Minneapolis Church set ablaze (1 Viewer)

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Mental Puppy

Tudinem Mortem
Hi MP, good to see you, I worry about you.
It's looking pretty bad already isn't it and we're just getting started. We have one small advantage if I remember right from us chatting in the past, that is unfortunately against the law for you.
We have guns, and alot of them. When push comes to shove, we'll use them.
Hey Dev2

Guns are sort of legal here but hard to get a license to own one. They need to stop it before it gets uncontrollable and it will get to that, plus over there you have those Antifa faggots helping, hard to tell who is friend or foe.

Mental Puppy

Tudinem Mortem
Same here but to get a license for having guns at home and in the shooting club is quite easy for the law-abiding citizen. Carrying (concealed) outside on the streets is difficult to get permission for.
And you're supposed to call the cops AFTER you got in trouble here :toocool:
They make it so hard for a law abiding citizen to own a weapon, but the criminals get assault rifles off the street. Automatic weapons are illegal here. So I need to defend myself with a semi automatic pistol while I'm being shot at with a AK.


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
Hey Dev2

Guns are sort of legal here but hard to get a license to own one. They need to stop it before it gets uncontrollable and it will get to that, plus over there you have those Antifa faggots helping, hard to tell who is friend or foe.
"They" are encouraging it. The people who make the calls are standing idle in their high tower, while our country goes to hell in a handbasket. There's no one to stop it, not a soul for the next four years.
Niggers free to do what they please, huge influx of illegals simply turned loose, their whereabouts and criminal activities unaccounted for. There's gonna be less and less law after the recent court ruling against Chauvin. What cop in their right mind would put themselves out their to serve and protect for a system that does't back them, where every discussion made is held against them? I damn sure wouldn't and don't blame any of them if they simply walked off the job or put in their resignation. Hiring in turn, will be a difficult task because again, who is willing to risk their lives for nothing. We're beening systematically pushed into corner and it's just a matter of time til things implode. It shouldn't be this way, the people in office are failing it's citizens.

Mental Puppy

Tudinem Mortem
"They" are encouraging it. The people who make the calls are standing idle in their high tower, while our country goes to hell in a handbasket. There's no one to stop it, not a soul for the next four years.
Niggers free to do what they please, huge influx of illegals simply turned loose, their whereabouts and criminal activities unaccounted for. There's gonna be less and less law after the recent court ruling against Chauvin. What cop in their right mind would put themselves out their to serve and protect for a system that does't back them, where every discussion made is held against them? I damn sure wouldn't and don't blame any of them if they simply walked off the job or put in the resignation. Hiring in turn, will be a difficult task because again, who is willing to risk their lives for nothing. We're beening systematically pushed into corner and it's just a matter of time til things implode. It shouldn't be this way, the people in office are failing it's citizens.
Yes it's sad that things turned out this way. I see a turbulent future for the states, luckily you have the majority, over here we are outnumbered 10 to 1. They are basically taking away the rights from the police to defend themselves and to do their job. Over here it didn't turn out well with lawlessness and South Africa ending up as one of the top 5 most dangerous countries of the world.


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
Yes it's sad that things turned out this way. I see a turbulent future for the states, luckily you have the majority, over here we are outnumbered 10 to 1. They are basically taking away the rights from the police to defend themselves and to do their job. Over here it didn't turn out well with lawlessness and South Africa ending up as one of the top 5 most dangerous countries of the world.
10 - 1 sounds terrifying, tbh. Our majority is shrinking quickly, I already feel like we're the minority and by the time 2024 rolls around, well... 4 years is a long time considering the way things are going. My kids and grandkids are the ones who will feel the full affects of the now. There's a tough road ahead for them. I think about 12 years from now, what will the US look like, what will it stand for? Cause atm it's a fucking shitshow, and anyone thinking it's not is full of crap. Even niggers, as stupid as they are, have to feel deeeeeep down inside that we're ALL on a slippery slope.

...and before anyone comments about coons and their lack of brain power... yes, I know. But I'm trying to see the glass as half full.


This user was banned
10 - 1 sounds terrifying, tbh. Our majority is shrinking quickly, I already feel like we're the minority and by the time 2024 rolls around, well... 4 years is a long time considering the way things are going. My kids and grandkids are the ones who will feel the full affects of the now. There's a tough road ahead for them. I think about 12 years from now, what will the US look like, what will it stand for? Cause atm it's a fucking shitshow, and anyone thinking it's not is full of crap. Even niggers, as stupid as they are, have to feel deeeeeep down inside that we're ALL on a slippery slope.

...and before anyone comments about coons and their lack of brain power... yes, I know. But I'm trying to see the glass as half full.
Well the niggers (ones on welfare and milking the government) don’t give 2 shits. They’re not thinking. USA IS GOING to 3rd world. No denying it. Well see radicals cause the law will stop getting involved. But with over 400-500 million guns in the US? The Wild West is about to come full circle. All those higher up liberls watching this shit? They’re gonna arm themselves as well. You think ammo is expensive now? Just wait...

gold won’t have shit on that. Blood will be on the streets and it won’t be pretty. But we have about 15yrs left lol


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
Well the niggers (ones on welfare and milking the government) don’t give 2 shits. They’re not thinking. USA IS GOING to 3rd world. No denying it. Well see radicals cause the law will stop getting involved. But with over 400-500 million guns in the US? The Wild West is about to come full circle. All those higher up liberls watching this shit? They’re gonna arm themselves as well. You think ammo is expensive now? Just wait...

gold won’t have shit on that. Blood will be on the streets and it won’t be pretty. But we have about 15yrs left lol
They're already armed, even though they pretend they aren't. How stupid they think we are, to believe that line of crap... fools. Depends on who takes the 2024 seat, how long we may or may not have. Certainly though, until then, we're fucked.


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They're already armed, even though they pretend they aren't. How stupid they think we are, to believe that line of crap... fools. Depends on who takes the 2024 seat, how long we may or may not have. Certainly though, until then, we're fucked.
They may be armed? But what they need is be dealt with by the people. They created the division amongst races

sad thing is niggers think all whites are bad. They do not want to fuck with the south


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
They, as in the sitting administration. Dollars to donuts every one of those rat bastards own weapons. They know what they're doing to our country, they know the pot is at a rolling boil. Don't think for a second they haven't armed themselves, hypocritical bastards.

Your last sentence is spot on, totally agree.


This user was banned
They, as in the sitting administration. Dollars to donuts every one of those rat bastards own weapons. They know what they're doing to our country, they know the pot is at a rolling boil. Don't think for a second they haven't armed themselves, hypocritical bastards.

Your last sentence is spot on, totally agree.
Yes sitting admin. Eventually? They’re going to need to be dealt with. May be armed but they can defend themselves against an angry mob. Especially an armed angry mob


Are we supposed to feel bad for a cathalic church burning just cuz they converted our ancestors after burning down our pagan roots? Fuck the church
Agree! Religion is man made! Half off for your spelling "catholic".

Hester Mofet

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They know what they're doing to our country, they know the pot is at a rolling boil.
Of course they know what they are doing, they are nothing but grifters who know there's money to be made from exploiting race-related issues. When the shit truly hits the fan they'll high-tail it out of whatever shithole city they've helped destroy and flee to their second home in the countryside.

If there's a buck to be made, the race card will be played!


This user was banned
Dev, you're like Chicken Little lately. I think you should ease up on the fear mongering media you're following. Do you not recognize how that site manipulated your thinking? There's very few facts about the church fire and it even says there wasn't any evidence indicating that it was arson, yet the article is angled to incite you. It leads you without evidence into believing the responsible party is the group you already hate.