Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion Thread (1 Viewer)

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Bill Murray

Forum Veteran
This shit wouldn't fly in Canada. Just the idea of open carry is depraved indifference. He'd get at least manslaughter plus multiple gun charges.
Canadian gun laws are brutal.

Plus another year at least because he wasn’t wearing LGBT rainbow socks like Fruitcake Trudeau
I hate that closeted faggot with the force of the sun!

But back to Kyle....

I have a feeling there's a new show coming to Fox. Zimm & Ritt...two renegade cops who fight negro & liberal crime by day and charm the ladies in the evening.


Grand Mal Caesar

KILE is a peculiar situation in USA

What's peculiar in the US is, the accusations put forth by our alleged "president". It is utterly despicable that any member of the United States government would make those kinds of allegations, let alone the top "leader" with the intent of poisoning the minds of Americans against a citizen in the justice system with unfounded claims of white supremacy and being out for blood. Any politician who made such public claims needs to be removed from office and sued into oblivion and never allowed to hold public office again and that should be the very least of it.


Fermented Cabbage
So tonight I will sit down with a snack of triscuits to settle in to livestreams of communist filth burning and pillaging Democrat Communist Islamic Socialist shithole cities across the American landscape. With any luck I will be able to see another self-defense case if a regular American is threatened by these criminals. We all know the cops in these sewers will do nothing. So get ready for the mayhem!
I have to say that I was quite disappointed to not see - save Portland - all of this fiery violence erupt last night in said cities despite the verdict. It’s almost as if the destruction of the cities in the summer of 20 weren’t spontaneous but a well-funded and organized Democrat Soros backed Communist Islamist ploy to get Trump out of office 🧐🤔.


R A S K O L U C C I ___ R A S K O L U C C I
The meaning of Kyle freedom is:

If you want to make disorder, any armed citizen can kill you.

Yes in USA, we are armed society, and we have ARs at home. Fuck off other unarmed countries.


Fermented Cabbage
The meaning of Kyle freedom is:

If you want to make disorder, any armed citizen can kill you.

Yes in USA, we are armed society, and we have ARs at home. Fuck off other unarmed countries.
That’s only part of it. We are seeing that in many cases, especially in Democrat run cities, police were told to stand down and allow rioting and looting to take place. If the police had been allowed to do their jobs, a lot of this stuff could have been avoided. The other way these communists are trying to obscure the narrative is saying that these were protesters concerned about black lives. I don’t ever remember peaceful protest involving burglarizing and setting shit on fire. But what do I know?


White is right. Keep the white race pure🫡
The fact he came to a completely different town to protest with a huge ass gun means he is likely an tiny dick incel looking to get some social points on whatever incel nazi forum he frequents and already showing a disregard for law buy having a gun as a minor. Kid shouldn’t have had a gun let alone be in a riot with one. He killed two people with a weapon we should not have had. Does not matter the self defense part cause the bloke could’ve brought literally anything else to defend himself legally crossbow, knife, a fuckin sword, hell martial arts training something you would actually use for, you know, DEFENSE.
This kid is at least guilty of two accounts of manslaughter or at least felony negligence and should be sentenced as such. The third one where he did not die should be dropped as self defense, but only cause he was a dumb ass fucking minor and the other dude fucked up his wording and basically gave him the acquittal.
Are you retarted? The guy he shot had a gun pointed in his face . And the other was bashing him over the head with a skateboard. Like what crack are you smoking ? Lmao they deserve to be shot. Not to mention one is a child fucker and the other is a dirty commie bastard


guns are just for pussies not able to bump their fists

mimimi marry your gun if you love it that much hahaha americans so fny

"Can't live without my gun, look I am John Wayne BOOM BOOM,
yeah who is the tuff boy here??"


I think you are a typical left nigger lover


Forum Veteran
ANTIFA are NEARLY as bad as the BLM niggers that rioted and looted over some crackhead ape that got exactly what was coming to him living a life of crime. Fuck the lot of them!


I think you are a typical left nigger lover
There are alot of nigger lovers on this site unfortuately, why don't they start inviting these niggers to stay with them for a week, see how long before their dog is pregnant, their TV has been sold, and their are crack pipes laying all around the place. They are a species just below the ape, the ape however looks after their offspring, negros do not.

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We are 7 days into the murder trial of Kyle Rittenhouse. Kyle stands trial for shooting three people, killing two during a protest. What are your thoughts on the case so far?
He is not guilty. It was self defense if u got a ar 15 in ur hand and a guy with a skate board tries do attack you what would u do get beaten or fight back .
We are 7 days into the murder trial of Kyle Rittenhouse. Kyle stands trial for shooting three people, killing two during a protest. What are your thoughts on the case so far?
Kyle did nothing wrong. If you think otherwise you are even dumber than the guy who pulled a skateboard on someone with an AR-15