
  1. Donkeyd

    animals How to get rid of mice behind a wall

    Genius. Although snakes lost forever
  2. Donkeyd

    animals Snake takes young rodent, mother having none of it

  3. Monkman777

    animals Kid Playing With Dinner

  4. Monkman777

    animals Kitty Brought A Gift

  5. Monkman777

    animals Thieving Snake Robs The Only Flip Flop

  6. ZeroK

    animals Squirrel With An Attitude

  7. Donkeyd

    animals Wtf snake!

  8. Pyrocircus1

    animals Found a garter snake and toad getting kinky

    I know the garter snake was trying to eat the toad but it looked somewhat sexual to me! Sometimes rough sex is the only way to go! I can here the toad screaming baby please stop and the snake saying not yet I'm almost done! Does that make me crazy????
  9. Pyrocircus1

    Just a couple snakes I found fighting in my driveway

    I had to link to my YouTube channel because the file was to large and I don't know what the hell I am doing
  10. Cold Ethyl

    Famous Discovery of Four-Legged Snake Fossil Turns Out to Have a Twist in The Tale

    In 2015, paleontologists announced a stunning discovery. Preserved in Cretaceous rock from Brazil was the complete skeleton of a beast resembling a snake, but with one significant addition: four tiny, almost vestigial legs. This marked something of a paleontological 'holy grail'. The beast...