murder Death penalty (1 Viewer)

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So the other night there was a group of us debating over the death penalty in the states and which state does and does not have it anymore. But then it became a deeper conversation because it got on to the morals of right and wrong. If you are sentencing a fellow human to death for his or her crimes does that not make the judicial system a murderer also as they are carrying out exactly what that person has just carried out with the same intention to end another life. Yet they are justifying that it is the right thing to do under the law to take another life as they have restricted someone of their life. So technically using the law to cover up a crime and then justify it, When instead of just restricting their life by locking them up for the rest of theirs so that they would never see freedom again would be a more moral act to carry out.

I would like to see others' points on this as neither side of our debate could justify the cause and the means, Are we simply overthinking the whole process, or do you see it in the same way.
An eye for an eye makes everyone blind


Resident Rope Bottom
I wonder if any pedophiles or sexual predators have ever been later proved innocent.

Darryl Hunt​

Darryl Hunt is a man from Winston-Salem North Carolina. He was convicted of the rape and murder of a woman named Deborah Sykes. He was nineteen years old at that time and despite the fact that there was no physical evidence that connected him to the crime, he was sentenced to life in prison. In 1994, he was cleared of the rape change when a DNA test result proved that he never committed the crime. He was finally exonerated after serving 19 years of his life in prison.

Thomas Kennedy​

Thomas Kennedy was sent to prison by his then eleven-year-old daughter, Casandra. Casandra told the authorities that she was raped by her own father and Thomas was sentenced to 15 years in prison. After nine years had passed, Casandra eventually came forward and admitted lying about the rape. She told the authorities, in her own words, that she “was upset because [she] felt he wasn’t around enough.” Thomas was freed afterwards.

James Curtis Giles​

James Curtis Giles was wrongfully convicted of a rape charge in 1983. And after 25 years of carrying the weight of a crime that he didn’t commit, a DNA test came out proving his innocence. He was freed in 2007 after serving 10 years in prison and 14 years as a registered sex offender on parole.

I found those with a 3 second google search, thousands of others are out there.


Fresh Meat
I think the death penalty should be present in all states, and used. It should be carried out as swiftly after conviction as possible to prevent undo burden on the rest of society. Especially on pedophiles and sexual predators.
The death penalty takes more tax dollars, kills innocents, does nothing to prevent crime, the death penalty is an undo burden on society. Pedos and sex predators are awful and horrible, but locking them away is enough, killing them just for revenge helps no one and is just a greedy idea especially when it'll get innocent people killed.


The one you were warned about.
The death penalty takes more tax dollars
Because the system is so flawed/corrupt, the cases can be appealed for years
kills innocents
Forensic science advancements make it much less likely, although it does still happen
does nothing to prevent crime
It would if the punishment was swift, ie not sitting in a solitary cell for 30+ years
the death penalty is an undo burden on society. Pedos and sex predators are awful and horrible, but locking them away is enough
No it isn't, these types of crimes are yhe worst of the worst and should have the highest penalty, period.
killing them just for revenge helps no one and is just a greedy idea especially when it'll get innocent people killed.
Revenge has nothing to do with it

Our justice system is horribly b


Fresh Meat
Because the system is so flawed/corrupt, the cases can be appealed for years

Forensic science advancements make it much less likely, although it does still happen

It would if the punishment was swift, ie not sitting in a solitary cell for 30+ years

No it isn't, these types of crimes are yhe worst of the worst and should have the highest penalty, period.

Revenge has nothing to do with it

Our justice system is horribly b
Nothing you said was even close to an argument haha. You actively admit it'll kill innocent people but don't care, clearly not about hatred or revenge att all mister 88 lmao. You realize the safest societies in the world are the ones where rehabilitation are the goal and forefront and death penalty is illegal right? Tbf I'd never expect logic from a walking swastika lmao.


Resident Rope Bottom
The death penalty takes more tax dollars, kills innocents, does nothing to prevent crime, the death penalty is an undo burden on society. Pedos and sex predators are awful and horrible, but locking them away is enough, killing them just for revenge helps no one and is just a greedy idea especially when it'll get innocent people killed.
Indeed. The court costs associated with death penalty appeals cost taxpayers way more than lifetime incarceration.


