Serious And the truth comes out…Texas shooter was a homo. (1 Viewer)

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That makes no sense at all. Nobody has the right to kill someone. The kids rights weren't violated by the action of him purchasing the rifle, they were violated by him killing them regardless of how he did it.
I was being overly dramatic in a fake news thread, sue me. The violation wasn't the act of killing, the violation was the lack of special protections which pregnant women and ALL children are entitled. So his right to purchase a gun at 18 is/was more important than protecting American kids. That's how most people here think so what's the problem really?

Dr. Johnny Fever

aka Bill Murray
Small boobs age well. I'm quite content with them and super happy I never decided to enhance them.

I'm sure they're nicer than any of the prostitute tits you've been suckling.
The escorts I patronized were usually in their early 20's with nice tight bodies, not the sort of beat carcass you've got to have. Between your multiple C-section scars, taking all sorts of negro penis and a lifetime of working housekeeping at Motel 6 & cashiering at Piggly Wiggly you've got to be a wreck.
I was being overly dramatic in a fake news thread
Typical hyperbole from a liberal retard.


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I'm very offended that an obese helmet headed shut-in that pays for sex assumes I'm unattractive.


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I thought this thread was better suited to respond to you

You attempting to rebrand yourself as not being one of the most weaselly liberal cunt nuggets on GG is fucking hilarious.

You've boasted about dressing one of your obnoxious little spawn as RBG and other overtly liberal horseshit. You're a grossly less articulate Joe Scarborough, Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann, Ana Kasparian wrapped up in a bitter white trash ball.
I've never branded myself anything other than BITCH. All that branding came from you faggots. I did dress my daughter as RBG for career day of Red Ribbon Week. lol It was very funny and went over well in the bible belt. The fact that I enjoy offensive costuming doesn't make me a liberal. My husband dressed like the pope once and no one knew who he was so the next year I dressed him like a Haitian witch doctor and the children wouldn't go near him. I dressed like a latino gang member one year and no one cared, this year I will be a doctor and get one of my daughters to be the patient. I bet they're offended this year.


You can feel free to assume I'm whatever it is that makes you feel better snowflake or, if you want to know something you could ask me nicely.

Dr. Johnny Fever

aka Bill Murray
if you want to know something you could ask me nicely
Whatever infinity is divided by zero is what I want to know about you. The center of a black hole would be all the room required to contain my level of genuine interest about you. How much interest do I have about you could fit on the tip of a pin.


Fresh Meat
you bet your ass we won’t hear shit about this, when a white guy commits a mass shooting the headline looks a bit like this
“Christian Heterosexual White supremacist Male” but anyone else and you get the normal headlines, like in Wisconsin a black guy kills 6 injures 50+ and the headline is “car kills 6” and also the subway shooting recently, also a black guy but the news reports never said so. Because 99% of news stations HATE white/christian/straight people in general! Stop being biased and report all cases with the same amount of information not just what sounds good coming out of your liberal pussy


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Nah I just noticed I'm not a dumbass like you. Go back to licking boots and eating crayons.
Cmon dude you zoomed in and touched yourself admit it… you wish you could have popped that beaners anal cherry and saved the day you both could have fallen out of the closet together


Cmon dude you zoomed in and touched yourself admit it… you wish you could have popped that beaners anal cherry and saved the day you both could have fallen out of the closet together
Aww you got mad bc your tranny fantasy is ruined 😂🤣🤣. That's ok I'm sure you can hit up that plaid skirt tranny on 4chan


Die, Fucker.
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Who cares what he was? It doesn't matter. If he had killed 19 adults this would have received a quarter of the attention. Children are 'sacred' and 'special' because they haven't yet been fully corrupted and so they are viewed as 'innocent'.