animals Squirrels last dinner (1 Viewer)

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Well Known Member
The whole bogus claim of it being "pest control" goes out the window as soon as I saw the big plate of nuts. That's fucking entrapment. Only PEST in the video is a red neck with a speech impediment.

In some areas they make a home stay in your attic to make a nest. An air rifle is more appropriate. While they might seem "cute" they are far from it once they make room in your home.


Forum Veteran
YouTube is full of freaks who make videos of themselves killing animals under the guise of legitimate hunting or exterminating purposes, but we all know it's blood money simply to garner clicks and ad revenue. The innocent squirrel peacefully eating seeds in a garden is thus turned into a click bait thumbnail to sucker in average nobodies to satiate their morbid curiosity. Sure we do similar here on GG, but we don't make the videos, we don't profit from creating videos of death - especially of the innocent and most helpless, we hate to see animals suffer and die needlessly.
Here’s a thought…………dont watch them if you a bit easily shocked? Rather watch a squirrel getting slotted than an elderly woman getting the shit smacked outta her at a home?


Forum Veteran
YouTube is full of freaks who make videos of themselves killing animals under the guise of legitimate hunting or exterminating purposes, but we all know it's blood money simply to garner clicks and ad revenue. The innocent squirrel peacefully eating seeds in a garden is thus turned into a click bait thumbnail to sucker in average nobodies to satiate their morbid curiosity. Sure we do similar here on GG, but we don't make the videos, we don't profit from creating videos of death - especially of the innocent and most helpless, we hate to see animals suffer and die needlessly.
Well said.

About 25 years ago, I "had" to shoot three squirrels who were damaging products in a client's warehouse. To this day, I feel guilty every time I drive past that building. Maybe there could have been a better solution, but that was the one I picked. I'll never forget the sound of the little rodents scratching on the cardboard when I pinged them with a pellet rifle. You can call it wrong, a sin, or whatever, but when you harm an animal without due cause, YOU are the animal, and, sadly, I know from experience. R.I.P. little guys.


I don't think this is the right website for some of you. Your needs are not the same as others. I need squirrels to stop fucking with my cabins and causing thousands upon thousands of dollars in damage.

They are rats that live in trees, get over it. I don't use an airgun to kill them but really, those animals in that video are dying so fast it's just lights out. It's a better death than what I have seen hawks and cats put them through. Go and bury your head up your ass with another Disney movie, nature doesn't care and neither do I.


Forum Veteran
I apologize for shit posting folks, this guy is a dick, but honestly I did it for the lulz

Yeesh! It will not be removed. Get over it. We watch tigers rip off faces and chinks getting squished in traffic and you're offended by a little backyard violence? 🤣🤪🥴
Yeah HILARIOUS isn't it...🤔🤔

I don't think this is the right website for some of you. Your needs are not the same as others. I need squirrels to stop fucking with my cabins and causing thousands upon thousands of dollars in damage.

They are rats that live in trees, get over it. I don't use an airgun to kill them but really, those animals in that video are dying so fast it's just lights out. It's a better death than what I have seen hawks and cats put them through. Go and bury your head up your ass with another Disney movie, nature doesn't care and neither do I.
This IS the right website because Animal Cruelty is NOT ALLOWED or didn't you also read the rules..No1 hardly ever post animals getting killed for hunting or for being pests either.


Drifting into the miasma
You guys are making me feel awful for posting this 😞 and I didn't even kill em. But wow this thread got heated quickly 😐

Yeah HILARIOUS isn't it...🤔🤔

This IS the right website because Animal Cruelty is NOT ALLOWED or didn't you also read the rules..No1 hardly ever post animals getting killed for hunting or for being pests either.
Apologies thundercat , I just hope the guy had squirrel stew that night....


Here’s a thought…………dont watch them if you a bit easily shocked? Rather watch a squirrel getting slotted than an elderly woman getting the shit smacked outta her at a home?
The animal killing videos are made for profit, while the old lady being smacked videos are made by surveillance cameras by chance. The latter bring awareness to a crime and should be seen by everyone, the former is just a snuff film made for the sake of killing.


This IS the right website because Animal Cruelty is NOT ALLOWED or didn't you also read the rules..No1 hardly ever post animals getting killed for hunting or for being pests either.

That video is not against the rules, a moderator or whatever has already said so. If you don't want to see it, don't watch it. I'd say you should stick to YouTube but that's where the fucking video came from in the first place... I really didn't think this site would have so many snowflakes.


This user was banned
* The video was posted to YouTube.
* The animals are not tortured alive.
* The video does not feature crush porn.

Based on these three observations, I will not delete the post. If an administrator or other moderator believes it proper to delete this, then it may be gone in the future without notice.
oh, oh, oh no, this youtube video is just too strong, why the fuck bother to make a gore site when the mods are going to be such little bitches

fuck those little pest


okay folks c'mon, while i agree this video is distasteful, we're supposedly on a gore site, for Christ's sake...look how all the wanna be fascists come out


Forum Veteran
It's a hick thing.

Deer kinda have shitty eyesight, but their scent and hearing is spot on. You can kill your scent, be quiet as fuck, and sit still for hours on end just for a squirrel to fuck the entire hunt up for you.

However, I still agree that removing a squirrel population for clicks and monetization is distasteful. I'd respect doing so quietly, and using the meat after.

It certainly walks a fine line for our rules.
That's a nice hunting story. In Aus, where I used to hunt Sambar deer, I'd be sneaking along, trying not to break sticks, walking into the wind etc and then a lyre bird or currowong would flap off squawking their fucking heads off and ensuring that any deer in the area were fully alerted. I became a real bird hater once I started deer hunting...

Lyre bird on left, currowong on right. The lyre birds are wonderful mimics. I canoe up a river in Gippsland and used to pass a spot where a lyre bird would mimic an outboard motor...

They also do a wonderful display...


I wanna surgically insert 10 dead squirrels into this sick fuck's abdomen and let him slowly rot from the inside out. 🤬🤬🤬
Live ones up his anus would be a more potent cure... especially if they were into collecting nuts, from the inside...


Utter bastard
I don't think this is the right website for some of you. Your needs are not the same as others. I need squirrels to stop fucking with my cabins and causing thousands upon thousands of dollars in damage.

They are rats that live in trees, get over it. I don't use an airgun to kill them but really, those animals in that video are dying so fast it's just lights out. It's a better death than what I have seen hawks and cats put them through. Go and bury your head up your ass with another Disney movie, nature doesn't care and neither do I.
Maybe you should live in a house made of bricks and mortar instead of a primitive wooden shed..


One might believe that a person, who delights in consuming imagery of random humans being murdered and dying in horrific agony and despair, would think twice about being a pious little snowflake.

...And, one would be horribly mistaken.

I guess you need to hold onto something so you can maintain your delusion.

...Because, you are weak.

Grand Mal Caesar

You guys are making me feel awful for posting this 😞 and I didn't even kill em. But wow this thread got heated quickly 😐

Apologies thundercat , I just hope the guy had squirrel stew that night....
Don't apologize. Ignore them or tell them to fuck off. If it falls within the guidelines of acceptable content, fuck them.

People hunt and eat squirrels and squirrels make expensive messes of your house. Both legitimate reasons for killing them.