World Economic Forum 2024 (1 Viewer)

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Uppity cunt
Something tells me Karen and Karen don't like Elon and prefer more censorious places like facebook, I bet they're campaigning for My space to be brought back.

Klaus Schwab... another matter all together he basically wants us to "own nothing and be happy" all the while gradually eroding our freedoms. Coupled with the absolute apathy of Generation Z, genderless, time-blind, and mentally disabled, these developments are inevitable. So glad ill be getting off the bus before the world goes to utter shit.



Hope Mojo dies
Those two women don't like free speech. The worlds's fucked and going to get worse. I've got about another 20 years left. I wouldn't want to be here much longer after that. Fuck nows what it will be like. England will be a Muslim state i think.


Rubs the lotion on its skin..
Oh really, X has a scary name with toxic people....................Come on this site you tranny trout faced fucking cunt, U want toxic; I can't wait for some extremist to deal with these globalist elites CUNTS............Cleanse these evil pieces of shit with fire!!
They are the real threat to this world.
'You will own nothing and you will be happy'...............FUCK YOU KLAUSE SCHWAB....:rambo::rambo::rambo::rage::rage::rage:


Uppity cunt
They are all so obsessed with misinformation and net safety and mostly Elon . Is it because of what they have to hide, particularly Ursula. They want to decide what is the truth and that's all we will get if this continues. They believe in the freedom of speech as long as it conforms with their policies

Speaking at the WEF 2023 summit, unelected EU technocrat Věra Jourová, threatens Elon Musk with sanctions if the EU's totalitarian censorship rules are not "complied with"."Our message was clear: We have the rules, which have to be complied with, and otherwise there will be sanctions."



We are Kings
They are all so obsessed with misinformation and net safety and mostly Elon . Is it because of what they have to hide, particularly Ursula. They want to decide what is the truth and that's all we will get if this continues. They believe in the freedom of speech as long as it conforms with their policies

Not many people realise Elon is the lightning rod right now, I'm glad you can see it.These fucks are pushing a Orwellian nightmare and they don't even hide it anymore.

Remember when this was a conspiracy theory?



Uppity cunt
This shuts the people up who thought the fear of 'new world order' is a conspiracy theory. Unfortunately, there is minimal coverage on mainstream platforms apart from Twitter, because Bill Gates has contributed over $319 million to 'media projects', he is embroiled in the misdirection and the blatant destruction of civilized life in the pursuit of globalist agendas. He is an exceptionally manipulative man the anti-Christ. The urgency lies in the need for collective action, an uprising, but the challenge is that few are paying attention. Moreover, the younger generation is disinterested, due to their apathy and only hearing the words 'safe spaces online' if they do watch any of the WEF talks. Its enough to make me think God is real and Jesus is on the way. I fucking hope so.
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Well Known Member
New world order, more "mis and dis - information" (censorship) campaigns, ... All these dweebs are saying the quiet part out loud. They are itching and desperate to impose a 1984 scenario on the western world. Continues to amaze how prophetic Orwell was.

"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others"

These sick Davos fucks seek everything from us.