Funny Father Confronting Transgender Show And Tell At School (2 Viewers)

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More Knuckleheads


...God's favorite troll...
...First time i've seen a need for a school shooting...

...They're going to get it and I don't wanna hear the internet crying commentary about how "That's not US" or "That's not how we solve our problems"... Yes... Yes it is...

...Violence is perfectly warranted here if someone wants to support gender dysmorphia and sexualization on children...


l e v e l
...First time i've seen a need for a school shooting...

...They're going to get it and I don't wanna hear the internet crying commentary about how "That's not US" or "That's not how we solve our problems"... Yes... Yes it is...

...Violence is perfectly warranted here if someone wants to support gender dysmorphia and sexualization on children...


Squishy Head 😁😁😁
they should destroy this shit! fuck i dont like sand niggers but they do a great job with this shits being thrown at a building. 😁😁😁


Forum Veteran
That guy showed increadible self control. If I'd been there I don't think I would have been able to keep my hands off these sick fucks and their trans loving supporters. I'd be screaming too. I just hate this stuff. Little children are so undiscerning. These fucking dangerous idiots are shitting on their innocence.

...First time i've seen a need for a school shooting...

...They're going to get it and I don't wanna hear the internet crying commentary about how "That's not US" or "That's not how we solve our problems"... Yes... Yes it is...

...Violence is perfectly warranted here if someone wants to support gender dysmorphia and sexualization on children...
Round the cunts up and parachute them into Gaza...