bizarre Huffing (1 Viewer)

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Forum Veteran
I tried to help a guy when i ran a rehab. He was sub normal IQ to start with and his 'big night out' on pension day was to buy a 6 pack of 'Black Flag' fly spray, lie down with a T shirt over his head and huff the lot.

I've woken up with some nasty hang overs during my wild past but have no idea what you wake up to after a 6 pack of that shit...

But hey, no flies on him...


Forum Veteran
Do people do that in your country?
What is he taking??

Some young people do nitrous oxide. But i dont know to wich extend.
They use small canisters you put in those whipped cream makers.. thingys.

I dont do this or know anyone doing it. Never have I heard about it or anyone doing it.
I actually just asked my daughter. She dosnt know anyone doing it either.
And she said the preferred choice of drugs in her age group, to her knowledge, is coke, hash, Emma aka Molly and lsd.

Flatus Tube

I have counted to infinity, twice.
Taken from the abstract of a medical article…

Although the ratio of deaths to nonfatal inhalation escapades is extremely low, volatile solvent abuse carries the risk of sudden death due to cardiac arrest after a dysrhythmia or vasovagal event, central nervous system respiratory depression, hypoxia and hypercapnia due to the techniques of inhalation, and other mechanisms.

I remember puffing lighter has as a teenager once when we couldn’t source any weed. Never did it again. Horrible stuff. I’ve had patients that were addicted to it and they were physical wrecks with severe lung damage and poor memory.