or white and homosexual or bisexual; were inculcated by gender theories and gender-obsessed online communities, especially during the pandemic (a vulnerable time for many young, isolated, and lonely young people); were searching for identity and found a community who explained all their adolescent discomfort to them as a gender-based problem; and probably more reasons that are eluding me at this moment. But the point is that their issues were not gender dysphoria, nor were their issues fixed or fixable by hormone therapy and unnecessary surgery.

These numbers of first-person accounts of de-transitioners are significant, and are continuing to grow because of the laxity of the initial medical assessments. And these transitioners are left with lasting physical and mental effects post-hormone cessation, post-unnecessary mastectomies. There's a lot of regret in these accounts: personal regret, as well as regret that the medical establishment allowed them to "transition" so easily without challenge and thorough therapeutic assessment. It used to be that those people experiencing gender dysphoria, and who sought such transitional hormones and surgeries, were subjected to stringent and prolonged professional assessment, but not any more. And the result is a lot of undue pain, suffering, and regret. This is the ugly end-result of those not suffering from true gender dysphoria who "transition" medically, who are seeking a course of action that is unwarranted and unnecessary, and whose entire course of action in the matter is guided and propagated by online gender-obsessed communities meeting said individuals exhibiting numerous un-diagnosed problems and insecurities. Therapy is needed here, not hormones or mastectomies.

Btw, when you mentioned laws, were you referring to state laws here in the States, or were you referring to laws pertaining to European countries? Or both?
The medical issues that were necessities for children under 18 that were gender reassignment surgeries were due to mostly birth defects. There were a couple where the child had his genitals severly burned or an accident had damaged them beyond repair in these instances the parents had no choice but to do the surgery. After these surgeries they had to take hormone blockers and other medications to complete the process because if the child was young enough some of the parents opted to not tell them they were once the opposite sex in order to normalize it. These were the only ones ever done and were listed under medical necessities. All others were performed on people who were 18 or above and made that decision as an independent adult.

I'll look into the legal issues you mention. I'd like to understand that aspect. As for what constitutes "medical necessity", well, that is the issue; especially when people are allowed to self-diagnose their problem with minimal professional assessment, or with biased assessment by professionals who simply assent to one's self-diagnosis. Because of the laxity of this medical guidance and oversight, highly impressionable teenagers have been allowed to be go on estrogen and testosterone to lasting effect; the ill-effects of which necessitate unbiased longitudinal study. This is the long term medical issue at stake regarding trans self-identifiers. Truly, what other avenue of medicine allows for self-diagnosis, let alone willfully assents to one's self-diagnosis without question?

And it completely slipped my mind why I have this impression in the first place regarding trans trenders, and that was, and is, from watching interviews with, and confessional self-published videos from, de-transitioners. There are tons and tons and tons of them out there, and they all elaborate on how easily they were able to access powerful hormones/drugs with minimal medical assessment, and with nothing more than their stated desire to begin hormone therapy due to perceived gender dysphoria. They consistently recount that gender dysphoria is not what they were experiencing after all. Instead, the desire to change gender was the result of other factors - a confluence of factors, but not true gender dysphoria. Most of the trenders are females who feel and/or experience several of the following: discomfort in their pubescent bodies; experienced sexual abuse and are uncomfortable with the sexual maturation of their bodies drawing attention to them sexually; are autistic; take gender stereotypes too seriously and believe that because they don't fit them rigidly that they are somehow trans; want to be something other than straight and white, or white and homosexual or bisexual; were inculcated by gender theories and gender-obsessed online communities, especially during the pandemic (a vulnerable time for many young, isolated, and lonely young people); were searching for identity and found a community who explained all their adolescent discomfort to them as a gender-based problem; and probably more reasons that are eluding me at this moment. But the point is that their issues were not gender dysphoria, nor were their issues fixed or fixable by hormone therapy and unnecessary surgery.

