beatings Russian abusive man beating a woman (2 Viewers)

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Few weeks ago I was out drinking with a woman who drank 2 half litre bottles of whiskey like it was water then she headbutted me, punched me several times then hit me in the head with an empty whiskey bottle........ I punched the bitch...
Many years ago while on the midnight train home from Glasgow me and a friend were approached by a gang of 7 guys and 1 girl from a part of our town ( bad blood between us ) when they attacked I was trying to defend myself and the bitch grabbed me by the hair, I was being punched and one had an old style heavy wall beer can which he had halved and stuck it in my face. she still had my hair wrapped round her fingers and I got up to her face level and pulled back, when she was close enough I gave her a very satisfying headbutt square on the nose = a loud crack and loads of blood. Me and my mate still got beat up but I do know that cunt would have had a very sore face in the morning.
He’s done that to her many times.She makes No move or attempt to block him but she doesn’t flinch either. I don’t have any use for a man who beats a woman like another man. There’s a time and place sometimes but in this case I don’t think it applies here.


This was rough to watch, she literally wore the most innocent/cute outfit that day, and got beat like that. Like, kicking a baby penguin or something. These are merciless. Hope they get prison time. She stole money, you know it wasn’t clean money anyways.