this is why liberals are hateable - pledging allegiance to the gay flag (3 Viewers)

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Fresh Meat
What a insufferable cunt, if it makes you uncomfortable take your stupid dike ass to Mexico or communist China you fucking shit stain of a human, arrest this bitch for conspiracy and degrading a flag, shoulders didn’t die in wars for 240 so stupid bitches like this can disrespect the flag, I hope this bitch dies


Forum Veteran

View attachment 537556

I don't have a problem with anyone's sexuality (with the standard proviso of no kids or animals) and if the alphabet soup of sexuality (i.e. LGBTQWXYZWTF) want a flag they can fill their boots. However, that flag isn't what you pledge allegiance to! The flag aside this teacher is just an obnoxious ditzy cunt.
Idk what's in the water but we need Britta filters.

Ex Spatula King

Is no longer working :P
I'm not American but isn't it illegal to pledge allegiance to another flag? It must also be a bit weird for the kids considering the opening line "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America" whilst standing in front of a piece of material that looks like a unicorn used to wipe it's ass 🤨