Warning:Children ~Old Man Driver Plows Through Kids In A Crosswalk~ (1 Viewer)


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In Khakassia, a pensioner knocked down children crossing, accompanied by an adult, who was talking on the phone.

The footage shows how the car in the far right lane slowed down. At this moment, five children start moving on an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing across the road. The woman walked a little behind and was talking on her cell phone. At this moment, two 3-year-old girls are hit by a foreign car.

Serious consequences were avoided, despite the hard blow from which one of the babies flies off. One girl was injured in the accident. She suffered head injuries and facial abrasions.


Brother Birt

Bloody Tiddies!

Indeed, he's quite distracting.

Wayne Kümmertz

Well Known Member
Dont know how it is in Russia, but in Germany every car has to stop at a pedestrian walk.
First of all its the drivers fault.
In Khakassia, a pensioner knocked down children crossing, accompanied by an adult, who was talking on the phone.

The footage shows how the car in the far right lane slowed down. At this moment, five children start moving on an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing across the road. The woman walked a little behind and was talking on her cell phone. At this moment, two 3-year-old girls are hit by a foreign car.

Serious consequences were avoided, despite the hard blow from which one of the babies flies off. One girl was injured in the accident. She suffered head injuries and facial abrasions.

View attachment 698861


Up next on an all new episode of Kids vs. Cars. "Now we see here a group of kids frolicking blissfully towards the car, who will blink first - the car, or the- ohhh! The car has just slamed directly into the kids - and the car is completely destroyed!! What are those kids made of Jim, iron or stone?! The kids stand defiant in the face of the devastating wreckage, twisted metal lays scattered across the road as the triumphant children now continue the mindless skipping down the crosswalk. Oh, and is it? Is it - yes it is the driver, limp wrist leaving a smear of blood across the inside of the shattered windscreen. And a fire, yes a fire now consuming the gas tank quickly spreading toward the driver as he crawls helplessly around within the interior unable to escape. But what's this - the kids have gathered around the burning vehicle and, are they? Yes - they've removed their marshmallow sticks. Jim I don't think we have seen this level of resourcefulness from a group of our contestants so far to date, the sheer level of nihilism and ambivalence to human suffering in these children's eyes as they now sit around this burning wreck, the driver screaming within, it's just unparalleled in the world of motor vehicular sports Jim."

"It sure is Tom, if you look closely, the man inside that vehicle now more closely resembles the marshmallow on the stick that boy is holding."

"And yet, the kids continue to do nothing to save him, even as his upper half now dangles halfway out the driver door window, needing just a slight pull to free him, not one of the children are interested."


In Khakassia, a pensioner knocked down children crossing, accompanied by an adult, who was talking on the phone.

The footage shows how the car in the far right lane slowed down. At this moment, five children start moving on an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing across the road. The woman walked a little behind and was talking on her cell phone. At this moment, two 3-year-old girls are hit by a foreign car.

Serious consequences were avoided, despite the hard blow from which one of the babies flies off. One girl was injured in the accident. She suffered head injuries and facial abrasions.

View attachment 698861

In Khakassia, a pensioner knocked down children crossing, accompanied by an adult, who was talking on the phone.

The footage shows how the car in the far right lane slowed down. At this moment, five children start moving on an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing across the road. The woman walked a little behind and was talking on her cell phone. At this moment, two 3-year-old girls are hit by a foreign car.

Serious consequences were avoided, despite the hard blow from which one of the babies flies off. One girl was injured in the accident. She suffered head injuries and facial abrasions.

View attachment 698861

That was tough to watch. You can blame the driver all you want , but those stupid adults have more fault that that driver, running like drunk squirrels not paying attention poor kid had zero chance.

That was tough to watch. You can blame the driver all you want , but those stupid adults have more fault that that driver, running like drunk squirrels not paying attention poor kid had zero chance.


remember, legally pedestrians have the right of way in marked crosswalks...don't worry, most drivers will stop (it's the law!), so just keep walking


Forum Veteran
In Khakassia, a pensioner knocked down children crossing, accompanied by an adult, who was talking on the phone.

The footage shows how the car in the far right lane slowed down. At this moment, five children start moving on an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing across the road. The woman walked a little behind and was talking on her cell phone. At this moment, two 3-year-old girls are hit by a foreign car.

Serious consequences were avoided, despite the hard blow from which one of the babies flies off. One girl was injured in the accident. She suffered head injuries and facial abrasions.

View attachment 698861
Christ .l


˙˙˙ǝʌᴉƃ ᴉ sʞɔnɟ ssǝl ǝɥʇ 'ʇǝƃ ᴉ ɹǝplo ǝɥʇ
those ruskies are tough sons of bitches, original post said...

Serious consequences were avoided, despite the hard blow from which one of the babies flies off. One girl was injured in the accident. She suffered head injuries and facial abrasions.