Wall is comming (1 Viewer)

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Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue
I'm conflicted about the wall. I like drugs, so boo wall but I hate murdering raper's so, yay wall?


This is fuckin dumb Jesus how did it make it's way to GG. I say we build the wall then make Trump tear it down by hand. I'm ignorant tho and don't follow any politics what so ever so I don't even no anything about this wall except it's being built :shrug:*and I'm drunk talking shit cuz it's Saturday fuck you


Lurking Lurker
It's a waste of money in the name of racism, hate, and fear of the great "other." Classic dictator tactic, cut off your population so people don't come in OR out.
That money could be used to help real issues like health care, homelessness, poverty, education, infrastructure... Anything but a 12th century "solution" to a 21st century problem.
And sadly the policies recently adopted will only make MORE helpless people try to get up north for an opportunity to escape violence and crippling poverty.
When we cut financial aid to southern nations like Guatamala, it leaves less help and resources to the most vulnerable in the population there. This causes people to flee up north for better opportunities of life (you would do the same To help your own family). They flee to where the wall and policies of cruelty are being used to further punish those desperately needing the help that was cut off from them.
To prevent people "sneaking" north, we need to give them help and reasons to stay in their home nations, i.e. international aid.
People don't flee their homes willingly unless shit is bad there.
Cutting aid forces them to seek better opportunities, making our self made "problem" of immigrants (very hypocritical in a NATION of immigrants) worse.
Don't build a wall in the desert. Use that money to prevent the problem at its base root, by helping- not hurting- the vulnerable in their native lands. Give them reasons to stay and not NEED to flee. That's what international aid is FOR.
Just my 2¢

Almost Human

Real men don't wear pink,they eat it.

That's the Berlin-Wall.
It was opened in 1989.
Is it better now....who know's