The one you were warned about.
No need to get butthurt fuckstick. :unreal: Are you so small minded and emotional that you missed my point AND got enraged? For whatever reason, the last half of my post was cut off. So here it is....

The justice system is horribly broken, to the point that it barely works anymore. There is so much corruption at all levels from speeding tickets on up that a lot of the time nothing is fair to anyone. If the system operated as intended, (and the prison system wasn't a private for profit endevor) things would be much different. It's not though, and I don't think it ever will be. Taking a life isn't something that should be done lightly. However, we as a society should impose strong enough punishments for violent crime that the consequences outweigh the benefits and criminals at least think twice about their actions, a swift and decisive death penalty (reserved for the worst of the worst crimes only) would do just that.

It has been proven multiple times that rehabilitation, particularly with sexual offenders, is ineffective. Why is it you Socialist retards always bring up Scandanavian countries as your examples? Comparing us and them is Apples to Oranges you moron. The overwhelming majority of violent crime in America is purpetraited by Blacks.

Most of the cost of deathrow inmates stems from legal council/proceedings and appeals. That's easily solved, execute them in as short a time frame as possible.

Innocents get locked up, and murderers go free *cough OJ Simpson. No system is perfect, it is rare comparative to the overall, and with forensics advancing everyday, it's becoming more rare. The examples that were given earlier in this thread were from decades ago when forensic science wasn't nearly as evolved.

This is a touchy subject, we all have our own veiws on the matter. For me, my sister was raped and almost beaten to death by 2 blacks, who were habitual violent felons. They got off with 5 years each with parole in 2 and a $2000 fine. Do you think that is fair? This was more than 10 years ago and she is still bafly scarred from it. Most who are raped never fully recover. You won't change my mind. Death to all pedophilles and sexual predators.


Master Baiter..... 🎣🎣🎣
The death penalty is great and I wish they would bring it back over here in the UK, but I only thing it should be used for the worst cases like serial killers and child rapists and murderers...

When these people have been found guilty i don't think the tax payer should pay for them to live a comfortable life in prison, better to just kill the cunts in my opinion


Fresh Meat
No need to get butthurt fuckstick. :unreal: Are you so small minded and emotional that you missed my point AND got enraged? For whatever reason, the last half of my post was cut off. So here it is....

The justice system is horribly broken, to the point that it barely works anymore. There is so much corruption at all levels from speeding tickets on up that a lot of the time nothing is fair to anyone. If the system operated as intended, (and the prison system wasn't a private for profit endevor) things would be much different. It's not though, and I don't think it ever will be. Taking a life isn't something that should be done lightly. However, we as a society should impose strong enough punishments for violent crime that the consequences outweigh the benefits and criminals at least think twice about their actions, a swift and decisive death penalty (reserved for the worst of the worst crimes only) would do just that.

It has been proven multiple times that rehabilitation, particularly with sexual offenders, is ineffective. Why is it you Socialist retards always bring up Scandanavian countries as your examples? Comparing us and them is Apples to Oranges you moron. The overwhelming majority of violent crime in America is purpetraited by Blacks.

Most of the cost of deathrow inmates stems from legal council/proceedings and appeals. That's easily solved, execute them in as short a time frame as possible.

Innocents get locked up, and murderers go free *cough OJ Simpson. No system is perfect, it is rare comparative to the overall, and with forensics advancing everyday, it's becoming more rare. The examples that were given earlier in this thread were from decades ago when forensic science wasn't nearly as evolved.

