Crime London cops violently assaulted by Kathy McGriffin (2 Viewers)


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Forum Veteran
The uk take them straight from university which as we all know is just a breeding ground for leftist snowflakes. The cops over here are fucking useless. Why didn’t the other pussy spray her with mace or twat her hard with his asp?

I totally despair
That's bizarre are UK cops degree qualified??? The ones where I live are definitely barely able to spell :facepalm:


🍉LorD oF tHe NegS🍉
Gotta say the police in the uk are terrible only arrest suspected hate crime , never real criminals

They can't jail too many, at any given time, there is only 600 spaces on jail's across the entire country, so they only jail if they have too. And now the police are saying all low level crime won't even be investigated!

Along with low level crimes burglary, drug dealing fist offences getting community sentences parole. Litter picking and general shit punishments like that.

The UK cops in the 90s were brutal, I remember getting punched by loads of them when I got a Weekender for fighting.....nowadays they are faggots.


You either love or hate me ,you choose
The prison system has been rammed for years I should know, many of the prisons are flooded with Eastern European gangs if they deported as the supposed to do they wouldn't be but hey ho. Cops at Leeds United matches in the 80s were brutal


Master Baiter..... 🎣🎣🎣
This is typical of the people in "britain"..... complete and utter pussys...
Says the weird little faggot who eats shit out of knee grows

No respect or authority, Brit pigs are weak as fuck!! No balls, no guns; pussy cunts!
Not all British cops are like this and I think needing a gun for someone pulling hair makes Merican cops the real pussies .......

And we do have guns we're just not dumb enough to give them to every cop in the country, our police use guns only when needed and pulling hair certainly doesn't require a gun


Uppity cunt
The uk take them straight from university which as we all know is just a breeding ground for leftist snowflakes. The cops over here are fucking useless. Why didn’t the other pussy spray her with mace or twat her hard with his asp?

I totally despair
The majority of police officers patrolling the streets in the UK do not possess university degrees; the force is open to anyons. Those who start as rookie officers can eventually earn a degree in Professional Policing Practice. Conversely, individuals entering the police force with a degree often begin their careers at higher-ranking positions and typically find themselves working at desks rather than as beat officers on the streets. This is why most beat bobbies are really fucking stupid and are entirely ego driven.