Riots in Ukraine 2014 (2 Viewers)

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A Ukrainian student has told the BBC he was tortured by riot police after being arrested during violent clashes in Kiev on Monday night.

17 year old Mikhailo Niskoguz, his cuts covered with a green antiseptic, says he was brutally beaten after being arrested at at demonstration:


"All I felt was pain. Their eyes were red, and when I looked into their eyes, I could see they were enjoying it," he says, wincing as he speaks.

His face and body is covered in cuts and bruises. He has a deep gash across his forehead, which has been treated with a green antiseptic fluid. His arm is broken and bandaged.

"The special forces took me. They beat me severely. They hit me with batons, cut me with a knife," he says.

"They undressed me. They made me walk naked," he says, describing how he says the police made him sing the national anthem before taking turns to beat him and slash him with knives in the freezing weather.

"They started cutting me across my anus," he adds. "They only called an ambulance after four hours."


Video footage of police taking activists out of the hospital, and some..


the crew from TVI first interview a pro-maidan Ukrainian lawyer "Sergiy Norparonyan" who is telling them that he got the report that this emergency hospital (Side note: Ukraine has specialized hospitals that deal with emergency traumas, not just emergency rooms of a single hospital) got some wounded from violent clashes on the main barricade (Hrushevkogo) from the previous day. He is saying that a number of wounded are inside and a group of police officers (around 10) just arrived into the waiting room of this emergency hospital. The TVI crew then follows a number of policemen inside.

The TV reporter is trying to interview the wounded as police are hauling him away and asks him to describe what happened to him. Nothing, except for random grumbling of police officers. They then get blocked at the exit and reporter starts arguing with police about access. They then cut to interview with the doctors and inquire how many of these wounded they've gotten so far and how often they get them and how many are hauled away by police. Doctors are visibly uncomfortable talking about this and what looks like head surgeon refers reporters to talk to upper management.

Around 1:50 the head of the police department of this region (like county almost) arrives and starts confronting reporters (Random personal emotional moment: holy crap, is that a new Vacheron Constantin Patrimony on his wrist? Not bad for tiny government salary). Reporter asks him what is happening and he dodges the question by saying he "arrived to find out what's happening". Reporter asks whether or not the injured who are being hauled away were victims of riot police. The head policeman throws a thinly veiled threat by saying "If you want Berkut here we'll get you Berkut. Stop interfering with our work. Please stop filming". He is still trying to be courteous though.

In the last shot they are confronting the policeman who is hauling the person with visible flesh wounds into a "Poison Control Unit". They are asking the victim to identify himself and where he is from. They ask him why he is in poison unit if he's not poisoned. They ask him when his injuries ughh "materialized". He says they "materialized" while he was being detained. She is asking him who inflicted the injuries. He is very hesitant with policeman standing right next to him. He says a lot of people who are with him in that "special poison unit room" with police present were detained with him and have similar injuries. This is where it gets into a spooky classical "IF YOU ARE BEING DETAINED AGAINST YOUR WILL JUST BLINK TWICE"-mode. I've only ever seen this in movies. She pleads with him to tell her whether or not it was riot police that inflicted the injuries to the tune of "if you are scared to say, just nod" and he nods. He's visibly freaked out. Police hauls him away.


Ukraine Justice Ministry Seized By Rioters

Protesters in Kiev seized the Justice Ministry building near Independence Square on Sunday, following a day of calm. It comes one day after rioters seiged a convention center in the capital where police were stationed.

Rioters seized the building on Sunday evening. “At 22:38 security in the building called in an attempted seizure of the building. Information was confirmed, the building remains seized,” police said, according to Unian news agency.

Local media reported that no one was hurt during the seizure of the building. Following the incident, activist group Common Cause claimed responsibility for the seizure, posting a message on their Facebook page.

Ukrainian Justice Minister Elena Lukash has said she will ask the National Security and Defense Council to introduce a state of emergency if rioters do not leave the ministry building.

"If the protesters do not leave the Justice Ministry building in half an hour I will ask the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine to impose the state of emergency,
” she told Inter TV channel.

Lukash said the ministry building was captured just when the last amendments were being made to the law “On Changes to the Constitution of Ukraine” in order to return to the 2004 text of the constitution.

According to AFP, the group entered the building without any resistance and is currently building a system of barricades just outside the building. Common Cause is reportedly the same group that earlier occupied the Energy and Agricultural Ministries.

UDAR party leader Vitaly Klitschko entered the building, Interfax reported.

Despite some active steps taken by the opposition, there is a definite split in the protest movement, RT’s Alexey Yaroshevsky reports from Kiev.

Opposition leaders can’t even agree on their positions on a presidential amnesty.

“President Yanukovich said he'll release the detained protesters - if there's no further resistance in central Kiev. And our position is the same,” Vitaly Klitschko said.

Videos & Rest of the story


Let It All Bleed Out
Smells like a civil war brewing. Throw a load of rowdy protesters in against riot cops, some will get injured or killed, and then shit starts to hit the fan. The escalated protests and subsequent "revolution" that began in Damascus, Syria, all went haywire after the death of 1 protester.

Now it looks like we might see the same shit start up in Kiev.

Btw, awesome pics all :)