This is a touchy subject, we all have our own veiws on the matter. For me, my sister was raped and almost beaten to death by 2 blacks, who were habitual violent felons. They got off with 5 years each with parole in 2 and a $2000 fine. Do you think that is fair? This was more than 10 years ago and she is still bafly scarred from it. Most who are raped never fully recover. You won't change my mind. Death to all pedophilles and sexual predators.
Who's butthurt lmao, what do you not like being called a nazi? You literally got 88 in your name bud I just called you what you are lmao. I love how you admit you are just racist cause you are mad, and say that it could never work, we have to kill these people I hate. So it is revenge and hatred? Lmao, also I love how anyone who doesn't agree with literal nazis are socialist, I am not a socialist, so try again, I just go by statistics that are factually provable, because ya know, facts and all, but you do you I guess. Yes rape is terrible and I agree it's a horrible thing, just because I don't want people to be murdered by the state doesn't mean I don't think the crime is bad lmao, what don't you get about it doesn't reduce crime and kills innocent people do you not get? I'm genuinely curious, but again no logic from the walking swastika lmao.
The death penalty is great and I wish they would bring it back over here in the UK, but I only thing it should be used for the worst cases like serial killers and child rapists and murderers...

When these people have been found guilty i don't think the tax payer should pay for them to live a comfortable life in prison, better to just kill the cunts in my opinion
Why is it great? It kills innocent people what's so great about that? It does nothing to lower crime rates, what's so great about that? It actually costs more to kill someone and put them to death than keep them in prison actually so not actually better. Why not focus on things that actually make society better than focusing on things that do nothing to help and only harm? What's the point?
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The one you were warned about.
Who's butthurt lmao, what do you not like being called a nazi? You literally got 88 in your name bud I just called you what you are lmao. I love how you admit you are just racist cause you are mad, and say that it could never work, we have to kill these people I hate. So it is revenge and hatred? Lmao, also I love how anyone who doesn't agree with literal nazis are socialist, I am not a socialist, so try again, I just go by statistics that are factually provable, because ya know, facts and all, but you do you I guess. Yes rape is terrible and I agree it's a horrible thing, just because I don't want people to be murdered by the state doesn't mean I don't think the crime is bad lmao, what don't you get about it doesn't reduce crime and kills innocent people do you not get? I'm genuinely curious, but again no logic from the walking swastika lmao.

Why is it great? It kills innocent people what's so great about that? It does nothing to lower crime rates, what's so great about that? It actually costs more to kill someone and put them to death than keep them in prison actually so not actually better. Why not focus on things that actually make society better than focusing on things that do nothing to help and only harm? What's the point?
Wow, you're a fucking special kind of retard aren't you? I don't give a hoot if you call me a nazi, it IS right in my name, huh, how 'bout that. I never said I was racist because "I'm mad" you fucking moose twat. I don't feel that you are someone who "ackshually" goes on facts, does any true research, or tries to present anything in an unbiassed manner. You would rather attack someones character and try (poorly I might add) to belittle them. I have stated my case, you'll get nothing more from me troll.


Fresh Meat
Wow, you're a fucking special kind of retard aren't you? I don't give a hoot if you call me a nazi, it IS right in my name, huh, how 'bout that. I never said I was racist because "I'm mad" you fucking moose twat. I don't feel that you are someone who "ackshually" goes on facts, does any true research, or tries to present anything in an unbiassed manner. You would rather attack someones character and try (poorly I might add) to belittle them. I have stated my case, you'll get nothing more from me troll.
Lol, gets called a nazi gets mad even tho he advertises it. Lmao you right wingers are a sure special breed aren't you. What do yall always say "facts over feelings" and stuff? Oh and what else? That people are snowflakes, what you want to kill people but you can't handle a little insult lmao.

Mr An onymous

Well Known Member
Keep the death penalty for serial killers, serial rapists, terrorists and pedophiles.

I'm not believer in an eye for an eye form of punishment. I'm more in favour that if you take an eye, you Lose your ability to see. There's not an equal and opposite reaction, it's a significant escalation in response.


Master Baiter..... 🎣🎣🎣
Why is it great? It kills innocent people what's so great about that? It does nothing to lower crime rates, what's so great about that? It actually costs more to kill someone and put them to death than keep them in prison actually so not actually better. Why not focus on things that actually make society better than focusing on things that do nothing to help and only harm? What's the point?
Who the fuck are you?

