accident ~Woman Trying To Catch The Bus And Not Paying Attention~ (1 Viewer)

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Constantly laughing at the world
I frequently get the bus as it saves me a fortune in parking fees and having to deal with city traffic all the time, and it's incredible how often I see people do the same kind of foolish moves. A common one is when they step off at the front they immediately dart across the road from in front of the bus without looking and there's no way to see if there's any cars coming. It just amazes me how many grown ass adults actually do this! - I'm equally amazed that I haven't seen a fatality ....YET!

Private Joker

Well Known Member
That pole obstructed the view of the road and is why she didn’t see that van that hit her. You gotta walk to the curb first and look both ways!
I think you're right. I've watched it like 30times sence I read your comment. At first I was no way.... Then I watch it again and again and looked to see were she was looking and in conclusion I think your spot on....


I’ve been doing a lot of perspective artwork lately, that’s the only reason I noticed that. I wonder if she survived that, she took quite a hit.