disaster [confusion intensifies] Jow Blob edition (2 Viewers)

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🍉LorD oF tHe NegS🍉
Iam in the uk,but this twat isn't fit for purpose, he is like a broken robot whose batteries are dying, we have an Indian in charge. Nuff said

Paki.....let's not mince words, they are all pakis, even injuns.....
Is this a president of USA ?! how many times he forget somethings to say it and how many times he faults in his speechs , this is a sick person he suffers from Alzheimer he shouldn't be a president take him to the elderly home , shame for him and people who select him to be a president , USA become a joke when this man become a president , Ayo americans protest in all of your country and say loud "Get your ass out from the white house Joe biden" !


Master Baiter..... 🎣🎣🎣
Criticize all you want but your lord and master trump is just three years younger than Biden. Nothing and mean nothing tops corrupt thug trump suggesting lysol and the sun can cure covid. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha https://www.google.com/search?sca_e...ate=ive&vld=cid:401b0f13,vid:zicGxU5MfwE,st:0
The sun can help with many illnesses and diseases as can disinfectant 🤷‍♂️ oh and many vaccines and medications have disinfectant in them, so proves you know fuck all just like your child sniffing Idol old man Joe.....

And I don't even like or support Trump and never have since long before he became the president and I laughed like fuck when YOUR COUNTRY voted him in, but to be honest he did a pretty good job, much better than Obama before him and Biden after him

Is this a president of USA ?! how many times he forget somethings to say it and how many times he faults in his speechs , this is a sick person he suffers from Alzheimer he shouldn't be a president take him to the elderly home , shame for him and people who select him to be a president , USA become a joke when this man become a president , Ayo americans protest in all of your country and say loud "Get your ass out from the white house Joe biden" !
You're a sick person as well so when are you going to the care home 🤷‍♂️ maybe you and child sniffing Joe can go together