this is why liberals are hateable - pledging allegiance to the gay flag (3 Viewers)

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Dante1984 the corner eating bugs...
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I don't have a problem with anyone's sexuality (with the standard proviso of no kids or animals) and if the alphabet soup of sexuality (i.e. LGBTQWXYZWTF) want a flag they can fill their boots. However, that flag isn't what you pledge allegiance to! The flag aside this teacher is just an obnoxious ditzy cunt.
Bitch should be sacked, then rolled in "her" flag and run over with a herd of stampeding Unicorns.

Mental Puppy

Tudinem Mortem

View attachment 537556

I don't have a problem with anyone's sexuality (with the standard proviso of no kids or animals) and if the alphabet soup of sexuality (i.e. LGBTQWXYZWTF) want a flag they can fill their boots. However, that flag isn't what you pledge allegiance to! The flag aside this teacher is just an obnoxious ditzy cunt.
That's why the world is fucked, the natural balance of things is screwed up. If she had done this a few years ago i'm sure there would have been outrage.

Racist Bastard

Forum Veteran

View attachment 537556

I don't have a problem with anyone's sexuality (with the standard proviso of no kids or animals) and if the alphabet soup of sexuality (i.e. LGBTQWXYZWTF) want a flag they can fill their boots. However, that flag isn't what you pledge allegiance to! The flag aside this teacher is just an obnoxious ditzy cunt.
Ohh how cute and quirky she is! I’m sure she sticks strictly to the curriculum . Stupid cunt whore I hope she gets raped by 10 trans niggers!!


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View attachment 537556

I don't have a problem with anyone's sexuality (with the standard proviso of no kids or animals) and if the alphabet soup of sexuality (i.e. LGBTQWXYZWTF) want a flag they can fill their boots. However, that flag isn't what you pledge allegiance to! The flag aside this teacher is just an obnoxious ditzy cunt.
Well it’s California. That state has about as much sense as a flat tire. And that’s an understatement.


Forum Veteran
You guys over reacted much to a shit stain. Let's talk about more important things. I m hungry.



Forum Veteran
She " forgot" where she put the American flag.
But she did not forget to remove the queer flag.

Heeeeey, what a darned coincidence.
Overall, it does not matter.
Leave the original flag in storage.
It no longer has value.


Teacher are there to teach, not lay their political or sexual preferences on to young minds, surely this is a crime brainwashing children


Retard Extraordinaire
People need to bite the bullet and start homeschooling their kids so they aren't constantly exposed to this nonsense