Julian Assange plea deal (1 Viewer)

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Forum Veteran
Its amazing that Anthony Albanese and Joe biden have not shown any support for Julian to date, but suddenly they going to take credit for this plea deal.
Anyone see an election coming?
Oh yes. Albo will now crow all about this as a circuit breaker.

Albo loves symbolic things. Hates facts.

I was hoping that little shit Assange got extradited to the US to face his charges. After all, his narcissistic crowings caused the death of quite a few people.

And he's so vain...


Constantly laughing at the world
Its amazing that Anthony Albanese and Joe biden have not shown any support for Julian to date, but suddenly they going to take credit for this plea deal.
Anyone see an election coming?
It's part of Biden's desperate election tactic ... they're scrambling for shit to do. I saw it on the news this morning and immediately KNEW this is just an election GRAB ... and it really just works against them because why wasn't it done EIGHT fucking years ago? or TEN fucking years ago? Then I see this barnaby Joyce guy on the telly ... some Beetroot faced cunt in a suit ... saying "What Assange did was morally wrong" ... UMMMMM WHAT MATE? It was a MORAL DUTY to tell the truth you asshole! - so somehow exposing truth is morally wrong? you gotta be off your RED Beetroot FACE MATE!!

Oh yes. Albo will now crow all about this as a circuit breaker.

Albo loves symbolic things. Hates facts.

I was hoping that little shit Assange got extradited to the US to face his charges. After all, his narcissistic crowings caused the death of quite a few people.

And he's so vain...
Gotta step back and see the bigger picture ... whatever anyone thinks of Assange personally .. you really think he caused deaths? No fucking way mate. I'm a staunch advocate for carpet bombing the entire Middle East ... BUT .. all he did was expose TRUTH that the U'S Government wanted to hide. Sharing footage of U'S helicopters obliterating civilians - how does that cause death of more?
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He has a lot of enemies. Set him free.

It's part of Biden's desperate election tactic ... they're scrambling for shit to do. I saw it on the news this morning and immediately KNEW this is just an election GRAB ... and it really just works against them because why wasn't it done EIGHT fucking years ago? or TEN fucking years ago? Then I see this barnaby Joyce guy on the telly ... some Beetroot faced cunt in a suit ... saying "What Assange did was morally wrong" ... UMMMMM WHAT MATE? It was a MORAL DUTY to tell the truth you asshole! - so somehow exposing truth is morally wrong? you gotta be off your RED Beetroot FACE MATE!!

Gotta step back and see the bigger picture ... whatever anyone thinks of Assange personally .. you really think he caused deaths? No fucking way mate. I'm a staunch advocate for carpet bombing the entire Middle East ... BUT .. all he did was expose TRUTH that the U'S Government wanted to hide. Sharing footage of U'S helicopters obliterating civilians - how does that cause death of more?
No, he also leaked things he knew he was not supposed to regardless if they were true or not, he put US citizens in danger. He willing conspired to obtain via illegal methods US Military operations details (I don't mean of past events at the time they were leaked on to his site either) and that put our troops in danger and he also raped a woman (that wasn't in the US though) so, he moved to another country. He has had a victim seperate from that come forward & accused him of molestation too. I believe it.
You must not be aware of everything he has done.
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Constantly laughing at the world
TRUTH mate!!!! imagine if everyone in this world just told the fucking TRUTH and did stuff honestly? Even the fact you seem to feel a need to trash the guy because he supposedly "broke law" ? so it's OK to be a dishonest CUNT so long as it's somehow lawful? because laws have become paperwork that can be manipulated to suit whatever agenda is at hand. So it's BAD that someone told the TRUTH because telling the TRUTH hurt the reputation of manipulators?? and so they have a right to defend their own bullshit by using Laws to cover their LIES that were made to originally cover their own bullshit? Ummm - OKAY! - (BTW all that molestation crap was part of the agenda to ruin the guy .. can you back up any of that total bullshit with any evidence? .... nope! )

Most manipulator's "Go To" is call someone a pedo or some shit....cos society are easy dumb fucks that fall for shit. Prove to me Assange raped someone............ crickets ............................................................................................... more crickets...................................................................................................... some more crickets.


TRUTH mate!!!! imagine if everyone in this world just told the fucking TRUTH and did stuff honestly? Even the fact you seem to feel a need to trash the guy because he supposedly "broke law" ? so it's OK to be a dishonest CUNT so long as it's somehow lawful? because laws have become paperwork that can be manipulated to suit whatever agenda is at hand. So it's BAD that someone told the TRUTH because telling the TRUTH hurt the reputation of manipulators?? and so they have a right to defend their own bullshit by using Laws to cover their LIES that were made to originally cover their own bullshit? Ummm - OKAY! - (BTW all that molestation crap was part of the agenda to ruin the guy .. can you back up any of that total bullshit with any evidence? .... nope! )

Most manipulator's "Go To" is call someone a pedo or some shit....cos society are easy dumb fucks that fall for shit. Prove to me Assange raped someone............ crickets ............................................................................................... more crickets...................................................................................................... some more crickets.

I know where I know Julian Assange from, that's why I believe the allegations is all.


Revolt Against the Modern World
Like him or not Assange exposed the level of deception of the US government to the American people and the world.

What the US government did to Assange and his still doing through this deal, is an attempt to end journalism. That's what is between the lines.

I like to be informed, but apparently there are those who prefer to live blindfolded.
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Oh yes. Albo will now crow all about this as a circuit breaker.

Albo loves symbolic things. Hates facts.

I was hoping that little shit Assange got extradited to the US to face his charges. After all, his narcissistic crowings caused the death of quite a few people.

And he's so vain...
Impressive you can't say the same for the corruption being exposed, clearly the far left population paste has done its job on your brain.


silent ghost
assange vs the us govt. in the honesty scenario,and ill put my faith that the u.s. govt comes up short just about every time.
(when dealing with the u.s. public)


Assange is what a teen age computer hacker looks like when he turns 50...

So lets not lionise him. He's no journo, he's a hacker.
*hacker spy & not a US citizen. He fucked over many more countries than the US. He has however done a fair amount of time in a UK prison though. Out in half is a thing and I imagine he'll be watched. Hopefully, he and that guy Kim Dotcom will team up & undo damage as penance. That would be nice to see. Or maybe get them together and have an illuminating keg party.


Well Known Member
The CIA needs to take care of this asshole
America will have him killed..
i would like to know why he has not assume room temperature in the British jail cell. I know some one who knew someone in 1980’s ran around killing terror leaders in Central America. Some family members too. He was working for Uncle Sam. I’m we could murder winestine in NYC this was a no brainer.


Forum Veteran
*hacker spy & not a US citizen. He fucked over many more countries than the US. He has however done a fair amount of time in a UK prison though. Out in half is a thing and I imagine he'll be watched. Hopefully, he and that guy Kim Dotcom will team up & undo damage as penance. That would be nice to see. Or maybe get them together and have an illuminating keg party.
In Aus the ABC pic shows us what the ABC wants us to see. Note the woman with hand on heart...



In Aus the ABC pic shows us what the ABC wants us to see. Note the woman with hand on heart...

Even as his wife, I wouldn't allow him around children.