You've been on here a day and you're already giving it the big talk 🤦‍♂️

And the people you're saying shouldn't be executed also kill innocent people including children so what's your point 🤷‍♂️ and the chance's of an innocent person been executed in this day and age are very very slim....

And why would it lower crime rates 🤷‍♂️ people don't get executed for all crime's only murder so your point is moot, i guarantee that some people think twice before killing someone when they know they can get the death penalty....

And as for it costing more money that's bullshit, it costs on average $40k a year to keep someone locked up, so if a murder gets life without parole they could end up in prison for 30/40/50+ year's, so at 30 year's the cost to incarcerate someone is around $1.2 million which apparently is about the same as it costs to execute them...

So anyone serving more than 30 year's costs the tax payer more money to keep them locked up than it does to kill them,but it's not just about the money it's about the fact that they get to live a comfortable life in prison while their victims are 6 feet under in a box....

Any person who murderers/tortures and rapes an innocent person especially a child deserves to be killed


Fresh Meat
Who the fuck are you?

You've been on here a day and you're already giving it the big talk 🤦‍♂️

And the people you're saying shouldn't be executed kill innocent people including children so what's your point 🤷‍♂️ and the chance's of an innocent person been executed in this day and age are very very slim....

And why would it lower crime rates 🤷‍♂️ people don't get executed for all crime's only murder so your point is moot, i guarantee that some people think twice before killing someone when they know they can get the death penalty....

And as for it costing more money that's bullshit, it costs on average $40k a year to keep someone locked up, so if a murder gets life without parole they could end up in prison for 30/40/50+ year's, so at 30 year's the cost to incarcerate someone is around $1.2 million which apparently is about the same as it costs to execute them...

So anyone serving more than 30 year's costs the tax payer more money to keep them locked up than it does to kill them,but it's not just about the money it's about the fact that they get to live a comfortable life in prison while their victims are 6 feet under in a box....

Any person who murderers/tortures and rapes an innocent person especially a child deserves to be killed
Oh no someone joined a site and is talking to people the aducity, lmao. I don't disagree that it feels like they should be vengeance is a powerful emotion, but it's basic stats, innocents die with death penalties, it literally statistically doesn't lower crime, and countries with no death penalties with a focus on rehabs are safer, and my goal is safer countries not just emotional thinking, again what is it you right wingers always say "facts over feelings" or something??? I love how I have to be someone to be correct, who the fuck are you? Some random dude on a gore site, oh no im so intimidated that I'll just shut up now LMAO.


Master Baiter..... 🎣🎣🎣
Oh no someone joined a site and is talking to people the aducity, lmao. I don't disagree that it feels like they should be vengeance is a powerful emotion, but it's basic stats, innocents die with death penalties, it literally statistically doesn't lower crime, and countries with no death penalties with a focus on rehabs are safer, and my goal is safer countries not just emotional thinking, again what is it you right wingers always say "facts over feelings" or something??? I love how I have to be someone to be correct, who the fuck are you? Some random dude on a gore site, oh no im so intimidated that I'll just shut up now LMAO.
It's not about you talking it's about you acting like an utter cunt 🤷‍♂️ don't join a forum and instantly start trolling and thinking you're something special because it won't end well for you...

And like I said why would it lower crime rates?

Why would the death penalty lower theft, burglary, assault etc you don't get sentenced to death for such crime's so why would it lower them?

And who says I'm right wing 😴 and I've never said nor heard anything of the sort, you seem to know more about the right wing than i do so are you sure you're not right wing?

And show me these facts that you speak of 🤷‍♂️ i just proved you wrong on your so called fact's about it costing more to execute someone than it does to lock them up for life....

And it's got nothing to do with revenge the courts,jurys and judge's don't seek revenge they seek justice so yet again your point is moot

Jon N.

