Serious And the truth comes out…Texas shooter was a homo. (1 Viewer)

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Awaiting the Vultures

Well Known Member
I always wonder what chicks do with breasts like they try to stuff them into a bra's cup so that it resembles something close to the shape of a tit or just say fuck it and let them dangle. @bgirl care to comment?
Yeah. They looked like normal tits with a bra/shirt on but the one and only time I was unfortunate enough to see them they were horrific. She had 3 or 4 kids who had sucked them dry I guess


Forum Veteran
one fucking retard, glad he wasnt saved n was shot dead
hate anyone who harms kids, he culd hav gone to the local drug dealers den with a death wish n at least do sum good


Forum Veteran
Don't try to fUind any logic or consistency to what that trailer trash spouts. She's just an angry broke rube with saggy sock tits & chewed up nipples.
You say saggy sock tits and chewed up nipples like it's a bad thing...
Why do gays have to make their sexuality the forefront of everything they say and do?
Because gender is Oh So Important these days.

Everyone just has to know that taking it up the ass and gobbling fellow male cock is so totally normal that we all need to praise it continually...

Even more normal is getting a double masectomy and a phallopasty make believe cock complete with labia wrapped around testicle shaped surgical plasitc.

And even more normal again is getting a tit job, wedding tackle lopped off, vagiplasty and become a real woman.

And even more normal, if thats even possible, is not to worry about the surgery at all, get on a dress, comb your beard and wander into womans spaces and, especially, woman's sport, and act like a total cunt whilst all the fucked up little trans warriors on the net persuade the government to make laws enforcing us to only cheer them less we get charged with hate speech.

Now try explaining that to your little kids...
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These photos were verified on his fb account. I bet you won’t hear a damn word about this.View attachment 589696
I fkn knew it! I had said earlier that "IT" was a "TRANSTESTICLE" And of course "IT'S " Now a "TRANSTESTICALITY" Thankfully!!! Fun Fact;If that was Me? Nobody at the School would've Died,Not even "GWAMMA" B'cuz I would've Blown My Fkn Head Off Way B4 Then!!!


He was poor, a depressed cutter, and had other mental issues. His right to purchase an AR15 superseded the rights of those kids.
That makes no sense at all. Nobody has the right to kill someone. The kids rights weren't violated by the action of him purchasing the rifle, they were violated by him killing them regardless of how he did it.


See? We should have decommissioned his brown ass at birth
You dumbass, those aren't him. The one with the flag was taken from some trans tiktokers and the one with the black top and plaid skirt is some trans fag on 4chan.

We should've decommissioned you for being an idiot and not seeing the difference. Look at the jawline dummy.


  • Screenshot_20220526-035525_Twitter.jpg
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Grand Mal Caesar

U gays are a peaceful people 🤣
Not according to domestic violence statistics.
You dumbass, those aren't him. The one with the flag was taken from some trans tiktokers and the one with the black top and plaid skirt is some trans fag on 4chan.

We should've decommissioned you for being an idiot and not seeing the difference. Look at the jawline dummy.

The image on the left doesn't match the shape of his nose. The image on the right is of an Easter Island statue.

He does have girly fingers though.
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They scrub the information because they don't want everybody to know that he's been taken copious amounts of estrogen since he was 10 to shrink his wiener into a vagina...
I had a female boss one time that decided to change in our gym/weight room for God only knows what reason. I walked in to do my workout and saw her. Her tits looked like empty ball sacks
Let them bitches hangggg... Looking like a egg in a tube sock🥚🧦


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You dumbass, those aren't him. The one with the flag was taken from some trans tiktokers and the one with the black top and plaid skirt is some trans fag on 4chan.

We should've decommissioned you for being an idiot and not seeing the difference. Look at the jawline dummy.

What did you beat off to the picture enough times to notice your male jaw fetish was unhinged


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I always wonder what chicks do with breasts like they try to stuff them into a bra's cup so that it resembles something close to the shape of a tit or just say fuck it and let them dangle. @bgirl care to comment?
Small boobs age well. I'm quite content with them and super happy I never decided to enhance them.

I'm sure they're nicer than any of the prostitute tits you've been suckling.