Another sea tragedy (2 Viewers)

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Anarchist heart

Forgive my macaroni-english, oh my culturally elevated rednecks.
I gift to fucking nazi pussy another reason to celebrate to being born in a country where you do not have to risk to die like dogs to hope for a better life.
Prisoners of their countries and imposed on slaves of ignorance, die without a name.
For many of you are just niggers less, even children and fetuses in the bellies of the dozens of women raped in refugee camps in Sudan, on the way of freedom.
They are just nigger less, but if to float like dead flies there were white ..?
one day, may been your children to float trying to reach a hope ... Reflect Reflect racist pigs.


No such thing as refugee's, only queue jumpers!


"The Australian Navy conducted live fire maneuvers off the North West Coast of Western Australia today. The Navy is pleased to report they were considered a success.
We the Navy expect the games exercises to continue for some time yet"



Anarchist heart

"The Australian Navy conducted live fire maneuvers off the North West Coast of Western Australia today. The Navy is pleased to report they were considered a success.
We the Navy expect the games exercises to continue for some time yet"

View attachment 139042
pity that the Aborigines were not able to have the same fleet in 800, maybe now THEIR country would not be invaded by former deportees


Tier One
pity that the Aborigines were not able to have the same fleet in 800, maybe now THEIR country would not be invaded by former deportees
Abo's were the original invaders! They kill off all the mega-fauna.


Internet Warrior
The story states " tragedy " what tragedy? We are clever here in this country . They arrive on boats , we put them in detention centres { far better living than where they came from } - feed them, clothe them , and provide them with a legal team to fight their case . Most cannot speak English so many other services have to be provided as well . Eventually the authorities will grant them a visa { without proper checks because they are very vague about their past - just screaming injustice - and yet there are many criminals / terrorists etc amongst them } We then provide them with free housing , a govt grant to get them started and social security payments to keep them going . They get free medical and cheap pharma and travel on public transport . These people are SO very grateful that the first thing they do is sue our Govt { with free legal } for the time they stayed in custody saying it was unjustifiable detention and a violation of their rights . One such was payed out $300,000 last week . WE ARE A VERY CLEVER COUNTRY

kevin kirk

Forum Veteran
at least the peda pope had time to take his dick out of a little boys mouth to make a statement.The sad part is these people still cant gasp the concept of a overloaded boat will sink.Its hard to feel sorry for such lack of logic