Forum Veteran
So the other night there was a group of us debating over the death penalty in the states and which state does and does not have it anymore. But then it became a deeper conversation because it got on to the morals of right and wrong. If you are sentencing a fellow human to death for his or her crimes does that not make the judicial system a murderer also as they are carrying out exactly what that person has just carried out with the same intention to end another life. Yet they are justifying that it is the right thing to do under the law to take another life as they have restricted someone of their life. So technically using the law to cover up a crime and then justify it, When instead of just restricting their life by locking them up for the rest of theirs so that they would never see freedom again would be a more moral act to carry out.

I would like to see others' points on this as neither side of our debate could justify the cause and the means, Are we simply overthinking the whole process, or do you see it in the same way.
I feel if they got the death penalty, it was for a damn good reason. what's needed now is for prisons execute them when they show up. save tax payers money, and always have room for one more!! if those execution guards need overtime, just install a dimmer switch on the switch.


Fresh Meat
It's not about you talking it's about you acting like an utter cunt 🤷‍♂️ don't join a forum and instantly start trolling and thinking you're something special because it won't end well for you...

And like I said why would it lower crime rates?

Why would the death penalty lower theft, burglary, assault etc you don't get sentenced to death for such crime's so why would it lower them?

And who says I'm right wing 😴 and I've never said nor heard anything of the sort, you seem to know more about the right wing than i do so are you sure you're not right wing?

And show me these facts that you speak of 🤷‍♂️ i just proved you wrong on your so called fact's about it costing more to execute someone than it does to lock them up for life....

And it's got nothing to do with revenge the courts,jurys and judge's don't seek revenge they seek justice so yet again your point is moot
uh huh, yup. gonnna end so poorly, what gonna ban me? oh no, whatever will I do lmao. big dude's got stuff to say lmao. and sure you aren't right wing, whatever my guy lmao. either way authoritarian, and *probably* white, I mean right wing. And I never said the courts would be, I said your arguments were, you are looking for vengeance and such, your beliefs on this are based on emotion and not fact. and again, you can feel free to look it up, but death row imates eat up more money, that's just a statistical fact lmao, you didn't prove anything lmao. and again, we should be focusing on how to reduce crime, not on how to most aptly punish them as harshly as possible, spending time on death penalty just reduces our focus away from things that would actually make the world a safer place. but go ahead, you sure prove your mental maturity with how you argue lmao.


Master Baiter..... 🎣🎣🎣
uh huh, yup. gonnna end so poorly, what gonna ban me? oh no, whatever will I do lmao. big dude's got stuff to say lmao. and sure you aren't right wing, whatever my guy lmao. either way authoritarian, and *probably* white, I mean right wing. And I never said the courts would be, I said your arguments were, you are looking for vengeance and such, your beliefs on this are based on emotion and not fact. and again, you can feel free to look it up, but death row imates eat up more money, that's just a statistical fact lmao, you didn't prove anything lmao. and again, we should be focusing on how to reduce crime, not on how to most aptly punish them as harshly as possible, spending time on death penalty just reduces our focus away from things that would actually make the world a safer place. but go ahead, you sure prove your mental maturity with how you argue lmao.
Yawn you're boring 😴 is that all you can do repeat yourself?

And why would I be looking for vengeance none of these killer's who seem to be your Idols have done anything to me, but I 100% agree with the death penalty a life for a life and and all that 🤷‍♂️

Anyone who rapes, tortures and kills someone definitely doesn't deserve to live a comfortable life in prison, if some sick cunt did such a thing to your partner or someone else very close to you would you still be saying the same thing?

And yeah I am white why do you have a problem with that, you likely are also white which makes your point irrelevant...

And it doesn't cost more to execute someone , someone who is in prison longer than 30 year's costs the tax payer more money and I don't understand why you keep going on about other crime's, what do other crime's have to do with the death penalty 🤔

And they do have stuff in place to try and reduce crime but what exactly do you think they should have in place to stop a psychopath who wants to kill and torture for fun,what would you suggest for them 🤷‍♂️

The only crime's that go hand in hand with the death penalty are murder, rape and torture so I don't understand why you keep going on about other crime's and the overall crime rate.,.

And just so you know i don't support nor follow any political parties or politicians and I don't associate myself with either the left or the right, i believe in commonsense