Walrus attacked by hoodrats (1 Viewer)

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That’s why when dealing with various wildlife at a gas station it’s recommended to use the gas pump as a deterrent. Hosing someone down with gasoline is usually a sure fire way of de-escalating the situation. which also opens up step 2 of ignition.


If I'm in a bad neighborhood and I see a fight, I'm not getting in the middle of shit. I'll call the cops....but I wouldn't have been sticking my neck out for that fat bitch.
Why would u even call the cops? Let the idiots kill eachother. They multiply like rats. It's the only way to keep their population down.


3rd World Country Reviewer
If someone says "I'm insert gang member and going to do x to you" that's when you start shooting. Most likely justified not legal advice.
Some walrus was attacked by hoodrats and the guy that tried to resolve the fight was knocked out.

Simply time to get armed and smoke these criminals.

Some walrus was attacked by hoodrats and the guy that tried to resolve the fight was knocked out.

Simply time to get armed and smoke these criminals.

Lowly BITCH niggers doing lowly bitch shit as usual.