These numbers of first-person accounts of de-transitioners are significant, and are continuing to grow because of the laxity of the initial medical assessments. And these transitioners are left with lasting physical and mental effects post-hormone cessation, post-unnecessary mastectomies. There's a lot of regret in these accounts: personal regret, as well as regret that the medical establishment allowed them to "transition" so easily without challenge and thorough therapeutic assessment. It used to be that those people experiencing gender dysphoria, and who sought such transitional hormones and surgeries, were subjected to stringent and prolonged professional assessment, but not any more. And the result is a lot of undue pain, suffering, and regret. This is the ugly end-result of those not suffering from true gender dysphoria who "transition" medically, who are seeking a course of action that is unwarranted and unnecessary, and whose entire course of action in the matter is guided and propagated by online gender-obsessed communities meeting said individuals exhibiting numerous un-diagnosed problems and insecurities. Therapy is needed here, not hormones or mastectomies.

Btw, when you mentioned laws, were you referring to state laws here in the States, or were you referring to laws pertaining to European countries? Or both?
And when it says teenagers have been prescribed hormone and estrogen, none of the reports say why they were. Doctors prescribe those for a lot of things not just for kids that are trans if any are. There were 4,200 American adolescents that started estrogen or testosterone therapy in 2021 which is about .005395% of the population that's under 18.

I'll look into the legal issues you mention. I'd like to understand that aspect. As for what constitutes "medical necessity", well, that is the issue; especially when people are allowed to self-diagnose their problem with minimal professional assessment, or with biased assessment by professionals who simply assent to one's self-diagnosis. Because of the laxity of this medical guidance and oversight, highly impressionable teenagers have been allowed to be go on estrogen and testosterone to lasting effect; the ill-effects of which necessitate unbiased longitudinal study. This is the long term medical issue at stake regarding trans self-identifiers. Truly, what other avenue of medicine allows for self-diagnosis, let alone willfully assents to one's self-diagnosis without question?

And it completely slipped my mind why I have this impression in the first place regarding trans trenders, and that was, and is, from watching interviews with, and confessional self-published videos from, de-transitioners. There are tons and tons and tons of them out there, and they all elaborate on how easily they were able to access powerful hormones/drugs with minimal medical assessment, and with nothing more than their stated desire to begin hormone therapy due to perceived gender dysphoria. They consistently recount that gender dysphoria is not what they were experiencing after all. Instead, the desire to change gender was the result of other factors - a confluence of factors, but not true gender dysphoria. Most of the trenders are females who feel and/or experience several of the following: discomfort in their pubescent bodies; experienced sexual abuse and are uncomfortable with the sexual maturation of their bodies drawing attention to them sexually; are autistic; take gender stereotypes too seriously and believe that because they don't fit them rigidly that they are somehow trans; want to be something other than straight and white, or white and homosexual or bisexual; were inculcated by gender theories and gender-obsessed online communities, especially during the pandemic (a vulnerable time for many young, isolated, and lonely young people); were searching for identity and found a community who explained all their adolescent discomfort to them as a gender-based problem; and probably more reasons that are eluding me at this moment. But the point is that their issues were not gender dysphoria, nor were their issues fixed or fixable by hormone therapy and unnecessary surgery.

These numbers of first-person accounts of de-transitioners are significant, and are continuing to grow because of the laxity of the initial medical assessments. And these transitioners are left with lasting physical and mental effects post-hormone cessation, post-unnecessary mastectomies. There's a lot of regret in these accounts: personal regret, as well as regret that the medical establishment allowed them to "transition" so easily without challenge and thorough therapeutic assessment. It used to be that those people experiencing gender dysphoria, and who sought such transitional hormones and surgeries, were subjected to stringent and prolonged professional assessment, but not any more. And the result is a lot of undue pain, suffering, and regret. This is the ugly end-result of those not suffering from true gender dysphoria who "transition" medically, who are seeking a course of action that is unwarranted and unnecessary, and whose entire course of action in the matter is guided and propagated by online gender-obsessed communities meeting said individuals exhibiting numerous un-diagnosed problems and insecurities. Therapy is needed here, not hormones or mastectomies.

Btw, when you mentioned laws, were you referring to state laws here in the States, or were you referring to laws pertaining to European countries? Or both?
Just because people are posting videos doesn't mean they are telling the truth. Society has become plagued with kids wanting to become youtube famous like all the videos they watch. And the government is allowed to make Deepfake videos in order to change public opinion.
I know there was a lady that came forward about some of the videos because she knew the teenagers that were posting them and called them out because they were lying or telling half truth.
Also any teenager diagnosed with breast cancer usually has to have a masectomy.
All of the current de-transitioners had their surgeries when they were over the age of 18.
Both because European medical companies have branches of their companies that are located in the U.S.
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