ISIS: Battle for Fallujah (3 Viewers)

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Let It All Bleed Out
On another front, ISIS it moving in on Fallujah - hitting it from different directions and areas. Like Ramadi's recent fall to ISIS, Fallujah just might be next.

I'll be updating this thread (along with the other ISIS threads) as new images become available as I am sure there will be more fighting in Fallujah.

al Subaihat, Fallujah, Iraq, May 17, 2015







7. A few spoils of US hardware for ISIS.
ISIS aims in Iraq & Syria (the Mashriq) at this moment are to...

-Infiltrate Al Nusra and other non-ISIS Salafist groups in Syria with stationary, stealth defections to such an extent that they'll hand their respective territories over to ISIS when the non-ISIS rebels are through beating Assad's forces out of Sunni inhabited regions of Western Syria. Yarmouk was a test run in this principle, wherein Al Nusra commanders secretly loyal to ISIS handed over a chunk of Damascus to overt ISIS rule. This they intend to happen on a much larger scale across the Sunni inhabited regions of Western Syria, along the Golan, Lebanese, and Turkish borders, in those same places where ISIS is currently careful not to even be in the same vicinity of Al Nusra or the GCC-NATO backed rebels so as to avoid having distracting clashes with them.

Down the road when/if Al Nusra and the rest of the non-ISIS Salafis voluntarily disintegrate themselves into ISIS, ISIS will move into Lebanon, it will move against the Druze in Southern Syria, it will move against the Christians, Shia and Allawites in Western Syria, and it will take to attacking Israel in the Golan.

-Push East toward Baghdad along the Euphrates River so that the Iraqi military, Shia militias, Iranian commanders and American air power can't continue their anti-ISIS push North into Baji with the intent to capture the great prize piece Mosul. As the Iranian-American pact shifts toward the Euphrates front immediately West of Baghdad, giving into Abadi's pleas, ISIS can work on taking more Anbar cities like Haditha. ISIS would also devastate the coalition war plan if it were to move into the Sunni territories North and South of Baghdad, as it would quickly lead to a diversion of anti-ISIS forces from the Tigris front extending from Taji and Samarra to Tikrit and Baji and the inevitable loss of those cities to ISIS.

The result would be all of Sunni Arab territory in Iraq in ISIS hands except Baghdad and Diyala. In that circumstance Iran would be forced to intervene directly with a ground invasion. The US would not allow the GCC to respond in kind against Iran, which would provoke pro-ISIS revolutions in the Gulf Arab monarchies.

-The capture of Palmyra and it's critical airbase from Assad will better enable ISIS to swallow Assad's territories in Central Syria and his holdouts, Hasakha and Deir ez Zhor.

-Once/If Central Syria and Haditha are taken, ISIS will likely work on taking Assad's and Abadi's border posts with Jordan and work to raise an ISIS insurgency there.

-ISIS is following Al Qaeda's plan and attempting to sandwich Saudi Arabia between Yemen and Iraq, sandwich Israel between the Sinai and Syria, sandwich Egypt between the Sinai and Eastern Libya, sandwich Western between Tunisia and Eastern Libya, sandwich Iran between Iraq and Afghanistan.

The ultimate prize for ISIS and Al Qaeda is to take Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Pakistan. They are both racing each other to that goal, but they're doing it with opposite strategies. While AQ was intent on kicking the non-Muslim powers out of the Muslim world, then toppling their proxy regimes, then establishing a Salafi Caliphate, then destroying regional rivals like Iran and Israel... ISIS has decided to establish a Caliphate and do all of the rest at once.