Vaccine mandated for construction workers ends badly (1 Viewer)

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I'm not employed by a hospital.
I thought u said u worked in and around hospitals. Here in California hospital staff are being required to get the vaccine or lose their job. I agree with that, I imagine u don't. Look American N. We can disagree buts let's keep our conversation at this level. I always thought u were funny and had good insight.


Shitskin Slayer
I wish u nonvaxers could see what those of us working in the medical field deal with. By far the nonvaxers are the ones coming in sick. Medical rationing is a reality because of nonvaxers. ICU's are 80% full. An unheard of number pre COVID.
Bullshit, also your Bill Gates hosted Event 201 before Covid "Pandemic" happened, which was geopolitical globalist wargaming orchestration on what their government would do in each country if a Coronavirus pandemic occurred.

They predicted it? Nah, they planned it.


Shitskin Slayer
I quit my last job cause they said I couldn't carry my handgun at work, guess i'll finally get to use it when they wanna force a jab on me.


Bullshit, also your Bill Gates hosted Event 201 before Covid "Pandemic" happened, which was geopolitical globalist wargaming orchestration on what their government would do in each country if a Coronavirus pandemic occurred.

They predicted it? Nah, they planned it.
All conspiracy theory stuff. COVID is real it kills


Shitskin Slayer
All conspiracy theory stuff. COVID is real it killsView attachment 556206View attachment 556207
No, it's reality.

Event 201 happened, are you just intentionally ignorant?

What are the odds Bill Gates would host a Covid Pandemic scenario with actual political leaders from across the globe, virtually every major country, just a month or so before the actual alleged Covid outbreak occurred?

I've literally seen statistics that show 75% of all new Covid cases coming from vaccinated individuals, from South Korea, the United States and even Israel.


No, it's reality.

Event 201 happened, are you just intentionally ignorant?

What are the odds Bill Gates would host a Covid Pandemic scenario with actual political leaders from across the globe, virtually every major country, just a month or so before the actual alleged Covid outbreak occurred?

I've literally seen statistics that show 75% of all new Covid cases coming from vaccinated individuals, from South Korea, the United States and even Israel.
Fuck, this is what I get for trying to debate with an uneducated low income pussy who cherry picks data to fill an intellectual void. Yes u asshole Event 201 did happen, nobody is denying that u fag.

It was the most recent of more than 20 tabletop exercises held by John Hopkins dating back to 1999 u loser. What other bullshit conspiracy do u say happen after the other simulated biological conferences u stupid as shit cocksucker? I saw u driving ur SUV around, learn to spell u blindingly misinformed homo!



Shitskin Slayer
Fuck, this is what I get for trying to debate with an uneducated low income pussy who cherry picks data to fill an intellectual void. Yes u asshole Event 201 did happen, nobody is denying that u fag.

It was the most recent of more than 20 tabletop exercises held by John Hopkins dating back to 1999 u loser. What other bullshit conspiracy do u say happen after the other simulated biological conferences u stupid as shit cocksucker? I saw u driving ur SUV around, learn to spell u blindingly misinformed homo!

View attachment 556214
Lol rage harder faggot you wanna chance to say it to my face let me know, when you lose to facts so you have to resort to ad hominem attacks, you must have voted for Biden.

Hey dude, have fun bending over for daddy govt bitch, spread those cheeks.


Lol rage harder faggot you wanna chance to say it to my face let me know, when you lose to facts so you have to resort to ad hominem attacks, you must have voted for Biden.

Hey dude, have fun bending over for daddy govt bitch, spread those cheeks.
I fucked u up with my response. U had nothing to say about the facts provided. Yes I'll say it to ur face. Should be easy to spot u with that crotch rot u have on that ugly face of yours!
Of course I voted for Biden. I follow science and reason. A concept an uneducated pussy like u is unable to grasp.

Here's a dish for u faggot. U can imagine it's Trump's cock u homo!


Shitskin Slayer
I fucked u up with my response. U had nothing to say about the facts provided. Yes I'll say it to ur face. Should be easy to spot u with that crotch rot u have on that ugly face of yours!
Of course I voted for Biden. I follow science and reason. A concept an uneducated pussy like u is unable to grasp.

Here's a dish for u faggot. U can imagine it's Trump's cock u homo!View attachment 556375
Lol your grammar is absolutely dogshit but you mention education as if you even have it.

You probably enjoy eating cock since you have pictures of it saved on your devices.

You voted for Biden cause you're an Anti-American pussy but don't worry because you'll be dead soon, the Commies always dispose of their useful idiots first while putting their opposition into camps.

Lefties always tout intellectualism yet never actually display it or seem to form coherent debates on any topic, quite literally I mentioned several easily findable articles stating 75% of all new Covid cases were from vaccinated individuals, from multiple different countries including in the U.S.

Go fap to some animal porn or whatever an incel like you does.


Forum Veteran
I wish u nonvaxers could see what those of us working in the medical field deal with. By far the nonvaxers are the ones coming in sick. Medical rationing is a reality because of nonvaxers. ICU's are 80% full. An unheard of number pre COVID.
you are a lonely voice in the wilderness my friend... as the good Lord said, there are none as deaf as those who will not hear...


