this is why liberals are hateable - pledging allegiance to the gay flag (1 Viewer)

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Bill Murray

Forum Veteran

I don't have a problem with anyone's sexuality (with the standard proviso of no kids or animals) and if the alphabet soup of sexuality (i.e. LGBTQWXYZWTF) want a flag they can fill their boots. However, that flag isn't what you pledge allegiance to! The flag aside this teacher is just an obnoxious ditzy cunt.



View attachment 537556

I don't have a problem with anyone's sexuality (with the standard proviso of no kids or animals) and if the alphabet soup of sexuality (i.e. LGBTQWXYZWTF) want a flag they can fill their boots. However, that flag isn't what you pledge allegiance to! The flag aside this teacher is just an obnoxious ditzy cunt.
Right at the End when She's Giggling away like the Obnoxious Cunt that She is;I woulda luv'd to hv Backhanded those Glasses right off of Her Fkn Facey! Put the Fkn Flag back up Bitch! The Flag represents the Fkn "Cuntry" Not the Fkn Morons in Temporary Cuntrol of it! U Fkn Dipshit!...SP


From the Third Ring of Hell
Im gay myself but jesus fucking christ i dont wave my sexuality around like a fucking dumbass i keep to myself and keep quiet but always remember where im from and the freedoms i have because of this great Nation (even though we got a shit for brains in office) shit like this absolutely disgusts me

Ku Klux Kloyce


View attachment 537556

I don't have a problem with anyone's sexuality (with the standard proviso of no kids or animals) and if the alphabet soup of sexuality (i.e. LGBTQWXYZWTF) want a flag they can fill their boots. However, that flag isn't what you pledge allegiance to! The flag aside this teacher is just an obnoxious ditzy cunt.
I want to stab her to death


🖤 Dead 🖤
Super Moderator

View attachment 537556

I don't have a problem with anyone's sexuality (with the standard proviso of no kids or animals) and if the alphabet soup of sexuality (i.e. LGBTQWXYZWTF) want a flag they can fill their boots. However, that flag isn't what you pledge allegiance to! The flag aside this teacher is just an obnoxious ditzy cunt.
People like her need to be culled

Bill Murray

Forum Veteran
Fucking cunt should see what society is like without freedom. Bet she wouldn't be so triggered by our flag anymore 🇺🇲
The comment she made about the flag making her uncomfortable is infuriating. Honestly how the ever loving fuck can the American flag make an American uncomfortable?

Like you suggest this piece of liberal garbage should hop on over to Saudi Arabia and tell some mullah their flag makes her uncomfortable and she'd rather pay respects to the gay pride flag. I'd enjoy seeing her head get lopped off.

Ku Klux Kloyce

The comment she made about the flag making her uncomfortable is infuriating. Honestly how the ever loving fuck can the American flag make an American uncomfortable?

Like you suggest this piece of liberal garbage should hop on over to Saudi Arabia and tell some mullah their flag makes her uncomfortable and she'd rather pay respects to the gay pride flag. I'd enjoy seeing her head get lopped off.
And this waste of life is teaching and influencing kids everyday.