bizarre Everyone should get abortions (1 Viewer)

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Grand Mal Caesar

Urban myth. Normal sized humans only just fit in a bath tub, theres not a huge amount of space either side, so How on earth can a fat cunt possibly fit in a tub and soak its growler? Showers where made for women who can do handstands, theyre ok for a daily clean, but nothing beats a proper mimsy soak. Then, being so fat they will be stinking and sweaty again within 5 minutes. Also diet is important to how we smell and taste for eg if you eat lots of healthy fruit and salad your vadge doesn't smell of anything much, however after a week on holiday eating burgers fries and drinking booze, it smells more... so you know when you eat their minge its going to taste and smell like Friday nights kebab meat that someones vomited up over a sardine that's been in a wheely bin a week. and pray tell how they will be good at actual sex, they get out of breath opening a pie box, and they sure as hell wont be up for any sexual gymnastics and you wont be able to throw them around the bedroom without a hoist. Fat people are good at eating, stinking and moaning about fat acceptance, nothing else
That cow thing in a bathtub would look like a pan of risen bread dough with a head, topping over the edges and she would be trapped in the tub by suction when she tried to get out.

Flatus Tube

I have counted to infinity, twice.
Urban myth. Normal sized humans only just fit in a bath tub, theres not a huge amount of space either side, so How on earth can a fat cunt possibly fit in a tub and soak its growler? Showers where made for women who can do handstands, theyre ok for a daily clean, but nothing beats a proper mimsy soak. Then, being so fat they will be stinking and sweaty again within 5 minutes. Also diet is important to how we smell and taste for eg if you eat lots of healthy fruit and salad your vadge doesn't smell of anything much, however after a week on holiday eating burgers fries and drinking booze, it smells more... so you know when you eat their minge its going to taste and smell like Friday nights kebab meat that someones vomited up over a sardine that's been in a wheely bin a week. and pray tell how they will be good at actual sex, they get out of breath opening a pie box, and they sure as hell wont be up for any sexual gymnastics and you wont be able to throw them around the bedroom without a hoist. Fat people are good at eating, stinking and moaning about fat acceptance, nothing else

You're very correct in all you say( all of which I've known now for a very long I was using simple, lame man logic then. You, you would've made me re-think my entire existence... šŸ¤£

Donā€™t worry. They can get clean, if they hire a gardener and install a hose pipe outdoors šŸ˜‚



silent ghost
They've probably eaten the good cooks! look at the size of the fat cunt! You've got to eat some planet sized shit to get that fucking obese.
your talking about that 600 pounder. i was talking just the run of the mill fat chick. not that obesity thing there!


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I know it is sounds sick but, somebody is fucking that. Some men will fuck anything including this thing.