this is why liberals are hateable - pledging allegiance to the gay flag (2 Viewers)

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Well Known Member
The only thing disturbing about this video was her fake laugh. American conservatives are the world's biggest babies, terrified that a radical thought might shake up their little world. I think y'all need some sensitivity training.

View attachment 537556

I don't have a problem with anyone's sexuality (with the standard proviso of no kids or animals) and if the alphabet soup of sexuality (i.e. LGBTQWXYZWTF) want a flag they can fill their boots. However, that flag isn't what you pledge allegiance to! The flag aside this teacher is just an obnoxious ditzy cunt.
Hell no


Well Known Member
The only thing disturbing about this video was her fake laugh. American conservatives are the world's biggest babies, terrified that a radical thought might shake up their little world. I think y'all need some sensitivity training.
That's rich from someone with a kraut name,I remember one guy with some radical thoughts that the kraut pussies have disowned since it all went belly up.Now they can barely talk about it without getting all sensitive and "self aware".This cunt teaches in a public school,a school where poor white trash have to send their ill begotten spawn.Now if one of those little fuckers wears his "Trump 2024" shirts he's sent home,but this bitch says go ahead and pledge allegiance to the fag flag!? Do you understand what that means? This is someone teaching the youth that disloyalty to one'scountry is not only acceptable,but to be rewarded!? Fucking reckoning one of these days,fucking reckoning!

Dr Jekyl


View attachment 537556

I don't have a problem with anyone's sexuality (with the standard proviso of no kids or animals) and if the alphabet soup of sexuality (i.e. LGBTQWXYZWTF) want a flag they can fill their boots. However, that flag isn't what you pledge allegiance to! The flag aside this teacher is just an obnoxious ditzy cunt.
This bitch should be decapitated, and never be able to teach any child!!! Pure evil!!!

View attachment 537556

I don't have a problem with anyone's sexuality (with the standard proviso of no kids or animals) and if the alphabet soup of sexuality (i.e. LGBTQWXYZWTF) want a flag they can fill their boots. However, that flag isn't what you pledge allegiance to! The flag aside this teacher is just an obnoxious ditzy cunt.
If an American flag makes this bitch feel uncomfortable, please I wish she would move to China or Brazil where they will cut her worthless head off!!!
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Foreskin Goblin

Meth connoisseur
Politics in general should not be taught in the classroom. It’s like religion, these teachers have no right to try to persuade children either way. These libtards forcing their weird ass views on kids is half the problem with our society today.
Dude, here (in California, not gonna be specific but within 75 miles of san fransisco) the parents literally let teachers raise their kids because theyre so fucking snobby they cant be bothered, unless its to push a gender or race thing (also, cant tell you how many BLM signs are up in neighborhoods that literally voted to keep black and brown familes priced out of the neighborhood, and when they could afford refused to sell to them) the hypocrisy here is insane, i genuinely think nothing would be missed if someone just leveled san fransisco with a bomb, in fact i went to go see the bob dylan concert recently and i couldnt believe how many homless were there, fucking insane, that was oakland though, drove through SF and one of the hubs has a landing with a sea of tents and fire barrels, homeless fighting and pissing and shooting up, drugs being sold for as far as the eye can see, literally im not joking it reminded me of a busy new york square or something, and a fucking cop was just sitting there smoking, watching it all happen. Hell, as a younger person with friends who party i know a lot about drugs and shit, so i hear about how bountiful the market is right now, you literally cant go a block without passing a pound of some hard drug, seriously, any block. Even the super nice "cleaned up" parts of the city, shitholes. Its so sad, it genuinely did use to be better not even that long ago, sure it had weirdos but it wasnt fucking filthy and full of evil people..... this turned into too much lmfao

Tldr: SF is a fucking drug infested shithole overrun with bums from all over the country, it used to be kinda cool, sad lmfao, fucking politicians.


Bungus Among Us
Dude, here (in California, not gonna be specific but within 75 miles of san fransisco) the parents literally let teachers raise their kids because theyre so fucking snobby they cant be bothered, unless its to push a gender or race thing (also, cant tell you how many BLM signs are up in neighborhoods that literally voted to keep black and brown familes priced out of the neighborhood, and when they could afford refused to sell to them) the hypocrisy here is insane, i genuinely think nothing would be missed if someone just leveled san fransisco with a bomb, in fact i went to go see the bob dylan concert recently and i couldnt believe how many homless were there, fucking insane, that was oakland though, drove through SF and one of the hubs has a landing with a sea of tents and fire barrels, homeless fighting and pissing and shooting up, drugs being sold for as far as the eye can see, literally im not joking it reminded me of a busy new york square or something, and a fucking cop was just sitting there smoking, watching it all happen. Hell, as a younger person with friends who party i know a lot about drugs and shit, so i hear about how bountiful the market is right now, you literally cant go a block without passing a pound of some hard drug, seriously, any block. Even the super nice "cleaned up" parts of the city, shitholes. Its so sad, it genuinely did use to be better not even that long ago, sure it had weirdos but it wasnt fucking filthy and full of evil people..... this turned into too much lmfao

Tldr: SF is a fucking drug infested shithole overrun with bums from all over the country, it used to be kinda cool, sad lmfao, fucking politicians.
I used to live in San Diego 95-2001, I can’t believe the way it just continues to sink into deeper levels of liberal buffoonery . I love California but it has turned into a joke. These videos of people openly shoplifting, explain it all. Not to mention the cost of living. Fuck that I’m happy back in Pennsyltucky.

Foreskin Goblin

Meth connoisseur
I used to live in San Diego 95-2001, I can’t believe the way it just continues to sink into deeper levels of liberal buffoonery . I love California but it has turned into a joke. These videos of people openly shoplifting, explain it all. Not to mention the cost of living. Fuck that I’m happy back in Pennsyltucky.
Yeah man its sad as fuck to see my home and surrounding areas delve into shit, and like it.

View attachment 537556

I don't have a problem with anyone's sexuality (with the standard proviso of no kids or animals) and if the alphabet soup of sexuality (i.e. LGBTQWXYZWTF) want a flag they can fill their boots. However, that flag isn't what you pledge allegiance to! The flag aside this teacher is just an obnoxious ditzy cunt.
Oh hell no. This is why I am going to end up covered in blood one of these days...

Venture _Capitalist

situational awareness instructor

View attachment 537556

I don't have a problem with anyone's sexuality (with the standard proviso of no kids or animals) and if the alphabet soup of sexuality (i.e. LGBTQWXYZWTF) want a flag they can fill their boots. However, that flag isn't what you pledge allegiance to! The flag aside this teacher is just an obnoxious ditzy cunt.


silent ghost
ok so seeing how im a heterosexual,and about 99% of the members here are also,what kind of flag should we fly to show everybody that were NOT ghey?
oh wait. we dont fly a flag. BECAUSE IT DOESNT FUCKING MATTER!


Mr Death
Im gay myself but jesus fucking christ i dont wave my sexuality around like a fucking dumbass i keep to myself and keep quiet but always remember where im from and the freedoms i have because of this great Nation (even though we got a shit for brains in office) shit like this absolutely disgusts me
you are the kind of gay people i like who dose not make there sexuality there personality


Forum Veteran

She is a prime example why the education levels per testing has dropped by 73% .