Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion Thread (1 Viewer)

Guilty or not guily?

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Forum Veteran
---> "He had underlying health problems." <---

Perhaps the cops would have went easier on Floyd if he had produced a doctor's note instead of that counterfeit note.

The combination of underlying health problems and drugs is what caused his death. It was George Floyd's own doings that got him into a position where his underlying health problems could cause him fatal distress. Chauvin was a token to appease the mob.

Floyd was a muscular man and could have easily survived that because it wasn't his throat that was kneeled on.
Well your getting warmer anyways. Yes he could of avoided the whole encounter with the police by not breaking the law to begin with but let's be real here it's still not an excuse for sworn officers of the law to recklessly and unprofessionally in such a matter. And idk if you've ever had your neck kneeled on with around 200 pounds with your hands cuffed behind your back while on the hard pavement but I can guarantee you if you had it happen to you or anyone else reasonably healthy it could definitely cut off the air and/or blood supply to the brain and lungs. I've had much less happen to me that could of been fatal if the action hadn't stopped. Truthfully it's not very hard to kill someone even accidentally. He should of just got off his neck especially once he went limp and unconscious.

Well your getting warmer anyways. Yes he could of avoided the whole encounter with the police by not breaking the law to begin with but let's be real here it's still not an excuse for sworn officers of the law to recklessly and unprofessionally in such a matter. And idk if you've ever had your neck kneeled on with around 200 pounds with your hands cuffed behind your back while on the hard pavement but I can guarantee you if you had it happen to you or anyone else reasonably healthy it could definitely cut off the air and/or blood supply to the brain and lungs. I've had much less happen to me that could of been fatal if the action hadn't stopped. Truthfully it's not very hard to kill someone even accidentally. He should of just got off his neck especially once he went limp and unconscious.
The problem in America right now is police officers and such think they can use any amount of force against unarmed people and do whatever they want how ever they want with no reprocussions. And I'm not a blm supporter I'm an all lives matter supporter. I believe in what's right is right and whats wrong is wrong. And I've seen lots of injustice in the judicial system and lots of police brutality including being done on myself and my loved ones and the law has alot to be desired and improved on. Police are supposed to serve and protect and a man ended up dead over a counter fit bill. Definitely excessive force. I've seen police beat and/or kill people for less. And it's definitely not right.

Grand Mal Caesar

Well your getting warmer anyways. Yes he could of avoided the whole encounter with the police by not breaking the law to begin with but let's be real here it's still not an excuse for sworn officers of the law to recklessly and unprofessionally in such a matter. And idk if you've ever had your neck kneeled on with around 200 pounds with your hands cuffed behind your back while on the hard pavement but I can guarantee you if you had it happen to you or anyone else reasonably healthy it could definitely cut off the air and/or blood supply to the brain and lungs. I've had much less happen to me that could of been fatal if the action hadn't stopped. Truthfully it's not very hard to kill someone even accidentally. He should of just got off his neck especially once he went limp and unconscious.
It wasn't reckless. It's a hold used by police everyday. At least until George Floyd died from a number of other issues it was. He had a thick muscular neck, not a fatass, flabby neck. He didn't die from the knee on his neck.

The problem in America right now is police officers and such think they can use any amount of force against unarmed people and do whatever they want how ever they want with no reprocussions. And I'm not a blm supporter I'm an all lives matter supporter. I believe in what's right is right and whats wrong is wrong. And I've seen lots of injustice in the judicial system and lots of police brutality including being done on myself and my loved ones and the law has alot to be desired and improved on. Police are supposed to serve and protect and a man ended up dead over a counter fit bill. Definitely excessive force. I've seen police beat and/or kill people for less. And it's definitely not right.
Do you live in America? That is absolutely not true of American police right now. They're scared to do their jobs because of the George Floyd bullshit. A cop can't even look at a black man without getting a bunch of shit for it.


Forum Veteran
It wasn't reckless. It's a hold used by police everyday. At least until George Floyd died from a number of other issues it was. He had a thick muscular neck, not a fatass, flabby neck. He didn't die from the knee on his neck.
Bro he would still be alive if the officer didn't stay on his neck that long. If you can't understand that or believe that then there's nothing more I can say to convince you otherwise you'll just have to live in deception and believing something that's clearly not true.

