Do you think rapists should be killed? (2 Viewers)

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Nope no human has the right to judge another's actions as wrong. Morality is subjective drivel and subjectivness has no place is a world that is objective thus is the nature of reality. Rape is little more than human instict the strong take and the weak are taken. Strength determines life and rape is a circumstance of their weakness thus making it well deserved.

Animal Eyes

Racist bastard is a dullard
Nope no human has the right to judge another's actions as wrong. Morality is subjective drivel and subjectivness has no place is a world that is objective thus is the nature of reality. Rape is little more than human instict the strong take and the weak are taken. Strength determines life and rape is a circumstance of their weakness thus making it well deserved.
I bow down in reverence to your hardcoreness.


Feed One.
I've been raped but even so I wouldn't kill them. I would rather cut everything off bit by bit with a rusty knife personality and let them suffer for the rest of their miserable life. Maybe do some surgery to turn it into a pussy and have them get raped by a pig. That kind of thing.

Chemical Burgers

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
They should be tried like any other person accused of a crime. After they are found guilty, they should be led outside and executed. Same goes for pedophiles. We shouldn't be paying for these "people" to live out their lives in an adult daycare center. That's money better spent on education or public works.


Nah,rape is normal stuff. Males are supposed to do that.
You sound the same as the police the hospital staff the prison staff nursery teachers and council office about this what do you do for a living army cost guard or a mistor of Parliament


silent ghost
they should be sent in with "lifers" only to be raped repeatedly.
the when their term is up,have the word rapist tattooed on various places of their body where it an be seen.
even on their schlong


Probably but bear in mind women shouldn't go out dressed like sluts either... Go out on a Saturday night in Liverpool or Manchester and you'll see plenty of sluts looking for it with their ultra short skirts and high heels in the cold.