Uber driver caught attempting to rape young drunk female (1 Viewer)

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Chief Queef

Last of the Mohicans
"Great idea, Charlene! Let's get in a vehicle with a complete stranger off of the internet! We're a bit inebriated but what could go wrong? It's 2023!"


what am I doing here
too dumbmonkey; you are blind and deaf for the truth, your heart denies it , a sickness thats curable if you just believe in allah swt and explore on your own the books what your creator has sended down as a guide , you can start with reading the quran ,
Nah fuck this guy


Well Known Member
too dumbmonkey; you are blind and deaf for the truth, your heart denies it , a sickness thats curable if you just believe in allah swt and explore on your own the books what your creator has sended down as a guide , you can start with reading the quran ,
What creator is that as there seems to be quite a few of them and strangely enough every one of them is the true creator.