5 year old gets medical marijuana card in Arizona (2 Viewers)

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Cancer Man

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if it helps against horrible seizures thats fine

but weed has side effects also like mental illness...i know many people preach how good it is, and doesnt hurt your lungs or whatever...its not good for your brain.

You have to be predisposed to schizophrenia or like for medical weed to have an adverse effect.


putting bags over heads.
Short Bussed
It's nuts alcohol is freely available while weed is prohibited, it doesn't make any sense at all.

not out here, but i havent touched weed in years and wont just not my thing

if it helps people and their disease fine but it still causes issues for some people just like alcohol...just my opinion :)


putting bags over heads.
Short Bussed
This kid cant even talk!

Jesus fucking Christ! Im more concerned about whatever you ate growing up than weed. Burnout?! THE FUCKING KID IS MENTALLY DISABLED!!

Also, fuck whatever you learned of officer happy hands in dare class. Everybody in your goddamn history books smoked pot. EVERYONE!

Jesus fucking Christ.

dont be mad, i agree if it helps some people good for them i just disagree with people saying weed cures cancer has only good properties...but some people feel like going into defense mode very fast on this topic it seems...fine with me..


Forum Veteran
dont be mad, i agree if it helps some people good for them i just disagree with people saying weed cures cancer has only good properties...but some people feel like going into defense mode very fast on this topic it seems...fine with me..
What made me mad was the whole "kid is gonna be a burnout" thing.

I doubt his mental abilities will be hampered. hes not even capable of communication. had it been phrased differently, such as hoping it helps the kid, but diminishing a healthy brain, i wouldnt have reacted the same.

Its just either people not reading the article, or...maybe yall smoked too much of it, speak first hand?


putting bags over heads.
Short Bussed
ahaha yeah i agree besides medicine as in pills are probably nastier ah nvm then thought it wss towards me sorry for derailing it i guess..

Cowboy Stanley

Fresh Meat
ive had debilitating SLE since i was 12. over half of my life. ive been on everything from darvocet to dilaudid, holistic healing, meditation and mind over matter techniques...everything. at one point i was on 18 different medications and told to make a will because all of the side effects caused me more damage than anything and i was dying. when i was 16 my ma started buying me pot. its changed my life. no, its GIVEN me life. i went from having around 3+ seizures a day to having one maybe every 3 years, i dont take pain meds, and am on steroids 1/5 as much as i used to be. for the last several years i havent been on more than 5 medications at any given time. there is no cure for what i have. for me life is either being a bloated, miserable, over-medicated zombie who is in constant pain, or smoke pot and live a life better than i could ever have otherwise. . i smoke pot. i happen to have a very full, happy, ENERGETIC, healthy as humanly possible life AND i have an I.Q. i can be proud of.

anyone who thinks pot can cause mental retardation needs to seriously have their brain evaluated and then go back to school.


Also, fuck whatever you learned of officer happy hands in dare class. Everybody in your goddamn history books smoked pot. EVERYONE!

Jesus fucking Christ.

I don't know if there is some special weed in Ohio but I know what people smoke around here makes them into lazy, stupid idiots. And I know a few of them never used to be like that either.

Also, before when people smoked weed, it was weak as shit. The stuff nowadays is not weak at all.

So what I was getting at before you got all bent out of shape was.. weed is bad, mmmkay? But if it stops you from having seizures, then smoke fucking weed.


Forum Veteran
L like a good toke right before i ride or hit the gym. Lots and lots of people are the same. Sorry your friends are bums, but blame the bums.
I don't know if there is some special weed in Ohio but I know what people smoke around here makes them into lazy, stupid idiots. And I know a few of them never used to be like that either.

Also, before when people smoked weed, it was weak as shit. The stuff nowadays is not weak at all.

So what I was getting at before you got all bent out of shape was.. weed is bad, mmmkay? But if it stops you from having seizures, then smoke fucking weed.
Marijuana hasn't always been weak. When it was grown outdoors and flown into the United States by the ton it wasn't weak, that was pretty good outdoor. Since our best indoor is only mimicking what we can produce from the outdoors, it isn't like the quality is endlessly better now; just more consistent. Marijuana must be treated like any substance, it can become habitual and it can deter you from getting what you need done because you're focused on that.
The Skunk strains grown these days are far stronger than the previous decades.
Genetics haven't really been that improved, more so honed. Where do you think all of the Afghan, Hindu, and indica dominant strains came from? The middle east is the hot bed for hash production, and their hash plants is not anything to fuck with be it now or 40 years ago. I always figured our weed was way better now, but I tend to smoke with quite a few older folks who say the weed was almost just as nice back then. Nice green sensi, with a strong smell that'd lay you out. Just because the weed was dirt by time you found it doesn't mean it was for everyone. Outdoor sativas have almost always been the strongest THC you can find, and just because we have socially accepted chemically produced fertilizers now doesn't mean that organic doesn't get it done as it did 40+ years ago.


