First reported instance of the flesh rotting drug Krokodil being used in the US (2 Viewers)

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Good Gaawd! I've seen many heroin addicts that would shoot their own piss if they thought it would get them out of withdrawl, but it behooves me why, after the first devistating leasion, one would shoot this concoction a second time. It has to be a powerful "need" that I just can't wrap my head around. Suicide would be a better alternitive I think.
To be fair it is a slow way of killing yourself.


Dedicated GORE poster.
Short Bussed
I read in another article that some heroin users only use krokodil until they have enough money for the real stuff, said it makes them feel "cleaner" when they use the real stuff :shrug:

God, I hate to think how much damage it must do to the internal organs in the mean time waiting to get onto the "Good Stuff". We only ever see pics of rotting limbs.


Dedicated GORE poster.
Short Bussed
They use eye drops to amp up the high, and that shit dries your guts out.

That is fucked up shit for sure.

I have heard other examples where drugs have been absorbed through the eyeball into the blood stream, as its a quicker method of getting your fix.


Fresh Meat
I´ve got mixed feelings towards the note... I mean, they are going to eventually die because of the abuse of the drug, but that´s kind of what they want, and they would make the world a favor... Am I too mean? It´s just like a "plan" to make all those who steal, rape and kill for drugs disappear... Of course would be a loss for the other drugs factory business, but at end it´s like a pest control gone good.

This user was banned
I´ve got mixed feelings towards the note... I mean, they are going to eventually die because of the abuse of the drug, but that´s kind of what they want, and they would make the world a favor... Am I too mean? It´s just like a "plan" to make all those who steal, rape and kill for drugs disappear... Of course would be a loss for the other drugs factory business, but at end it´s like a pest control gone good.

Weeding out of the undesirables. Its all good!


Sickest Bitch
I think if I was buying 'heroin' from my regular dealer and came out scabby as hell with lesions like that I'd be finding a different fuckin dealer!!!


Forum Veteran
Why do people like to destroy their bodies like this? I just don't get it. Isn't life stressful enough already?

We don't even have to get as severe as krokodil. We live in a world where many people see nothing wrong with consuming lots of alcohol, nicotine, fast food... All that stuff does is age you much faster and destroy your organs, health and disfigure you.


This user was banned
Why do people like to destroy their bodies like this? I just don't get it. Isn't life stressful enough already?

We don't even have to get as severe as krokodil. We live in a world where many people see nothing wrong with consuming lots of alcohol, nicotine, fast food... All that stuff does is age you much faster and destroy your organs, health and disfigure you.
I have an answer for you, it's only one "word"

YOLO :likeaboss::ss:

Knight Mare

Its good to know these two sisters got clean from krokodil after discovering they were experiencing its effects. The people who continue to take it knowing that its eating away at them, well, I can't say I have any sympathy for them.

Whoever created it must have been desperate for a hit :brainhurts:
I just don't figure how they get a opiate out of it, how would it kill a with draw but I assume it must be very addictive. but in that news article those kids are behind the wheel of what looks like a fairly decent car regardless if it's theirs or parents they should not be so desperate to take that shit it's a substitute for smack so why aren't they doing that? I don't know enough about that stuff but I do know opiates and I just can't see it being a substitute
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I just don't figure how they get a opiate out of it, how would it kill a with draw but I assume it must be very addictive. but in that news article those kids are behind the wheel of what looks like a fairly decent car regardless if it's theirs or parents they should not be so desperate to take that shit it's a substitute for smack so why aren't they doing that? I don't know enough about that stuff but I do know opiates and I just can't see it being a substitute
The opiate is the codeine which they use to make this, its the base of this drug. Kinda like 'home bake' but much more deadly


Madam Baggington of Pukingshire
I just don't figure how they get a opiate out of it, how would it kill a with draw but I assume it must be very addictive. but in that news article those kids are behind the wheel of what looks like a fairly decent car regardless if it's theirs or parents they should not be so desperate to take that shit it's a substitute for smack so why aren't they doing that? I don't know enough about that stuff but I do know opiates and I just can't see it being a substitute

Yeah but in this particular case they didn't know they were being supplied with Krokodil.