beatings Russian abusive man beating a woman (2 Viewers)

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Varmint Hunter

I'd go to hell just to shoot the Devil in the face
Many years ago while on the midnight train home from Glasgow me and a friend were approached by a gang of 7 guys and 1 girl from a part of our town ( bad blood between us ) when they attacked I was trying to defend myself and the bitch grabbed me by the hair, I was being punched and one had an old style heavy wall beer can which he had halved and stuck it in my face. she still had my hair wrapped round her fingers and I got up to her face level and pulled back, when she was close enough I gave her a very satisfying headbutt square on the nose = a loud crack and loads of blood. Me and my mate still got beat up but I do know that cunt would have had a very sore face in the morning.

Lots of people out there are just too comfortable, confident, and overestimating their abilities, that is why they pick on people for no reason. Sometimes they will encounter that one wrong person and then they end up having their poor eviscerated corpses shown on the top parts of websites like this one and TheYNC. You and your fellas just gave these mofos a beating. Some people would have opened fire or started stabbing at the first sign of an altercation, or tracked down where the gang liked to drink and hang out at and toss in a couple of sticks of dynamite a few days later...


As bad as I am, and as bad as I have been, I could never even hit a woman, let alone beat her.
I will not set out to punch a bitch for no reason, stealing from me or shit like that but, If a bitch has the balls to punch me, that bitch will get knocked out. I have see women just full swing on a break a guys nose and the guy just stood there….I would of knocked that cunts teeth down her throat or give her a nice hard kidney shot and let her piss blood for a week.


Somewhat rancid; allegedly.
Eqaul rights✊
Equal rights, equal fights; women aren't weak and they shouldn't be treated like it; however, NO-ONE should be beaten worse than what is deserved, and shit should at least be attempted to have been resolved with words; but if ya gotta smash a bitch, what else can ya do?