Serious Issue resulting from the recent ddos (4 Viewers)

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I exist
Honestly glad I never use the chatrooms, really. And I don't link important details other than my age and that I'm fat. Plus, I have the real site saved and it's no secret I have a thing for gore. Just a shame someone mental enough to stoop so low as to DDoS a site I just barely joined and then cloning it. What's he going to use my details for? Steal my student loan debt?!


As most of you are aware, Goregrish was hacked and a fake site was made.
Staff suggested that all users change their passwords/emails, and those that received emails similar to GG to delete and spam them. Do not click on any links. DO NOT reply to ANY emails.

We highly recommend NOT going to the fake site. The hacker(s) STOLE it. They didn't put the time, effort, or funds..IT WAS STOLEN And it's not SAFE. That site has doxed and going there, you will be giving them your details.

The fake site has opened the staff/VIP chat rooms as well as the staff forum. Also chat/pm attachments. This has exposed our vulnabilites and forced staff to look at how things were done and what needs to be done moving forward.

Whether you're a noob, veteran user or staff one is entitled ,or should show favoritism. Being inconsistent needs to be more consistent.

The VIP room has been deleted and no user can have the ability to make a chat room.
More changes shall be made to protect the site and users.

I can not expressed enough how sorry I am that all this happened, but in reality it has been a wake up call.

If any of you have concerns, etc please post in this thread or pm me in private.
I lost access to my email cause I forgot the password so much that it got suspended πŸ™„
Is there some way to change the email that I used to create my account without having access to it?


We are Kings
What's his username. I might have seen him stalking PewDiePie's subreddit, looking for validation.
maggot, little_maggot, teh_is_a_cunt and many other of his multiple personalities he uses to reply and bump his own shit there. The only other real person is some other banned retard who at least restricts himself to one account. You'll find them wherever ogrish gets mentioned. He's been crying to us for the last 10 months leading to this, because he's a fucking emo.

Jessica Fletcher. 🍳

π™°πš—πšπšŽπš•πšŠ 𝚘𝚏 π™³πšŽπšŠπšπš‘.
I have to use chrome rather than duckduckgo to get on as of this morning, it won't go past the Cloudflare page, is this due to the changes?


They can't dox you through the cloning site, expect the site gives you some shitty browser add-ons that turn out as trojans and they're gonna keylog the fuck outta you, but I guess that won't be the case if you have 3 braincells left

+ isn't this maggot faggot retard the guy that just keeps shitposting on r/ogrish about goregrish, kill yourself please
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