Forum Veteran
Lol your grammar is absolutely dogshit but you mention education as if you even have it.

You probably enjoy eating cock since you have pictures of it saved on your devices.

You voted for Biden cause you're an Anti-American pussy but don't worry because you'll be dead soon, the Commies always dispose of their useful idiots first while putting their opposition into camps.

Lefties always tout intellectualism yet never actually display it or seem to form coherent debates on any topic, quite literally I mentioned several easily findable articles stating 75% of all new Covid cases were from vaccinated individuals, from multiple different countries including in the U.S.

Go fap to some animal porn or whatever an incel like you does.
Hmmm, Nilill,

You are really a low piece of work.

ZeroK's posts are always good and show no lack of gramma.

This is a virus that is so new we have no immunity to it. It's obvious that people without the vaccination are the ones most ill upon catching it. Yes, many vaccinated people are catching it now because so many people are vaccinated. However, they do not become very sick from it and are not the ones clogging up the hospital and ICU beds.

Unvaccinated people are at terrible risk from this illness. I strongly suggest you get the vaccination and keep yourseld and others safe.

and try not to be so nasty...


Forum Veteran
Maybe they're gay... or to keep ants and scorpions from crawling up their pant legs.
you are right. All construction workers in Australia are gay. Is mandatory.
Shorts that are shorter than short, shirts tigher than tight and a tool belt that buckles around the genitals made from shiny black leather.

It's our best kept secret. . .


Forum Veteran
For me its never been about forcing people to get their vaccine, I agree its your body you decide what to do with it.

However, there are rules & laws that protect the health of the greater good be it speed limits, food handling, building codes, etc. and if you violate those there are consequences be it fines or limits on activity. The covid-19 vaccine is no different. Don't get your shot, fine but then you can't go to a restaurant, concert or worksite. And the unvax'd argument of "you're violating our freedom by not letting me go to the bar" is simply flawed. We don't have absolute freedoms, we never have.

I don't want to get into a pissing match with the anti'vaxxers on GG. I like some of you, I really do but I've also had enough of the bullshit you post. It can't even be called pseudo science, its just utter nonsense. Its the same level of crap that comes out of the 9/11 truthers or the flat earth wingnuts. If you want to believe it thats cool, just know you're wrong.

I do think governments and health insurance providers (be it public or private) need to change their tactics and start passing on the cost of medical care to the unvax'd the same way they do when calculating the premiums for other high risk individuals like smokers. The unvaccinated are at a greater risk to be hospitalized and if they are to have a significantly longer stay, let them pay for it. In the absence of that start denying them in -patient care. Let hospitals go back to treating everyone else for the normal illnesses that can strike at any age.

The Alberta provincial government's response to covid-19 has been a complete cluster fuck right from the beginning, its embarrassing that we have numbers worse than makes us look like backwards inbred rubes. One of the biggest pushbacks has been their reluctance to introduce passports but once they did announce them (well kind of, they're calling it the "restrictions exemption program"...fuck me, in following George Carlin's theory of governments fucking things up by a bogus increase in complexity they've gone from two syllables to eight) vaccination rates tripled over night!
Very well put Bill. You echo my thoughts exactly. there is an evangelical angle to a lot of the anti vax people that is very dangerous. They are real zelots some of them.

Great post.


Fuck around and find out
Sure you can trust your government, just ask a native American. Your also putting your trust into the CDC and big pharma. Not this guy.


Lol your grammar is absolutely dogshit but you mention education as if you even have it.

You probably enjoy eating cock since you have pictures of it saved on your devices.

You voted for Biden cause you're an Anti-American pussy but don't worry because you'll be dead soon, the Commies always dispose of their useful idiots first while putting their opposition into camps.

Lefties always tout intellectualism yet never actually display it or seem to form coherent debates on any topic, quite literally I mentioned several easily findable articles stating 75% of all new Covid cases were from vaccinated individuals, from multiple different countries including in the U.S.

Go fap to some animal porn or whatever an incel like you does.
Hey asshole, I'm not going to use the same writing skills as when I did my college paper on hypereosinophilia u ambiguous male. I'm writing so uneducated lowlife unamericans like u can understand.

We in the medical/science community aren't waiting for stupid shits like u to catch up to our knowledge of the virus. We're moving forward leaving pussies like u ignorant. Have another plate of pasta u binary they/them single cellular protoplasm of un nucleated shit!


Forum Veteran
Sure you can trust your government, just ask a native American. Your also putting your trust into the CDC and big pharma. Not this guy.
CDC; Centre for Disease Control. Centre of excellence and knowledge of pandemics. I have total trust in this organisation. I understand the way they work and have no issues with it.

The pharmacy industry is built to manafacture and sell drugs. They are overseen by the Food and Drug Administration in the US. So there are checks and ballances on them. But in essence they are their own centre of excellence in the manafacture and testing of drugs. Yes, they want to make a profit and yes, they give doctors free trips to conferences where they spruik their wares, but I have no issue with trusting the products they produce.

I have no idea what I would ask a native American whetehr to trust the government of the US. I'm Australian by the way and live in Australia. I would not ask Aboriginal Australians whether I should trust my government as their views and ideas are totally irrelevant to me.

So I'm not sure of your point.