Canada's Liberal and Social democrats form allegiance (1 Viewer)

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Female Butt Inspector
The Conservatives and People's Party should form a coalition in response.

Also, I know the U.S two-party system is bad (which pile of shit do I vote for?), but Canada's system makes it five piles of shit. And a party that gets less than 50% of vote can still win if they get more seats than any other party on the ballot. A party could win with a 30% vote.

Grand Mal Caesar

While hijacking my thread you two tardigrades and your half-baked gibberish highlight my point exactly. You think you're on the correct side of a two party system and anyone on the other side is wrong about everything. So simple even you two dimwits can understand it. Canada has a Left, Right and Center that makes for alliances that can't be conceived of by polarized bi-partisan politics.
You're just as ignorant assuming people only support one side or the other. I am an objective observer. I research both sides. The left is utterly fucking insane. I only support whoever is the most logical choice and that is not the left.

Anybody who supports the left is completely ignorant or they hate their country. There is no third way. The left is light years behind in logic.


We are Kings
Canada woke up to an allegiance of the Liberal and New Democrats that would support each party's agenda and avoid any vote of non-confidence over the upcoming budget, which the Liberal's minority government would have faced a tough time passing. In return the NDP will advance their social platforms such as Pharmacare and Universal Dental. Also, this cooperation ensures that Canadians will not face an early election, providing stability over the next few years.
The Conservatives, Canada's right wing opposition party, are 'livid' with Trudeau's 'power grab'. The following are quotes from the their interim leader Candace Bergen:

“Canadians did not vote for an NDP government. This is little more than backdoor socialism. Trudeau is truly polarizing politics which is what he likes.
“This is an NDP-Liberal attempt at government by blackmail. Nation-building is replaced by vote-buying; secret deal-making over parliamentary debate; and opportunism over accountability.
“With rising inflation, out-of-control cost of living, and national unity at stake, Trudeau knows he is losing the confidence of Canadians.
“His answer is to stay in power at all costs including implementing the even harsher and more extreme policies of the NDP. “If this NDP-Liberal coalition stands, Canada is in for a very rough ride.”
View attachment 576843
You remind me of a fag we already banned and your IP's only make me think I'm right. Maybe kiss your ass goodbye.


CFO Slime Capital LLC - The Wolf of Gore Street
The Conservatives and People's Party should form a coalition in response.

Also, I know the U.S two-party system is bad (which pile of shit do I vote for?), but Canada's system makes it five piles of shit. And a party that gets less than 50% of vote can still win if they get more seats than any other party on the ballot. A party could win with a 30% vote.

The PPC are just stealing votes from the tories, I doubt this would ever happen even if they made it into Parliament, which sucks because there really is no such thing as conservatism here, except maybe fiscally speaking. Besides, Bernier can't even keep his own seat.


CFO Slime Capital LLC - The Wolf of Gore Street
I know you're talking ideology but, not even that pile of guns found at the covid blockade? On that point I'd give odds that someone takes a serious shot at Trudeau before this term is out.
Everyone and their grandmother has guns here I'm not sure what you mean.


CFO Slime Capital LLC - The Wolf of Gore Street
Oh, you must mean Alberta. Nm.
I was being facetious. Lighten up. The point is there are a hell of alot of guns here and it's an integral part of our tradition. In that respect the conservatives do very well at protecting these ancient rights, but I still don't understand what you mean.


Well Known Member
I was being facetious. Lighten up. The point is there are a hell of alot of guns here and it's an integral part of our tradition. In that respect the conservatives do very well at protecting these ancient rights, but I still don't understand what you mean.

Who's tradition? What ancient rights? There is no constitutional right in canada for gun ownership. Or are you still being facetious.


CFO Slime Capital LLC - The Wolf of Gore Street
Who's tradition? What ancient rights? There is no constitutional right in canada for gun ownership. Or are you still being facetious.

Our society owes it's existence to the Magna Carta. We are an Anglo-Saxon nation.

Let that sink in.


We are Kings
Trudeau has been a fucking worthless embarrassment since being birthed by his lunatic mother.
His real dad would be proud


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silent ghost
If someone doesn't have dental coverage through work or falls below a specific income ya, I agree that there should be basic dental.

I consider myself to be a mix of conservative & classical liberalism, problem is there's no party in Canada or the US who represents that POV. Re the cannabis legalization, I'd like to see all recreational drugs legalized and for addicts who can't afford to buy their drugs be provided a free/low cost safe supply. Its your body, you do with it as you please. That said, I'd also like to see an increased investment in safe consumption sites and more treatment/detox options for those who want to get clean.
well you cant turn someone into an addict,then clean them up on the same peoples dime. it dont work that way. either or...
and i pick the latter. its the same as a homeless person asking for money for :food" when they are gunna buy alcohol/drugs. but you decide to take them to get something to eat, so you know theyre eating and not shooting or drinking it.