Do you live in America? That is absolutely not true of American police right now. They're scared to do their jobs because of the George Floyd bullshit. A cop can't even look at a black man without getting a bunch of shit for it.
Yes I do live in America . And they certainly aren't scared to arrest me and the entire jails and prisons full of black people and other white people and many other races and nationalities. Why are all the prison systems and jails full and overcrowded?
threat much?
Not a threat , a backhanded bitch slap. If u believe in banning arms so much prove it.

There is def a problem with the police & justus system bt the solution isnt defunding them, u need them for a society to function , what will happen if defunded is federal government will send their police & judges. Would you like that instead of the neighbourhood police officer or judge? Thats the plan from soros. Atleast now u can choose ur police and judge coz they live with u in same locality. Forget that once federal policd happens. Do u know who have federal policd and judges? Venezuela. That socialist shihole with the capital caracas being worlds murder capital. You want that for ur community?

Racist much?


Constantly laughing at the world
I thought the video of that shooting was on here somewhere but I can't find it. Can anyone point to it for me cos the junk on Youtube is riddled with bullshit commentary etc .


Shitskin Slayer
Kyle's badass, he wasted two criminal scumbags and shot a limp wristed pussy's limp wrist. Street Cleaner achievement.


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
Not a threat , a backhanded bitch slap. If u believe in banning arms so much prove it.

There is def a problem with the police & justus system bt the solution isnt defunding them, u need them for a society to function , what will happen if defunded is federal government will send their police & judges. Would you like that instead of the neighbourhood police officer or judge? Thats the plan from soros. Atleast now u can choose ur police and judge coz they live with u in same locality. Forget that once federal policd happens. Do u know who have federal policd and judges? Venezuela. That socialist shihole with the capital caracas being worlds murder capital. You want that for ur community?

Racist much?
I'm pro guns.

Yep, all day long.
  • Haha
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God bless Sir Jimmy Wilson Vincent Savile OBE KCSG
This user was banned

bong shots,
like kyle did,
see that? was not off-topic.


Rioters should be shot on sight by police. Leave the sorry carcasses in the streets for a while and let dogs start the clean up. Too few BLM and Antifa carcasses were left to rot.


silent ghost
i think the whole thing has been blown out like floyd. people commit criminal acts and the sympathizers crawl out the wood work.
what about their victims or their families?
not just this assclown and fentynol floyd,but every other scumbag that has a sympathetic following.
Something from our side of the pond & Kyle is saying everything a judge wants to hear, "I was in fear for my life" "I shot to stop him" "I tried to get away"
The prosecution is going to purposely blow this case.
White lives madder

Grand Mal Caesar

Bro he would still be alive if the officer didn't stay on his neck that long. If you can't understand that or believe that then there's nothing more I can say to convince you otherwise you'll just have to live in deception and believing something that's clearly not true.

Yes I do live in America . And they certainly aren't scared to arrest me and the entire jails and prisons full of black people and other white people and many other races and nationalities. Why are all the prison systems and jails full and overcrowded?
I don't care if he would be alive today. I prefer that he's not. He was a menace who lived as a shitbag and died a shitbag's death. He got himself in that position with his "underlying health conditions". Maybe he'd still be alive if he just got in the cruiser instead of crying about it. That was just fucking pathetic.


Forum Veteran
I don't care if he would be alive today. I prefer that he's not. He was a menace who lived as a shitbag and died a shitbag's death. He got himself in that position with his "underlying health conditions". Maybe he'd still be alive if he just got in the cruiser instead of crying about it. That was just fucking pathetic.
Yea I know we should all be like you an exemplemary member of society. Police officers have no business acting in that kind of matter regardless of who or what the person is. It's called freedom from oppression and police brutality. It's called all men are created equally. It's called America. And before you know it police will be killing anyone they feel like maybe even your or my family members or loved ones if they so feel like it if no one steps and does something about it. They don't discriminate. White black or whatever. Maybe it just hasn't touched close enough to home for you to understand.