bizarre Wife Abuse (1 Viewer)

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Flatus Tube

I have counted to infinity, twice.
How do you shit the front of your pants?

Yeah, he let’s go of something just before it dumps 😂.



He did that on purpose. You can see him move upwards towards her head. Just before he releases it. Some sort of kinky fetish. Scat lover I guess.


"I'm afraid you're in a 'gotsta go situation'!"
Now, imagine you receive a life sentence and haven't had any contact with or seen a woman for 30 years
one day after 30 years you see a hot woman in a sexy police uniform
she shits for you on a plate

as if you wouldnt eat
Thanks for your unparalleled and vivid imagination! That's precisely why I waited for your expertise. Even after millennia, I could have never come up with that on demand! I do well to remember to mention shit eating grins on these occasions!