animals Thanks For The Meal Bud (1 Viewer)

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Stormy Llewellyn

Forum Veteran
They introduced the spiders to get rid of the flies, then they introduced the lizards to get rid of the spiders, now they need to introduce something to get rid of the lizards.
An owl....?

Tries to pick up a 14 lb. fucking dino-spider with a piece of paper. 🥇👌🏼
I was thinking the same...but I think he was trying to chase it onto the grass..


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
They introduced the spiders to get rid of the flies, then they introduced the lizards to get rid of the spiders, now they need to introduce something to get rid of the lizards.


Constantly laughing at the world
They introduced the spiders to get rid of the flies, then they introduced the lizards to get rid of the spiders, now they need to introduce something to get rid of the lizards.
They should just get the Lady who swallowed a fly ... or was it a spider ... to eat the fly ...then get her to swallow a cat to eat the lizard - her guts are gonna be full of shit like a zoo .. but it might work.... even though it doesn't rhyme.
