accident Warning Children : POWER KICK (2 Viewers)

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Forum Veteran
One kick and a massive explosion. WTF. Could do with close up video. Shame it was distant recording. Looks like his left leg had been badly severed . Took a while before the first person came to his aid, appears everyone was turning a blind eye.

Grand Mal Caesar

You find all sorts of words being used everywhere! this means nothing unless you know specially where it is? Besides China is a large country with many different ethnicities.
All sorts of words as long as they are Chink words and a diverse mix of ethnicities such as Chinks, more Chinks and even more Chinks.


卐 People Hater 卐
Nothing like that has happened to me in 41 years and I hope it never will. I'm already looking forward to New Year's Eve. finally fireworks again. The accessories have already been clarified. That will be funny. You are right the video is better. Thanks! I'm always happy about funny things!


Forum Veteran
Damn, tough luck kid. Looks like he lost his 3 incher, time to transition I guess. The bully came unharmed and considering he is the bigger one of the bunch he will probably get all the pussy while the poor kid will just have to cope dickless and legless. lol the world really is a dark place.