Serious What kind of person are you in reality (1 Viewer)

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Gone crazy back soon

Farts in elevators
I'm just a regular guy out trying to earn my living and live in peace. I work in an automotive machine shop that specializes in driveshafts so I spend most of my day talking about trucks, cars and general guy stuff. I'm not married, never had kids spend my evenings talking to my girlfriend while watching tv with my cat. I'm sure my girlfriend could give better insight into how I am IRL then I can.


We are gathered here because we love blood, but our real face is strange.
I am a sunny, humorous and popular person. My friends will never think that I would like to watch such things.
what about you?
I am a very “alternative” guy, I listen to music that most ppl I know don’t, I’m interested in guns (mechanics, history) and sum other stuff and I am very social,I love hanging out with ppl.I don’t think anyone I know would expect me to be on this website, almost every day...

Infernal Sageian

Paitently waiting for the apocalypse.
We are gathered here because we love blood, but our real face is strange.
I am a sunny, humorous and popular person. My friends will never think that I would like to watch such things.
what about you?
Honestly I'm still figuring out what my identity is. In general those who've interacted with me would probably describe me as quiet and introverted however well spoken and polite. I definitely possess what can be described as a personality but I find I am only really open and actively engaged in expressing my personality online.

In the real world I have an unyielding repulsion to any type of social interaction to the point where I will panic and respond with a compliation of fear and hostility should I find myself in an inescapable social situation. I would most definitely describe myself as socially maljusted and emotionally disturbed.

I am most definitely very ill though for the most part Im non violent and keep to myself. Due to my inability to integrate properly in society and engage healthily with my fellow human beings I occasionally suffer from bouts of depression and suicidal ideation however always in the end I come to the conclusion that I would still make the most of my life despite it's damaged nature.

Like most other people on this thread the average person who are somehow involved in my life has no idea of my true self. Not because I've hidden who I am but because I rarely speak to them beyond small talk I've managed to unintentionally obscure them from discovering what I'm like.

My general goal for life is to have fun and not screw anybody over along the way. I'm definitely not a good person but I'm not a bad one either. I have your typical teenager and introvert hobbies of playing video games, watching movies and jacking off, something I'm working to quit doing, and in general I would describe myself as a boring and rather uninteresting individual destined to be forgotten long after death as the majority of the populace will having never done anything significant enough to me remembered.


irl im like the quiet kid in high school that always sits in the back of the class. im pretty smart too; graduated high school with a 4.0.