accident She's high on something (2 Viewers)

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Forum Veteran
Whatever the fuck she's on, she shouldn't be driving on it.

Steve manged it dont be so hateful !


Forum Veteran
Murmansk motorists noticed a completely inadequate girl driving a Nissan and stopped her on their own in the middle of the city.

An intensive care unit had to be called to the scene, as the car lady’s condition raised concerns about a possible drug overdose.

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She’s not foaming at the mouth. That’s a good sign

would love to drug her up more and have my way with her
You had your chance. She was already drugged up. Now they took her away


Murmansk motorists noticed a completely inadequate girl driving a Nissan and stopped her on their own in the middle of the city.

An intensive care unit had to be called to the scene, as the car lady’s condition raised concerns about a possible drug overdose.

View attachment 752596
Oh I take advantage of her raping her cutting out her heart dismembering her body then eating her flesh and drinking her warm blood I'm proud cannibal