Police Who's Watching The Kids (1 Viewer)

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Constantly laughing at the world
I just can't get over my hatred of US pigs.

I'm sorry. :shrug:
I never dealt with American cops, however, when my ex decided to play dirty when we separated and my daughter was basically used as an emotional pawn to try and ruin me - the Australian police (although just doing their jobs following up reports and such) if they are fed a whole lot of bullshit, how can you defend yourself as a male? when the legal system around children and families are so gender biased :shrug: all a female has to do is say she had a chair thrown at her or claim her male partner was abusive and automatically the children go to the mother or the mother's family until the innocent male proves his innocence even though he was already innocent.
I had my daughter taken for almost a whole year and eventually proved my innocence and got full custody, and it was bitter sweet , my ex got a 12 month suspended sentence for being abusive, stalking, harassing and planning to remove my daughter from school deceptively. Our phones got sent to sydney for forensic analysis it took almost a year . her deleted texts were recovered and it uncovered a plot to deceive me , proved she was cheating for considerable time while planning to disappear with my daughter and have me attacked. !!! Holy shit mate .. shit got real. The legal system is not fair on men/males. The reason I raised my daughter up to the age of 7 was because her mother wanted an abortion and hated her , never bonded and left her with me .. shot through. Came back all pathetic and I fell for it and we moved back in together. My family said it was most likely financial. They were probably right. It didn't last long ...and wow, what a mistake.
Anyway , LOL you got a bit of my life story for no reason cos of a hatred for cops comment :lulz: BUT I have a hatred for cops in general, because of my unfortunate personal experiences being treated completely unfairly and judged biasedly.
(also as an added edit ... imagine if it had been me - the Male - planning to have an ex attacked and to take a child from a schoolground? no fucking way I'd get a 12 month suspended sentence , I'd be completely fucked!)
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Cuddler of cats
Why did the cops wake them up?
For alcohol on the beach??
I assume its illegal over there then. WOH!!!
Not where i am from it isn't. Unless you're causing problems and being noisy.
Erm, they were not watching their 7 and 8 year old children and had no idea where they were. That's child endangerment.

They weren't just asleep, they were passed out insensate and utterly unable to provide supervision for their children.

They (or at least the man) were also on opioids. You can hear the cop call for Narcan at the end when the male arrestee passes out.

Trash parents allowing their small children to go wandering on a public beach where they could be molested, abducted, or killed? Yeah, that's definitely a case where pigs are called for!


I just can't get over my hatred of US pigs.

I'm sorry. :shrug:
Me too, what most dont understand on this board, it is about freedom and rights, politicians love controlling people so they keep making up BS laws every year, taking us more and more into a dystopian world, florida just made a law to make it illegal to be homeless. Are these parents retarded? Yes. Should thry go to jail for falling asleep with a couple beers. Fuck no.


Forum Veteran
These 2 are worthless pieces of shit. Any dude who wears pink trunks and sucks a pink douche flute while handcuffed deserves to be castrated so he can't produce anymore little pussy ass bitches like him. And she needs her uterus ripped out by hand while she's awake so she can't produce anymore drunken whores like her. Hopefully the 2 they have now don't turn out like them. And hopefully they do some actual time for being pieces of shit parents


Even more drunk than before
Did the idiot really think he was gonna get away!? Just added Fleeing and Eluding charges now too.
I thought he was going to make it. I was thinking, good for you!
I can't actually hear the audio very well over the sound of my hot tub. Did they ever locate the children? Are those kids still on the beach, trying to find their parents?


Forum Veteran
Erm, they were not watching their 7 and 8 year old children and had no idea where they were. That's child endangerment.

They weren't just asleep, they were passed out insensate and utterly unable to provide supervision for their children.

They (or at least the man) were also on opioids. You can hear the cop call for Narcan at the end when the male arrestee passes out.

Trash parents allowing their small children to go wandering on a public beach where they could be molested, abducted, or killed? Yeah, that's definitely a case where pigs are called for!
The cops didn't know all that until AFTER they awoke them though..🤔
I obviously KNOW why they got into trouble as it went along in the video. I was asking WHY they got disturbed by the cops...
Is it illegal to fall sleep on the beach, is it illegal to have alcohol on the beaches in America. That was my question..And if NO....Then maybe there had been a report.


Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?
The cops didn't know all that until AFTER they awoke them though..🤔
I obviously KNOW why they got into trouble as it went along in the video. I was asking WHY they got disturbed by the cops...
Is it illegal to fall sleep on the beach, is it illegal to have alcohol on the beaches in America. That was my question..And if NO....Then maybe there had been a report.

Most beaches here don't allow alcohol. I assume it's to stop drunkards from drowning.


Cuddler of cats
The cops didn't know all that until AFTER they awoke them though..🤔
I obviously KNOW why they got into trouble as it went along in the video. I was asking WHY they got disturbed by the cops...
Clearly someone had reported them. The cops immediately ask about children. That is what they were there for.

Stormy Llewellyn

Forum Veteran
If you want to party all the time, just don't have children. If you want to have children, understand you're in for the long haul. They become top priority...