Incazzato nero
Short Bussed
The science and technology has improved greatly regards to growing. Most of the homegrown weed back in the 80's was utter shit. Folks didn't know what they were doing. The nutrients weren't available.. Better lighting equipment etc.... Yes the imported hash was good whilst it was available, but I can make equally good hash right here at home.

I've learned a lot about growing over the past 8 years and have never had better than my own, nor have the folks who smoke it... Amsterdam included.


L like a good toke right before i ride or hit the gym. Lots and lots of people are the same. Sorry your friends are bums, but blame the bums.

Well, they aren't my friends anymore. They do have jobs and stuff, it's not like smoking weed has ruined their lives, but they were different people, much more energetic and outgoing, before they started smoking weed almost every day. Now when I run into them, you can almost see that they are a bit 'slower'.

TBH, I don't see anything wrong with someone that wants to take a hit or two to relax themselves or whatever, I drink beer to do the same so who am I to talk, but I was mainly talking about people that smoke a lot more than a few hits or whatever.

People can argue back and forth on the subject forever, it seems like they already have been. I acknowledge what you said, and who am I to say it is wrong? But I still will think that marijuana does change the majority of its users lives in one way or another, small or large, and not for the good of the person using it. But hey, whatever floats your boat.
weed is a medicine, its been that way for a looooooong time. side effects include, increased appetite, cause you to nap, laughter. yes there is memory loss involved and yes inhaling smoke into your lungs is not a great idea. it beats the hell out of most pharmaceuticals for an array of symptoms. physical and psychological.
there have been lots of treatments which were used a long time ago but aren't still used today due to their ineffectiveness. just because it's old doesn't mean anything. i guess as you compare it to modern pharmaceuticals you're going to say that marijuana is better because it's natural, but if you consider how much growers alter the plants to make them stronger, it's easy to see how that line is blurring. most people these days would laugh at the idea of smoking real natural weed that hasn't been fucked with at all, but what do you think they were using as treatment back then?


there have been lots of treatments which were used a long time ago but aren't still used today due to their ineffectiveness. just because it's old doesn't mean anything. i guess as you compare it to modern pharmaceuticals you're going to say that marijuana is better because it's natural, but if you consider how much growers alter the plants to make them stronger, it's easy to see how that line is blurring. most people these days would laugh at the idea of smoking real natural weed that hasn't been fucked with at all, but what do you think they were using as treatment back then?

Exactly. There wasn't "Strain 48 White Widow" type crap back then. The weren't mixing strains together and making really, really powerful stuff like there is today. Just look at a High Times magazine.. I've seen lots of weed plants in my day, some grown naturally with regular seeds, and some grown differently with very rare, very expensive seeds, and with very different (and MUCH more expensive equipment used) and the buds look nothing at all alike.


Forum Veteran
Well, they aren't my friends anymore. They do have jobs and stuff, it's not like smoking weed has ruined their lives, but they were different people, much more energetic and outgoing, before they started smoking weed almost every day. Now when I run into them, you can almost see that they are a bit 'slower'.

TBH, I don't see anything wrong with someone that wants to take a hit or two to relax themselves or whatever, I drink beer to do the same so who am I to talk, but I was mainly talking about people that smoke a lot more than a few hits or whatever.

People can argue back and forth on the subject forever, it seems like they already have been. I acknowledge what you said, and who am I to say it is wrong? But I still will think that marijuana does change the majority of its users lives in one way or another, small or large, and not for the good of the person using it. But hey, whatever floats your boat.
I can agree that excessive use and general lethargy are not good and people do it. I blame the people though. Anything in excess usually has a negative impact, its not the weeds fault.


I can agree that excessive use and general lethargy are not good and people do it. I blame the people though. Anything in excess usually has a negative impact, its not the weeds fault.

Hey I agree with that as well. How can I argue that guns are just tools and it's the people that use them for bad purposes that are evil, not the guns, while saying at the same time that a plant is bad when it is the persons own fault for using it to much.


exactly! the thc is extracted from it so no one gets high from it. its just that the story wasn't informative enough on that part. but yea,the kid wont get stoned at all.

See, I didn't know that. I know that back in the day, we could get liquid THC pills that we'd cut open and drip on weed, and that is what I figured this kid was getting.


Short Bussed
Hopefully, the parents will understand the kid will eventually be a lab-rat to an extent. They will probably object. But, if THC supplements have the similar effect as canniboids within the endocrine system then there would concrete clinical data which could expand on to increase the effectiveness of anti-seizure drugs.
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