Police Too much mayo!!! Die!!! (1 Viewer)

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Forum Veteran
We had a really lousy KFC with sloppy rude employees. Their salad bar would have rotten food on it.

I stopped a young man and asked if he could arrange some fresh green pepper as that present was a bit furry. He was a real snot and told me to just pick through it. I didn't eat there.

The next time I stopped by, was right after butchering rabbits. I decorated the salad fixings with eyeballs right before the lunch rush. They shut 'er down.

Im not so proud of this. I was young and a little uncivilized. Maybe PMSing. Still, better than shooting someone.


Die, Fucker.
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People always say that a good judge of someone's character is how they treat service employees. Shooting people is taking it too far, but a good verbal blasting is often well-deserved. Fast-food workers do not tend to be Rhodes Scholars.


R A S K O L U C C I ___ R A S K O L U C C I
Site news in USA are all manipulated. Country of freedom my ass!

It's a racial crime. But news dont say that. Majority of sites dont say girls names and zero about the white killer: name and job?
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R A S K O L U C C I ___ R A S K O L U C C I
48 hrs to talk about killer. I Will check it out.
If killer was a Black boy, his photo , name in few minutes after shot
