Serious What kind of person are you in reality (2 Viewers)

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Interesting! I like this! In r/l I am an introvert, always have been. At work, I go to my car every break and lunch, because I need to get away from people. Everyone thinks I'm such a people person, and many of my customers think I'm awesome. Does that make me fake? Please tell me it doesn't make me fake because I'm an empath too. I care what people are feeling, but all those words drain me of my precious energy. I'm tired all the time. People drain me so. I despise people, yet I love them. I have severe depression, yet severe anxiety. I'm a host of contradictions, wanting to tear out of my own skin and just run away, but I can't. I'm tethered somehow. If anyone has any suggestions, other than Harder Mike's Lemonade, I am all ears.
is goregrish an illusion?



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We are gathered here because we love blood, but our real face is strange.
I am a sunny, humorous and popular person. My friends will never think that I would like to watch such things.
what about you?
My friends know this from me but they know that i will never hurt them if they're not hurting me. In school the older kid know if your fucking with me your mine. The new kids tried to bully me but that has stopped quickly. I'm 17 btw.
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At work, I'm the most polite person you'll ever meet, very patient with people, though occasionally I'll get really pissed off. Not rude, always helpful, always talk respectfully to people, avoid getting into arguments, and nothing people say bothers me.

Among friends, depends. Sometimes I let my edginess bleed through. When topics of misfortune or sadness bleed through into my friends' conversations, I either pretend I care and offer empty condolences to make them feel better, or tell jokes and distract so their sadness can't piss me off and ruin the vibe of the hangout, depends on what's more socially appropriate.

In my head though, it's a whole different story. Constantly fantasize about my friends committing suicide, or dying in accidents, because I know I wouldn't really react much anyway if they did. Try to imagine situations where I could legally kill someone, and how to get into them, mostly because I don't want to be fucked going through the effort to do anything illegal, that's a level of risk I don't want to fuck around with.

Truth is, I wasn't always this dark, but I always had dark triad traits like low empathy, sadism, and manipulativeness to a degree since I was kid, but after I worked at some car retailer having to deal with fat people and spics all day, I got severely depressed, and I think that shit gave me brain damage, so now I'm uncaring, callous, and want to witness murders/suicides with my own eyes for a chuckle. I'll never let anyone see how deep my callousness goes, but here I know nobody gives a fuck because none of you will find out who I am anyway.

TL;DR - At work, really nice and polite, sometimes helpful, everyone likes me. With friends, edginess can shine through but still come off as normal. In my head/online, borderline evil.

Edit: On an unrelated note, I wonder how much of us are psychopaths, sociopaths, or sadists. I don't even know whether I am, but I'm not paying some fucking shrink to ask me questions I've already asked myself dozens of times to find out.
Honestly I'm kinda the same but I'm probably more soft


Pretty normal guy but at almost 40 years old, I gave myself the luxury of not giving much thought about what people think about me. I have a house, kids, we do all kinds of happy, fun activities and I'm really silly when I'm with my kids but my other side, I'm into a lot of black and death metal. The one thing people know about me.

What they don't know is how fascinated I am with morbid topics, gore and death. Suicide is the ultimate mindfuck and I always try to put my mind in theirs to figure out what really triggers the last minute before they pull the trigger.

I got into this stuff by watching the old Faces Of Death VHS tapes. I daydreamed about murder and different scenarios before but this is all so far from my reality that I can sleep in peace.

A lot of times I think to myself that at any given moment throughout my normal routine day, someone out there in a different part of the world is getting tortured, raped, beheaded, children dying, people committing suicide, families suffering watching their loved ones die, etc... this world is so fucked, but I make the best of it.

Dr. Johnny Fever

aka Bill Murray
IRL professional:
-don't say fuck as much
-don't make as many silly/stupid pop references
-have a blonde cunt hair's more tolerance for stupidity & dumbfuckery
-make no references to gore

IRL personal:
-say fuck more
-make just as many silly/stupid pop references
-have a Mediterranean cunt hair's less tolerance for stupidity & dumbfuckery
-make very few references to gore
-have convinced a lot of people I'm actually a decent person, care about other's & how they're feeling, have a strong moral compass


silent ghost
My friends know this from me but they know that i will never hurt them if they're not hurting me. In school the older kid know if your fucking with me your mine. The new kids tried to bully me but that has stopped quickly. I'm 17 btw.
your 17? what i wouldnt do to be 17 all over again.

im the same here as i am irl,pretty much.
jesus how many fucking times i gotta say this?
but,i dont care what people think or say about me. im not there to please them. wanna be friends? ok. you dont? thats fine too. im the quiet type anyway. with a long,quick fuse. i ran my house like the military,and my kids are better people for it. that was the whole idea. now theyre older,i dont so much.
i get up and go to work every day. im known to even smoke herb from time to time. big fucking deal. but i really dont drink. but when i do,its the hard stuff. because i can DRINK that. not much of a beer drinker. like i said,i prefer teh herbz. ima patiently impatient person. if that makes sense. i like to work with my hands. cant be confined to a cubicle.