bizarre Fuck u bitch (1 Viewer)

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What a beautiful animal. Great sneak attack. Perfectly executed. Smart animals horses are. There’s people who get too close to you and if we can do this and learn from this pony we’d all be happier day in and day out

Dr. Johnny Fever

aka Bill Murray
The new Bud Light Clydesdales?



Kill 'em all
I had a Clydsdale/Arab called Buzz who whipped his head around like that and gave me a double blood nose and a whole bunch of stars...

Horses evolved with lions and like all prey animals they are swift to flight. In my case the cause of Buzz's head whip was our pony who wandered in to his peripheral vision and startled him. In the wild old days such reflexes were a matter of life and death.

These days they are a pain in the head due to horses being such twitchy cunts...

Buzz's head was well over a metre long and probably weighed a good 50 kg. Whipping around like that sure packs a wallop...
Horses didn't evolve with lions.


A most average man, just even average-er.
I'm a little bit suspicious of the 'and I had to push it back in'...

I think perhaps the dog was his 'bitch'...
lol how is that possible are you a wizard
Haha no honestly guys if you get a tooth knocked out you can push it back in and it heals up, mine did!

Look at the camera angles right after she gets hit. Would your one arm fly outside your body and come back in? Super super fake.
Why would anyone fake that?


Kill 'em all
Back up your point with evidence.

And don't be a Mudskipper fag boy Armadeddon, you put up evidence too.
Horses were introduced to Africa a couple of thousand years ago buddy, they weren't endemic to the same environments as lions, therefore no evolutionary predator / prey relationship with lions. Should be pretty simple for you to corroborate what I've said, not that it's particularly important - I just have an interest in evolution. And lions. And horses who live far far away from lions.


Forum Veteran
Look at the camera angles right after she gets hit. Would your one arm fly outside your body and come back in? Super super fake.
Fuckin retard. Are you high or just a stupid cunt? Slow it down to 1/4 speed and you can clearly see it's not fake. And how did you see her arm "fly outside her body and come back in"? Think before you speak you stupid piece of shit. You're too retarded to be a part of this group. Go watch anime and jack off faggot. 😆


Forum Veteran
Horses were introduced to Africa a couple of thousand years ago buddy, they weren't endemic to the same environments as lions, therefore no evolutionary predator / prey relationship with lions. Should be pretty simple for you to corroborate what I've said, not that it's particularly important - I just have an interest in evolution. And lions. And horses who live far far away from lions.

Well, lets see how what you say stacks up...
  1. Horses evolved in North America with big cats including sabre toothed cats. (and bears...)
  2. Horses moved out of NA via the land bridge over to Siberia during the glacial periods of low water.
  3. Zebras are horses and they have been in Africa for more than a 'couple of thousand years... buddy'.
  4. Horses died out in NA, probably killed by the Wisdom of the Elders Indians and were reintroduced by the Spanish.
  5. Lions roamed all over the northern Hemisphere due to the land bridges as mentioned above. England, Greece, and all of Europe had lions. Right up through Finland and over Siberia to North America. Horses wandered one way, big cats the other. That lions are now only found wild in Africa is a recent human caused phenomenon. The Zebra would have grown up with lions all over the place from way before it grew stripes.
I too have an interest in evolution. Happy to work with you if you would like. But run it past me first before trying to shaft me on GG just for LOL's. lol lol lol...


Zebras are equids – members of the horse family (Equidae) and are medium sized, odd-toed ungulates. Zebras are native to southern and central Africa. Although zebras are very adaptable animals as far as their habitats are concerned, most zebras live in grasslands and savannas.
The Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi) prefers to live in sub desert and arid grasslands.
Zebras were the second species to diverge from the earliest proto-horses, after the asses, around 4 million years ago. The Grevy’s zebra is believed to have been the first zebra species to emerge.


The Evolution of Cats - Killarney Cat Hospital

"It is estimated that cats migrated to North America from Asia across the Bering land bridge connecting Siberia and Alaska about 9 million years ago. Later, several American cat lineages returned to Asia. With each migration, the cats evolved further and changed into an ever-growing array of sizes and types of felines."

Prehistoric cats​

At least 67 species of sabertoothed cats existed in North America between 42 million and 11 thousand years ago before going extinct. Their disappearance can be attributed to both the changing climate at the end of the Ice Age and the appearance of humans in the Americas.[1]

Some prehistoric animals referred to as "saber-toothed cats" were in fact marsupials and not cats at all, but called such because of their resemblance to true felines with large canine teeth.

North America still has one of the world's most dangerous big cats, the cougar...

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Forum Veteran
Look at the camera angles right after she gets hit. Would your one arm fly outside your body and come back in? Super super fake.
Clearly this is a black flag event.

If you look closely at the background on the left you can see the black vans with the thought reading ariels on them...